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Nerdy Luigi

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Everything posted by Nerdy Luigi

  1. Started playing Battlerite this morning. It's a pretty interesting game. I've played some of it and it's somewhat enjoyable when my FPS isn't garbage.
  2. Yet another post where I have no idea what you're even talking about...
  3. There's quite a few games I wish I could go back in time for, considering I'm reduced to playing PC games and emulations my PC can run without bad FPS :/ - Fourth Gen Pokémon. I say Fourth Gen specifically because I absolutely loved the experience Sinnoh had while it lasted for me. Only played Gold version since, and I just didn't enjoy it nearly as much. If I offended people who grew up with it, sorry, but I just find it to be the worst of the main series games. That doesn't mean I think it's bad though, in fact it's actually a pretty amazing game that just had a few problems that made me not able to enjoy it as much as other games. - Team Fortress 2, back before the End of the Line Update. The game was probably the most fun I'd ever had, and since End of the Line has only been cranking out updates that make it feel like a shadow of its former self. Well, that is kind of what it is at this point. The game used to be a game that I could sit for hours on end, and NEVER get bored of. I could always go to a different sort of lobby (played a lot of KOTH and Versus Ponyville) and have a fresh experience. - Super Smash Bros. Melee/Wii U. I really missed playing the whole series, but I missed these two in particular because I found them to be such fun. Heck, I'm not half bad at playing either. I beat my brother, the second best Ike in San Antonio at the time, multiple times with my Yoshi. But Ike is pretty low tier and for good reason... Melee is the first game I ever completed 100%, and of course I have nostalgia for that. When I FINALLY unlocked Mr. Game and Watch, it felt so good that I finally unlocked everyone there was. - Most every game I used to have. I have quite a bit of nostalgia for the simpler times, when I sat up at four in the morning beating Contact's final boss, when I sat in the car while me, my brother, and my parents drove halfway across the country, playing Kirby Superstar Ultra. When I tried to 100% Double Dash, and ultimately did... All of those experiences have been lost to time, and I wish I could have them back...
  4. Basically every Youtube video I've ever made. They're really cringy. I deleted them all and good riddance. I really needed better quality control of the content. Also really regret EVER playing League of Legends, it was probably one of the worst decisions I ever made. Sadly enough, I've thought of coming back to it. Also regret being an annoying pest to my brother (and probably other people) when I was younger. If I had to deal with someone like I used to be, now... Those among probably a lot of other things... Seriously, the old cringe as well as bad decisions would probably fill at least an entire page...
  5. The game was actually in a really good state a few months ago, but Hi-Rez completely messed it up since and now it's basically not even enjoyable anymore. Doesn't help that it has the most toxic subreddit I've ever seen (I have seen a good few bad ones), though that perception may be because of the fact that I haven't been to some of the more infamous communities (like TheDonald, MensRights or TwoXChromosomes), and I'm happy about that because of the terrible things I've heard...
  6. I was talking about Paladins here as well, because I actually got an infraction on their official forum for sharing an opinion FROM THE GAME'S LEAD COMMUNITY MANAGER. I was so angry with her for the longest time, not thinking that she wasn't a problem, Hi-Rez's higher-ups, as well as a prickish mod doing their dirty work (got a lot of other nonsense reports from him) and having the audacity to lie about being a volunteer mod (well clearly not, or else there's no way he'd be so clearly in their pocket), are. They literally try to silence members of their own community that don't entirely agree with their perspective on the game's direction, and the subreddit took it a step further, actually ATTACKING (I mean as in PERSONAL ATTACKS, it's THAT BAD) people that don't agree with the perspective that Hi-Rez is taking the game in a good direction (or on their perception of the game's meta either), and they totally would have silenced me if it were in their power. Doesn't matter anyways because they clearly don't want me or anybody that disagrees with them on there anyways. I guess the mini-rant is over. Hasbro's that way also, though, and they were such pricks to that poor girl...
  7. Intentionally not listening to entire sections of their consumers/audience/playerbase is quite the flaw, and by the terminology, you probably can tell I think Hasbro isn't the only company that has that problem (*cough cough* Hi-Rez, except with a specific section of the Paladins playerbase *cough cough*). Of course I mean they should listen to us, but not on ideas like I think you're talking about here, because those ideas are terrible, especially for shows like this one x_x...
  8. Oh I don't know, because we buy stuff from them related to the show, and that just happens to be exactly why they made it in the first place? Even if that weren't the case, it would be downright stupid if they tried to not listen to a part of their audience because 'they aren't the target audience." It's honestly a pretty dumb excuse.
  9. Honestly, I haven't even watched the new movie yet, and I never really had high expectations for it, considering the first Equestria Movie was fairly mediocre (though true, it happened to be the one considered to be the worst of the three), and I haven't watched the other two yet (partially because of a specific problem I had with the movie involving the way the mane six are animated as humans, but mostly because the first movie left me not really caring). Though I also don't understand why people get so irritated with other people expressing disappointment, it's a bit ridiculous and honestly a bit childish, and I also fail to understand why some people think they know you had high standards for something because you said you were disappointed with it, basically acting like their opinion of it is the only valid opinion. I've seen this done A LOT over the movie. It's a bit different than what I expect out of the series itself, though, where I expect the episodes to be fairly good most of the time (I mean MOST considering there where some episodes I went in with low standards looking at descriptions of an episode, and was disappointed even then (Hard to Say Anything)...). The series usually delivers on the expectation I have of it most of the time, so it's actually pretty reasonable for me to have it.
  10. Well, apparently someone recently ran Super Mario Odyssey in under an hour and 10 minutes.

