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Dopey Hooves

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Posts posted by Dopey Hooves

  1. Omigosh. I really love Dashies personality because, it's just like mine. But, I think Fluttershy she's so cute. filly_fluttershy_by_thenaro-d4acncx.pngAsk yourself this. Can you look at this picture without saying "Aww." Or just in your mind "that's so fucking cute?"  Exactly.

    • Brohoof 4
  2. To say the least I am not one of those kids that takes one once a month or year. Not even. Usually it depends on what I am doing. If I am going out to dinner or doing something special I will take a shower. After sports such as soccer or football I get washed up pretty good. Whenever I wake up to go to school I take a shower. Sometimes I will just shower for no reason just to help me feel better. I probably shower about 1 or 2 times a day. Shower everyday children it makes you smell sexy ;).

  3. Mmk~ Thanks. XD I actually changed my mind could you make me a signature of Vinyl Scratch on the right and Octavia on the left with is saying "Music is music no matter what kind."? ohmy.png That would be lovely if you did! biggrin.png


    Of course. Your signature will not be finished for some time. I will be be going onto vacation tomorrow. For a couple of days. But, for sure I will finished your signature up as fast as I can.

    Hello! I'd like to request... Something... I have no idea what... I'm terrible at deciding... Something... With no text... Maybe... I dunno... Lyra? No, no, Pinkie! No, maybe Equestria Girls themed? Oh, I give up, just give me something... Cute. Yeah, cute! That's it, I want cute! Can you do that? Can you make me cute? I want Vinyl Scratch cute. That's what I want. Vinyl Scratch cute with no text.


    I this is actually pretty darn cute if you ask me. I think Vinyl Scratch is like the cutest filly. So cute xD anyways.


    Hope you like it.


    Thanks for requesting!

  4. Hello! I'd like to request... Something... I have no idea what... I'm terrible at deciding... Something... With no text... Maybe... I dunno... Lyra? No, no, Pinkie! No, maybe Equestria Girls themed? Oh, I give up, just give me something... Cute. Yeah, cute! That's it, I want cute! Can you do that? Can you make me cute? I want Vinyl Scratch cute. That's what I want. Vinyl Scratch cute with no text.


    xD So I guess were going CUTEY STYLE. Welp I think I can do that. Just cute Vinyl Scracth no text. Good thing you said no text. Probably would have done text if ya didn't say that.

  5. Oh My Luna!Change anything?! are you kidding me!? this is perfect! ahh thank you so much! I love it to death! its just what I asked for thank you oh so very much biggrin.png


    Your welcome, enjoy! If you ever want a new signature i'm the right guy for the job. Talk to you later :).

    For the first image, it won't be easy, but I'll give it a shot. As for the second image, do you want it without a background or something?


    *Update* Here's another image I found of Axel. Its about as HD as you could get in the interwebz



    And there is the new image of my OC you requested. Here ya go *piles the load on Dopey Hooves*, thanks and good luck *marches out the door, closes firmly*. Oh, by the way I'd like a new text for this signature, "The Masters of Fire".



    OK, I came close to a comparasion. The image you gave me the first and second time was not suited for what I was trying to make you so I just stepped in.


    If you want anything change just tell me. 


    Thanks for requesting!

  6. Well if you get any free time, Mind making me a Luna signature! would like to have her siting on a moon with my name on it and have it saying "Love all hate none, may Princess Luna be with you". Like I said if you get some free time and can make it, Sweet and thank you very much! if you can't its all good, and thank you for making signatures for us ponies smile.png


    I tried to get your name onto the moon but, it was just uhh I couldn't do it. So, I just did the quote you gave me. If you want me to change anything just let me know.



    Thanks for requesting!

  7. I have a request and a question. ^^ If I link you an image to my OC would you be able to use that picture to make a signature? ohmy.png Thanks for doing this thread. biggrin.png It's a neat idea. 


    Of course you can link me to an image of your OC silly and I can make you a signature if you give me a image.  




    Well if you get any free time, Mind making me a Luna signature! would like to have her siting on a moon with my name on it and have it saying "Love all hate none, may Princess Luna be with you". Like I said if you get some free time and can make it, Sweet and thank you very much! if you can't its all good, and thank you for making signatures for us ponies smile.png

    I always have time to cram stuff into my schedule for y'all. A Luna signature huh? Never done one of those so I am excited. 



    Hey, so I was hoping you could do a signature with my name and OC (I'll send you a pic by PM if you want). I'm not too bothered about font, just something cheerful and bright, preferably blue,  and for background would it possible to have either a grassy one, or just black with little stars?


