There's quite a few games I wish I could go back in time for, considering I'm reduced to playing PC games and emulations my PC can run without bad FPS :/
- Fourth Gen Pokémon. I say Fourth Gen specifically because I absolutely loved the experience Sinnoh had while it lasted for me. Only played Gold version since, and I just didn't enjoy it nearly as much. If I offended people who grew up with it, sorry, but I just find it to be the worst of the main series games. That doesn't mean I think it's bad though, in fact it's actually a pretty amazing game that just had a few problems that made me not able to enjoy it as much as other games.
- Team Fortress 2, back before the End of the Line Update. The game was probably the most fun I'd ever had, and since End of the Line has only been cranking out updates that make it feel like a shadow of its former self. Well, that is kind of what it is at this point. The game used to be a game that I could sit for hours on end, and NEVER get bored of. I could always go to a different sort of lobby (played a lot of KOTH and Versus Ponyville) and have a fresh experience.
- Super Smash Bros. Melee/Wii U. I really missed playing the whole series, but I missed these two in particular because I found them to be such fun. Heck, I'm not half bad at playing either. I beat my brother, the second best Ike in San Antonio at the time, multiple times with my Yoshi. But Ike is pretty low tier and for good reason... Melee is the first game I ever completed 100%, and of course I have nostalgia for that. When I FINALLY unlocked Mr. Game and Watch, it felt so good that I finally unlocked everyone there was.
- Most every game I used to have. I have quite a bit of nostalgia for the simpler times, when I sat up at four in the morning beating Contact's final boss, when I sat in the car while me, my brother, and my parents drove halfway across the country, playing Kirby Superstar Ultra. When I tried to 100% Double Dash, and ultimately did... All of those experiences have been lost to time, and I wish I could have them back...