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  1. If you can do kid voices, then I would be interested in recruiting you for this -
  2. possibly not, depends on how you do. alright, if you want to show me what you do, send me the MP3 of it. My Email is Left4derpy@gmail.com
  3. well, atmospheric stuff mostly. We do need a theme song though, and a few other little numbers that I want to throw into it. The real question is, what can you produce? great! If you are willing to be apart of this thing, then here is the document for auditions. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zyLhHCgi8jb7BTH_S9pFORPOVyr12WZshq9GPUJWZG0/edit
  4. no, you will have the script in front of you. It is animated, so you just record a bunch of different takes and chose the best ones. And yes, we do need a musician.
  5. Aquapunkchick is our lovely derpy, and the animation is episodic, but I garentee when we get things rolling you wont need to wait for us to finish script. Cause it will be done.
  6. Well, we have a derpy already, and the other roles we need filled are in the video. There is Francis, Bill, The Russian pilot, Greggory, James, and Kevin. There also is the zombies.
  7. Hello everypony, please if you can help me fill my VA cast. I want to get this animation rolling, and I cant do that without a cast of voices. Thank you!
  8. Calling All Voice Actors, Calling All Voice Actors Calling All Voice Actors, Calling All Voice Actors Watch the video, and ask questions here. Doc link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zyLhHCgi8jb7BTH_S9pFORPOVyr12WZshq9GPUJWZG0/edit
  9. yes, i know how. First, you have to relax. sounds simple right? WRONG!!!! Actually kinda is for some people, but not for everyone. So here is a quick way to relax into sleep. Lay on your bed, and focus on two things. Your breathing. And your heart beat. Listen to those two things until you fall asleep. You can also listen to waves, but the other things are easier. Also, if you can, listen to a recording of a heart beat, will help alot. That is how to sleep, but what you described is lucid dreaming, and there is a completely different way to do that. This one requires you to have LOTS of will power. All you have to do is..... Stay still. If you stay still for 30-100 minutes without moving then you will enter a lucid dream. You also have to have your eyes open, so try not to blink. To do right, you cant even move if your body feels uncomfortable, you cannot move period. Besides breathing. that is kind of essential. But ya, if you stare at a fuzzy TV screen, or a blue TV screen the whole time, then you will enter the lucid dream. Now be warned that this is also how Night Terrors can occur, so watch out for that. When you suddenly cant move your body and hear voices whispering into your ear, then you have reached your destination. All you have to do then is close your eyes and imagine where you want to go, and bing bang zam, your there. I have done this to visit places like the leaf village, following Aang, and even Equestria. Where you go, and what you do, are only limited by your imagination, and you.
  10. Why? Why do you say they can be the only ones to sell things that are pony. If you think that a company can own the rights of a species then you are a slaver sir. Anyone can sell pony stuff, just not My Little Pony stuff. No, I never said I was wrong, I said the issue was resolved, as in I left this topic because it is shit. I Believe in all my mind that Hasbro is doing some very shady things to try and keep their money, which BTW they are loosing. Now there is wind that Hasbro is trying to copyright the word 'Brony' and you get one very suspicious man outa me. So ya, don't care what the lot of you have to say, but something is going down, and it isn't good.
  11. Your new to the conversation aren't you? Issue was already resolved, and my opinion of Hasbro is my own, so step off.
  12. Dude, your an extreme of the extremes. Your 5 second, and 5 second video movie thing is way unreasonable. No one would do that, cause it would take hours upon hours just to format. Then it will take an additional week or more just to upload all the bits. No one has that kind of time to get less then 10% of advertisement earnings. Oh, and you only get said earnings when they click the add, so fat chance getting anything at all. Also, like I said before, 5 seconds of review footage is enough to cause CID to attack. Which means all reviews will be hit for showing anything. It makes no sense, and is costing YouTube money in the long run.
  13. But having just a 2 second clip in a review makes the content ID match, it is extremely inconvenient to reviewers, and people of the like.
  14. Which is the issue. A computer has no concept of law, or what is just. A computer is cold, and calculating, and cant see beyond the boundaries of its programs. Youtube is having an issue, watch this and find out. fan made content is also being targeted, but no one is putting much focus on that.
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