    Pretty ridiculous what some people have already been able to do with this game, honestly.

  11. No I'm not. I've given evidence that you do have nefarious intent and you choose to ignore it and instead victimize yourself. It's rather pathetic, actually. Yes, I've "accused" you of lying about your own experiences because there's no way you could think that people with anxiety problems are the way you describe with these "personal experiences." No way I can be made to believe it at least, because, of course, it just makes you sound ridiculous to me. Hypocrite, you're doing the exact same thing you're accusing me of doing here! You're trying to make yourself a victim when you literally just attacked everyone with an anxiety disorder. It was even a fairly pathetic attempt, that is obviously not working on me and in fact is only making me furious. I have watched both of them a lot. It doesn't clarify the meaning behind your nonsense whatsoever... It literally doesn't do anything to clarify any of it. In FACT, I've watched Lesson Zero at least ten times now and it makes me no more understand how people with anxiety disorders are "silly" and apparently bad people. I feel like you should tell yourself that now, because according to your beliefs, you're being "silly." I just try to defend people with anxiety disorders and guess what? You go further on to attack me because you can't stand the fact that you made it sound like an attack on the anxious (proving my "accusation" to be fact). According to you then, maybe I was wrong in thinking you were lying. Maybe you are suffering from anxiety, according to your logic, because you literally tried to use half of this essay long post as a poor attempt to frame yourself as a victim when you're the one creating the actual victims. Laughing actually has nothing whatsoever to even do with this discussion and the fact you're trying to use that as a deflection is laughable... You resorted to going completely off-topic to try to make me look bad. I'm astonished by the lengths you take to attack people with anxiety and people that disagree with you in the most passive-aggressive way possible.
  12. Peeved I think is the perfect word to describe it.
  13. I don't really believe in it, but I find it more believable than most other conceptions of the afterlife.
  14. Would be nice if that didn't put me in Mexico. But I'd definitely want them to take back Arizona, Utah, and Nevada. Especially Utah, because of all of the Mormon religious zealots.
  15. I don't think you realize how much we've messed up our planet. Each person releases TONS of CO2 every year. I mean as in METRIC TONS. Not even joking. Also, those space rocks fly several TIMES faster than bullets and are a mile in diameter. How's that not going to do a lot of damage? You obviously don't even know what you're talking about here, and this isn't the first time you've made a post that makes this little sense.
  16. That's a really good question that I don't know the answer to at all, but you probably do, though part of it is that you're probably lying about having anxiety problems. How am I ATTACKING YOU? You said that anxiety is simply a behavioral pattern (It isn't) and basically said that anyone with anxiety is silly (you really did, don't lie). I'm defending everyone here who actually does have anxiety problems from your nonsense, and at this point even myself.
  17. First paragraph is a pretty obvious deflection. Second and third are clearly not based on your source because your source says that anxiety disorders exist and that's exactly what you're trying to say isn't true with these two paragraphs. I still maintain it was an attack, and your attempt to frame it as something else really isn't working for you here.
  18. I can't really choose one. Carrots- I just find them nasty, and I nearly throw up when I can taste them. Sweet Potatoes- How are these sweet? They just taste nasty. Seafood in general- I can't stand the taste of seafood at all. Stew- I personally don't understand why anyone would want to eat any. Also applies to almost anything else done in a slow cooker. Hot (as in spicy) food- Being a wimp when it comes to food that is too hot. Heck, my dad sliced a couple of chipotles into some enchiladas we've been eating for the past several days. I've had to cover them in sour cream and have a full glass of milk on hand or else I'd be miserable. Beets- The taste makes me disgusted. Not big on earthy flavors, but beets are the worst about it in my opinion.
  19. I'm male, though I wouldn't consider myself a "boy" necessarily. I'll just use that perspective. As a "boy", there are plenty of not-so-masculine things about me: - I've enjoyed several more "girly" cartoons, like MLP (of course) and Star Vs the Forces of Evil (well, I may not if they mess up the next batch of episodes). Those aren't really the only examples, but they're a couple of them that I'm more into now. - I like my hair longer rather than shorter. I've been growing it out and only cutting it when I really need to. Mostly because I like styling it. - I can't stand physically intensive things like sports and weightlifting. - I'm a pretty emotional person. I don't really cry, but I'm actually quite emotional as a person. - Pink is actually one of my favorite colors. In fact, I'm not sure whether pink or red is my favorite. - I've had wine and vodka (the latter was an accident, it looked like water to me x_x) and I found them both disgusting. - A lot of who I'd consider my closer friends at the end of high school were girls. - I like wearing more feminine clothing, though I avoid doing it because I don't want to be judged by people around me. - I don't like having body hair. I absolutely hate it, but I can be a bit forgetful to shave it. It almost makes me feel better when it's off of me. - I really like cute things. In fact a large fraction of my favorite Pokémon I like simply because THEY ARE ADORABLE. - I don't burp. Yeah, I've actually completely stopped doing it. I expel the gas in a less disgusting way instead. - I absolutely HATE it when men talk about sex and things like that. I find it gross and obnoxious, both.
  20. Best memes: Here come Dat Boi. Dank meme that cracks me up every time, still does even a year and a half after it became one. YouTube Poops. Do I even need to really say why they're so great? They stand the test of time, too. Smoke Weed Everyday. I have yet to see an unfunny use of this meme and it's been around for about 5 years now. Worst memes: HARAMBE. I'm glad that meme died off, it was an absolutely terrible meme that actually makes me angry when I see it used. Chewbacca Mom. What even is that? Like it's so cringy that calling it pure cringe is even an understatement. At least it kind of died out. Italian Hand meme. How did that become popular? It just looks downright stupid, and has zero comedic value...
  21. You don't know what you wrote? I even BOLDED IT FOR YOU. You literally attacked EVERYONE on this forum that has an anxiety disorder and acted like it was their problem.
  22. When you accidentally stumble across a YouTube video where somebody is red-baiting against Donald Trump and it has a high like ratio. I hate him too, but they make up NONSENSE to attack him with? There's no reason to debate with such morons, because they basically make my arguments against them for me anyways.

