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Posts posted by NewCalamity

  1. Always wanted to pop back into this thread finally.  While not entirely a weapon by itself, the bayonet on our Martini-Henry here is certainly fitting of the description.














    These photos are slightly out of date, as we've fully restored the Martini-Henry and its bayonet by this time. Might take a few shiny photos of it if someone's interested.

    • Brohoof 2
  2. So they would appear to be non existent, our antagonists/main protagonists with the exception of Discord, and Sombra (being only a dark unicorn). I mean I know Chrysalis is a changeling, but no big distinction in the whole "female alicorn" bit.




    Just swinging by to let you know I've merged your thread with an older, already existing thread on the very same subject!  Always keep in mind that you can search for threads if you have a feeling the subject may have already been discussed in the past.  Thanks!

    • Brohoof 1
  3. As I've more than likely expressed to you folk, I'm ecstatic to get started on working with you folk, and filled with renewed vigour upon the news of DF's impending return.  Hold the banner high!


    It was definitely a pleasure to have worked with SolarFox, and as always with our beloved moderators, it's a shame to see you go.  As we all well know, the team will continue to be in capable hands and we'll never forget what you've done for us as a whole, SolarFox.


    I've utmost faith in these two (of course, I'm the most important admin, so my say is what got them in), and helping them get through the ropes of the first couple weeks will once again be great fun.  Newer generations of helots moderators are always good fun, and a pleasure to add to our motley crew.

    • Brohoof 7
  4. Hello,


    As you've may or may not been aware, all members, banned or not, are entitled to creating support tickets filed under moderation dispute.  It is there, such members are able to present their whole case and side of the story to the Administration team.  If they feel they've been mistreated, they can argue their case there.


    As for the mention of discussing banned members on-site.  I don't feel that the simple mention and reference of their name is an unacceptable act.  However, if one does come across an abusive public post aimed towards a member, whether they be banned or not, the most prudent course of action would be to report the post in question so our Moderation team can have a look at it.


    Thanks for bringing these concerns to light!

    • Brohoof 10
  5. Hello!


    This question has been brought up in the past so often that it's merited its' very own FAQ entry!



    No. Members cannot delete their own posts or topics, nor can they delete blogs or blog entries that they've made. The only content that users are able to delete on their own are status updates and status update comments.

    These limitations are in place for several reasons... first and foremost, it is our experience that people most often seek to have threads removed when the reception to the thread is not what they would like to see. A good example of this is a person creating a thread to debate a particular topic of interest, only to realize that the opinion that he or she is arguing for is unpopular and difficult to defend.

    Another common thing we've ran into is for people to seek to remove all of their content when deciding that they'd like to 'leave the site' for good. This is problematic for a couple reasons - first, it can carve massive chunks out of discussion threads, leaving behind a tremendous amount of collateral damage. Who wants to read a thread in which a great deal of the original content has been stripped out? Secondly, what happens if - like many others - their decision to make a hasty retreat from the forum was done on a whim and they end up returning?

    If a user desires the removal of one of his or her posts and/or threads, they are encouraged to use the large red report button that is located beneath every post on the forum, or to PM a moderator, with reasoning as to why they want their topic or post removed, locked, etc. As long as there is a credible reason for the request the staff will often honor them, though threads that have spawned good discussions, and/or posts that are central to the discussion taking place within a thread are unlikely to be removed. The decision of whether or not to remove a given thread and/or post is up to the discretion of the moderator that handles the report.


    Again, the reiterate, there's far too much possibility of members being able to erase their own histories as well as leave gaping holes in discussion threads, making them look shoddy and non-linear.


    If you wish a post of yours to be deleted, report it and state your reason clearly, if it is deemed a legitimate enough reason to merit hiding, it will be hidden as soon as possible.



    • Brohoof 5
  6. The whatever topic chat about anything you want.


    Hello!  Just popping by to inform you that, as we already have a thread dedicated to chatting - I've merged your thread with the already existing 'General Chat Thread'.


    Always a good idea to ensure thread's don't already existing by searching beforehand  ^^  



    • Brohoof 2
  7. As the good Doctor says, leading by example is the best thing, especially a member, can do. 


    As far as the moderation approach to posts that are unsatisfactory in quality goes, there's the "Pointless/Off-Topic" category for warning offending members.  A problem we've been facing more and more as our numbers grow, is that many become completely turned-off when they are mercilessly given warning points for an offence they feel they did not commit - as much of the time, these offences are purely by mistake and without the knowledge that they were doing harm to the thread.  Taking the amount of issues we've been running into regarding this particular offence, we've been mulling over what can be done about the folks who feel wronged too often by our iron-fisted will.



