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About Jinnai

  • Birthday 1991-10-30

Profile Information

  • Gender
    Not Telling
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  • Personal Motto
    Play safe, never take daring chances ;)
  • Interests
    MLP, Pokemon, FPS, RTS, reading, writing and voice acting :)

My Little Pony

  • Best Pony
  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race

Jinnai's Achievements


Muffin (2/23)


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  1. HNNNNNG...Celesita singing...my heart..hnnnng..

  2. Hehe, anyone got tips about what one should do about a onesided relationship? :)

    1. Misty Rose

      Misty Rose

      LOL! I guess try your best to woo and totally win over the other party. I don't know I've never been in a relationship before, not romantic at least. Try something you absolutely know the other party likes, start a conversation or something and work from there! That's all I've got, peace out!

    2. Jinnai


      Hehe I'm trying I'm trying, but he ain't easy to work with xD Peace out ^^

  3. Hahaha, no i can't say i have, rather the opposite, most foreign people i meet (mostly americans as of now) are all interested in where i am from. Sometimes they say they love my accent when i speak english to them, and that's when they'll ask where I'm from Other then that i have perhaps witnessed a bit racism, but we're fairly open minded in Norway, especially In the part of the country where i live. Near the main state/city of sorts, Oslo, it's much worse from what I've heard, and I'm glad i don't live there
  4. When i first discovered it i just saw all these random pony pictures and such popping up on different websites, and i was like wth..xD I didn't pay much heed to it, but when i learned that someone as old as me actually liked the show i became somewhat of a hater I drew something and said some nasty things that i all regret, and after another while i saw much more content popping up on places like youtube and deviantart. The fanart was all pretty good, and i began by listening to some mlp remixes, i hadn't heard the original songs, but some of the fanmade music was dang good and catchy. And then after some MORE time, i finally decided to challenge my masculinity and watch the show So i had seen some guys on youtube first that talked about how it was when they first watched the show, "So i saw the first episode, but it was a two parter so i just had to see the second...and at late night i had watched the entire first season and I'm like..what is my life?!" xD And i was so surprised when that happened to me as well! 8D I didn't watch the entire first season tough, i watched like..seven or eight episodes i think, but i had an awesome time watching it for the first time and i was just hooked
  5. Ahahahaha, that must have been so hilarious! That's just what you've gotta do bro, laugh at the hater instead of responding to him/her
  6. Oh yes, I'm still being bullied in fact! My family pull jokes on me and such, and they all get upset and embarrassed whenever i buy some mlp related merchandise. And the worst is that my boyfriend is very much the same, he gets upset and emo whenever i mention anything ponyrelated But what can you do?
  7. Ah bro, good video, but it is just this thing they like to do you know? I mean hating is their business, whether it be for just making people angry, getting a kick out of making other people feel sad, or just being a douche/troll. There's just nothing we can do about them in general, they will always be here no matter what we say or do, there will always be haters. The important thing is to not listen to what they say I actually find some hate comments to be rather humorous, just because of how outrageous they are But yeah, bottom line is just ignore them and forget about them, and just don't feed the parasprites
  8. Nah i haven't, norwegian youngsters are so caught up in studying and getting a good education and job that they barely even watch youtube, i betcha at least 70% of norwegian youngsters have no clue what a brony is. Online i haven't had much luck either, but hey, that might just be me Worst thing is tough I've met haters, and to make matters even worse, my very special "somepony" (He sure as hell wouldn't like me calling him that) is a hater, so yeah, lucky me xD
  9. I have no idea, i haven't met any other bronies yet xD But if i were gunning for it, i guess I'd just wear a brony/pony shirt of some sort
  10. I'd freak out at first, seeing as you know, there's a FREAKING pink pony creature standing beside/in front/wherever she is. After getting my shit together I'd calm down and try to analyze the situation, as well as ask Pinkie Pie the elementary questions: How did you get here, why am i here, how do we get out, and can i come back to Ponyville with you? xD Hehe, seeing as it's Pinkie Pie tough i probably wouldn't have gotten a clever answer, I'd just try to escape the room since i didn't wanna end up having to eat Pinkie to survive 8D
  11. Ah dude, I've had many friends like yours xD Mainly trough my teenage years, i weren't very good at socializing myself with others my age, 'cause i was really childish, loved pokemon since the first day it came to the country, so i hung around with my younger brother and his friends 8D I did have two childhood friends who i knew 'cause one of them was the son of a good friend of my mother, and the other was a good friend of his. Basically what I'm trying to get at here is that I've had these sort of, shifting friendships, that have all been good and bad ofc. Today I'm left with no one, i mean i know some people that might be considered friends, but i just don't know them well enough, we just hang out some very few times. So yeah, i haven't got one truly good friend as of today, but i have had good friends
  12. Ah crap, i can't really say I've gotten a really positive reaction about it yet, but then again i haven't told very many. My parents and siblings all pull jokes on me and sigh and get upset whenever i buy some mlp related merchandise. But yeah, i have gotten a worst reaction, which was from none other then the love of my life! Him: "So what, you watch my little pony now? You're a brony? God I've lost you completely.." Me: "Uhm it's just a fun cartoon, it's not a big deal. I mean we both watch Pokemon right?" Him: "Sigh..." Yeah...I've been trying to get him to like the show, but he just detests it for some reason..it does bother me a bit, especially since he gets all emo and angry whenever i mention it, but hey, that's a relationship for yah xP
  13. Hmm, i guess not. About three years ago i won a cap at a Pokemon TCG tournament, that had like a black and white and red picture of a pokemon trainer on the front of it, and I've been wearing it ever since. So when i started with more advanced studies, university etc, everyone could always tell; Oh that dude likes pokemon, and some would be, eh that's your thing dude, and some would be, omg how childish, but i just didn't care anyways. Now i don't have any brony clothes yet (hoping to get some soon), but i assume it will be more of the same. I won't bother with what people think of me, but i won't shove it into their face either ofc.
  14. Haha, gotta find something to do then! xD Good night and sleep tight by the way, I'm off to bed 8D

  15. I'd scream in surprise and then go all like; "WHATHOWISTHISPOSSIBLEOMGPONIES!" Then I'd try to settle down and just figure out how, why, and if i could join them back to their world somehow
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