    1. Libra


      Nerdy, just avouid politics.

      Just let the two parties beat each other senseless and hope decent people will take over.

    2. Nerdy Luigi

      Nerdy Luigi

      @Ninetales I really should, but it's easier said than done.


    3. Libra


      I can give you some tips if you want.

  23. Well, I watched the new Star VS episode bomb. It was disappointing.

  24. Watched the whole thing. To say the least, I'm disappointed. Pony Head was present more than MARCO, Marco somehow devolved as a character, and all of the episodes were filler. They had so much to work with, but they literally gave us filler. I hope this trend doesn't continue, because if it does, we lost one of the best modern cartoons, because it turned from amazing into tween girl and shipper pandering garbage with nothing really there. In general, this episode bomb gets a 6/10 from me. It was actually pretty mediocre in my mind, and I hope there are better episodes coming soon, because if not I'm going to completely lose my faith in the show from this point on.
  25. I've been considering getting back into League recently, mostly just because I really like the new Runes Reforged, probably the best gameplay change since about Season 5 in my opinion. Still only considering because of the absurd amount of toxicity that probably hasn't gotten any better, and I'd think probably has gotten worse. I may stop playing Paladins soon anyways because Hi-Rez is seemingly trying to make the game worse and using the "it's still in beta" excuse. Maybe I could actually make a completely new account so the soft ranked resets don't mess up my attempts at climbing the ladder. Or figure out a way to making it run on my computer without it attempting to explode and make it actually playable with the extremely bad internet I have at the moment. Heck, it's three times slower than my old internet and that couldn't run it under 100 ping most of the time...
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