Not at all, rubberfruit is pretty hilarious but his fillers if he was sane, naw.
I meant the last 2 episodes in general, they felt blank and empty with no exact reason to it, a filler. Not to say I can do better but you know what I mean with a filler right?
Basically what I meant at the time of writing this (Late at night after coming home from a 15 hour flight) was the fact that they felt like no exact reason in theme, as fillers as I've said quite many times, just to make time pass by in the episodes, no impact on the characters, the story, barerly anything. And this is the last few episodes, I've loved pretty much all episodes in S2 Sofar but these two, three, maybe four last have been terrible, sort of. Maybe it is just me but I suppose I can state my opinion anyways.