    The big thing I was hoping for, if it's possible, is if you could also please include my tulpae in the signature. I'm not very good at drawing, but essentially they are just two foxes, one a pale grey/slightly blueish dogfox (think "russian blue cat")  and the other an electric blue vixen with a white breast and wings (although the wings aren't necessary if that's too hard). Please let me know if this is too much to ask for. smile.png

    Ok, I will PM you. I might just ask you what you mean first then  I can get down to work. 

  8. Well, thank you everyone for commenting. I will be making another story about Louis in a couple of days or so. Thanks for supporting me. 




     This is really fantastic my friend! I could actually feel Louis's pain, and that's great when an author does that. I want to know what happens next, do more! smile.png


    This is great! You are a great writter! I hope Louis life gets better... Can't wait to see what's next! (damn 100 "thing", it makes me keeping writting too much, oh wait! I did. whew!)


    Fascinating. Pacing's quite rushed (lil bit of Show Don't Tell could be nice)...but i don't want to be a cynical critic/debbie downer.


    I actually am very curious as to what this story is, since this little segment reveals very little of the story you're thinking of. I kinda want to know that story. o3o

  9. Could I possibly get one with my name and this picture of Pinkie Pie? http://doktorrainbowfridge.deviantart.com/art/18-Pinkie-Pie-The-Pinkie-Clock-03-00-339194103  With maybe a green like this and black background?  Or letters?  Or whatever?  I trust you'll come up with something awesome. img-1596550-1-smile.png


    Your signature is finished. I really hope you enjoy it. If you want anything changed just ask me.

    Have a nice day!


    Thanks for requesting.

    Can you make one with my oc  (ifyouwantthefilejustpmme) Pallete puddle with some splashes of paint saying her name :'D 


    = v= your siggys are so cute btw~


    I didn't have a paint splash font so I just kind of made the background like little paint spalshes. I hope you love this as much as I did xP.



    Thanks for requesting!

    Could you do a sig for me, if its not too much bother?


    Firstly, the sig has to feature these two chaps





    First one on the left (just the guy) and the second one on the right (just the pony). Background is a firestorm. Text is "Pyromaniacs since 1337" in whatever font suits you.


    Good luck and thanks a million. If it's too hard, then PM me and I'll figure out something else.


    Umm I don't think I can do this signature. Firstly the first image is too blurry. If you could get me a better quality of the first image I will do your signature. If you could get me another image of your OC that would be great.

  10. Um,her name is Marie, not Maria. >.< lol (filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler)


    OK I will fix that. Thanks for pointing that out. I think I might try and new style for your signature.

    Um,her name is Marie, not Maria. >.< lol (filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler)


    Here you go. Sorry for the typo. Anyways I hope you love it like you love Marie!





    Thanks for requesting!

  11. Thank you Dopey!!! That was pretty quick i thought it would be finnished for like 2 weeks. I think you made my idea even better!  I might ask for more soon just because i like your work, if its alright with you. Thanks for your hard work smile.png


    Eh, it took me kind of while. Because, I hadn't really checked my shop for a couple of days. So I had to do all of that. Then I had to think of what I could do that would be kind of like the request you gave me. I'm glad you like it. No, problem I am always active most of the time. Your welcome. 

  12. Yes, I love them. But, if you wouldn't have introduced me to them I would have never discovered them. Thank you for introducing me to Skillet! Some of my favorite songs by them are


    • Hero
    • Monster
    • Awake and Alive
    • Brohoof 2
  13. Well, if you read the rules I said to be self explanatory. If you wanted to have stars in it and a space cloud thing you should have said something before hand. I'll do what I can. 

  14. It looks awesome! Thanks for the Signature! I hope you enjoyed the challenge it gave you and I'll be sure to give you credit in the signature. 


    Ok thank you. I was glad I got a challenge. Sorry if it's like too cramped. But, it was so hard to put 4 objects into the signature.

  15. I would appreciate it if you could make me a signature that looks like it's in space With Commander Shepard, Master Chief and Rainbow Dash on it. In the middle I'd just like in futuristic looking text saying Admiral Colt. If you could do that, I'd appreciate it!



    Here's your signature. It was a challenge to cram everything in there. But, I hope you like it.



    Thanks for requesting!