    Okay, that's enough mod-bashing for now.

    As you and most others are most certainly aware of, this site has become rather large, and proactive moderation is not as easy as it once was. More and more, staff much rely on paragons to rise up from the community and do their best to report anything nasty they come across. Especially in the weeks leading up to the Winter Holidays, folks are busy and may not always dive onto a report, or any other issue right away. 'Tis the Season.


    In the end, report, report, report, is what you can do to help clean up some stray pointlessness, or off-topic posts you come across in your travels around here. Always keep in mind, our staff is here to help out as best we can - and in no way do we want to see nonsense linger any longer than it needs to.

    • Brohoof 14


    You had to use the photo of me sick with a cold, eating, in the morning, in London, didn't you?


    I haven't seen him around in a long time, I keep forgetting he's still here xD





    That's the look of a man who's seen some serious shit. Keep away from him when he's been hitting that water. D:




    Such majestic pone


    • Brohoof 5
  9. What if we are real ponies from mlp and invented the interwebs?

    Who's your fav pony from the show? (Sorry if already asked)

    1. I don't feel qualified to answer that one.


    2. The purple and white one.

    • Brohoof 2
  10. O the great and powerful mods & staff! 


    I'll think of a question now... 

    What's your favorite movie? (has this already been done? sorry if it has)


    Stalingrad, Gettysburg and Black Hawk Down to name a few.

  11. 'ello. Like the pink thing a couple posts above me, I normally am not keen on getting others to do payless work for me, but your sketches are far too charming to pass up.

    I would be eternally grateful if you could sketch up my OC, Decisive Act on the floor in some form laughing hysterically. At what? Ah, who knows!


    Decisive is a rather reserved and quiet pony. Only speaking when he has something to say when in a group environment, but opens up more when in private with someone he trusts. He tends to approach dilemmas with a nearly entirely neutral outlook and can appear a bit cold on the outside as he does so - omitting emotions from the equation when dealing with a serious, calculating issue. He is a relatively happy pony, with his primary issue in life being his anxiety - his head is often filled with self-doubt and expects the worst from both situations and other ponies. Despite these social shortcomings, he doesn't allow others to detect it and keeps a straight-spined demeanor as much as possible. Once his trust is gained, he will open up much more to personal friends and almost seem like an entirely different pony when compared to his public attitude.


    Reference Sheet:
    Other artistic examples of him: 



    Thank you for the hard work you're putting into making so many folks happy!

    You also earned a Tumblr follower~

  12. Most of my mornings start off with a cuppa tea.  Without it, I have an odd tendency to not eat in the mornings for at least a couple hours.  My tea is rather plain and traditional with a teaspoon of sugar and added milk. 


    Coffee, on the other hand, I have never found an affinity for.  On the multiple occasions I've had opportunities to try it out, none have ever really stuck with me.  Tea is definitely enough for me to survive the mornings.

    • Brohoof 2
  13. While it may be difficult to do at times; when feeling a little under the weather I do my best to try and surround myself with the things I enjoy most.  Primarily my friends, music, and perhaps a book.  If the weight of a to-do list is bearing down on me, or issues are piling up, I can sometimes muster up enough motivation to just get out and accomplish them for then I'm left with nothing to worry about.  It is easier said than done at times though.


    At the moment, a book and some rain outside pattering against the windows sounds quite decent to me.

    • Brohoof 1
  14. I suppose it would be beneficial to have access to the raw photo itself that Feld0 has. But for now, a list of those in the field of view would be beneficial for helping folks figure things out:

    • Zoop
    • Jonke
    • Key Gear
    • Vexx3
    • ~Chaotic Discord~
    • Wing McCalister
    • Marco
    • NewCalamity
    • Ice Storm
    • Artemis
    • Lady Rarity Pony
    • thereisnospoon303
    • Chigens
    • Nelson LaQuet
    • Apple Bloom
    • Brohoof 2
  15. I suppose I should have posted here awhile ago seeing as how I've been into this game for some time now.

    I solely play as the Terran Republic on the Connery server. "NewCalamity" Battle Rank 18 as of this post.

    I haven't given dedicated cert grinding much though, but I think I will begin focusing on certifying my armour. Primarily the Prowler for the time being. Focusing on the Harasser as well might not be such a terrible idea seeing as how the majority of my playtime is spent with @Artemis.



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