    Hi could you please do a signature for me with a sky background with this picture on the right side http://i39.tinypic.com/347fi8y.png

    and her cutie mark on the left with a rock and roll type of font in rainbow pattern just saying rainbow dash. Thanks


    The image you requested was too blurry to add to the signature. I thought since you wanted like a music typed signature I would do this image. The font you requested was not available. I am sorry for not doing what you asked but, I wanted to at least make it like you wanted. I hope you like it.



    Thanks for requesting!

    Well,I need a signature to go with my avatar,so could you make me one? 

    Could you put him:


    And her:


    In it pretty please?

    And for the words,just "Shadow follower" Please. Bg can be any thing black.

    Thank you!!




    Here's your signature. I thought it turned out pretty cool. What do you think? Well, I hope you

    enjoy it. If you want anything changed just ask.


    Thanks for ordering!

  16. Looks like I am going to be busy for the next month xD. Jk everyone your signatures will be done by the end of the week. Thanks for requesting!

    Since you asked me to go into the shop, here I am. lol There are actually two ponies I'd like you to put on my signature. lol My girlfriend's OC and mine. :3 I want them to be looking at eachother if you could do that. img-1584985-1-tongue.png I'll give the images below. img-1584985-2-biggrin.png I'd like our names to be on the bottom as well. Jake and Marie. lol Any background you may choose. biggrin.png Just no pink. Our favorite colors are red and black. biggrin.png



    Here's your signature. Sorry it's a bit blurry. But, I hope you like it. If you want anything fixed

    just tell me. 

    Thanks for requesting.

    could i get one with my oc and rainowdash just doing somthing random and have my name in the middle? theres my ocimg-1585640-1-1011137_623801057644850_73



    Here's your signature. Hope you like it. I think it's funny how both of them look like they are

    about to kill each other xD. If you want anything changed just hmu.


    Thanks for requesting!

    Could you do a Non-MLP related signature? I didn't see anything about it in your description, so I'm not sure.


    If not, could you make me a Fluttershy signature? The background, to my preference, will be a darker blue, and the text could read "Villains Like Fluttershy Too". The text can be in white. I'd like Fluttershy in this pose: img-1585654-1-dancing_fluttershy_by_moon


    The image you gave me was too blurry so I used another image sorry if it looks bad and not the way you wanted. 



    Just thought I would add Angel into your signature. Hope you enjoy it.


    Thanks for requesting!

  17. This are very lovely reasons why Fluttershy is the best pony. But, I don't see it. Fluttershy has never really been my favorite. It kind of bothers me how she's always scared of things. and Then randomly faces her fears with no reasons behind this sudden action.  Sure she is cute. But, of all ponies I would go with Rainbow Dash <3. Sorry for hating. Dashy is 20% cooler than her.

  18. Just going to ignore this whole topic. Now who cares if she's popular. Suddenly you are just going to hate on a background pony. You don't even know if she will get her own episode or not. I thought it was a free country and we could love which mane 6 pony or background pony we wanted. and Don't tell me that the show focuses a lot on Derpy. Hell, she doesn't even play more than 2 mins in a episode. Just leave her alone will ya?  I think I know why she gets so much spot light in the human world. Because, she's a better/more interesting background pony you see any day. Do your self a favor and stop hating. 



  19. I have a lot of time frames when I go to bed. When it's a weekend I go to bed around 12:00. Then wake up usually around 8:00, so I just get 8 hours of sleep. If I have summer school I go to bed 9:30, 10:00 or 9:00. I have to wake up at 6:30, only getting 7 hours of sleep. To say the least I usually just get about average. Sometimes I will stay up late watching My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic or just goof around. But, it's always good to get a good nights rest for the human body to take a rest and be ready to resume its life cycle each day.



  20. Both characters are beautiful ponies. Rarity always has the best appearance, always makes some of the best parts in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic more funny than it really is. But, I am going to have to pick Rainbow Dash. She brings all of the action into the episodes that are lameo, 20% cooler than Rarity, awesome, never cares about her style and because, she is so darn pretty. Rainbow Dash wins hands down. Deal with it. img-1379355-5-xtWXQl1.png 

  21. I have been hooked on a couple of songs and those songs are,


    Work Hard Play Hard -Wiz Khalifa 

    We Can't Stop - Miley Cyrus 

    Get Lucky - Daft Punk

    Wanted - Hunter Hayes

    Not Your Birthday - Allstar Weekend

    Radioactive - Imagine Dragons

    Suit and Tie - Justin Timberlake

    We Are - Hollywood Undead

    Undead - Hollywood Undead

    Thrift Shop - Macklemore

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