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Capt. Snuggle Gruff

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Posts posted by Capt. Snuggle Gruff

  1. Anyone know how to redeem purchases within the game?  I bought some gems (I know bad idea, I think I was drunk when I did it), but then deleted the game a little while later.  Now that I have a new phone I got the game again, but I can't find any redeem purchases button.


    Also I've tried adding people as friends but it doesnt seem to work.  My internet works fine, and so does my game.  I have an account on Gameloft as well, any idea?

  2. I've already posted this in the request guild, but since there has been no response I thought I would put it here.  If I'm breaking the rules or spamming the forums please let me know and I'll take it down.


    I really like the Wonderfilled Oreo commercials.  Those songs are extremely catchy.  And since I'v always wanted to make songs about Ponies, but never had the talent, I thought I could just do a parody of the Oreo songs.  However I can't find a instrumental version of the song, or just the music by itself.  Again I have no musical talent so I was going to ask if any one here who does have music talent could help me out by maybe playing the song.  Or if anyone knows how to just remove singing from the original video then that would be awesome as well!  I've linked below the original and all info I can get on the chords and the sheet music.  I would really appreciate it!  Thanks!   :wub:




    Chords and Sheet Info:  







  3. I really like the Wonderfilled Oreo commercials.  Those songs are extremely catchy.  And since I'v always wanted to make songs about Ponies, but never had the talent, I thought I could just do a parody of the Oreo songs.  However I can't find a instrumental version of the song, or just the music by itself.  Again I have no musical talent so I was going to ask if any one here who does have music talent could help me out by maybe playing the song.  Or if anyone knows how to just remove singing from the original video then that would be awesome as well!  I've linked below the original and all info I can get on the chords and the sheet music.  I would really appreciate it!  Thanks!  :wub:




    Chords and Sheet Info:  







    Well this.....upsetting.  Thought someone would help out.    :(

  4. @@Capt. Snuggle Gruff,


    Well since you want to be two singers, let the first singer sing the first two verses, the first prelude. Have the second join in on the first chorus. The second one will then get to sing the next two verses and prelude to chorus solo. Then for the next chorus bridge both will sing. Both will also sing the final chorus.  

    Sounds great!  How is the music coming along?

  5. @Thunder-Lane


    Ok, that sounds good.  Is there any chance I could hear most of the song to get the idea and the flow?

    @@Capt. Snuggle Gruff,


    How about this: We split the lyrics in half. I work on some and you work on some. We can brainstorm together.  

    Do you wanna work on the first or the second half of the song?  As well do you think it would be a good idea to have two singers, one to sing the beginning then switch it up with another singer almost as if they are to people singing to each other?

  6. @Thunder-Dash

    Seems a bit too romantic. The point I wanted to make was that anyone can hug. These lyrics seem a bit too much like a love story. Perhaps it could work. I don't mean to be pushy but, I thought maybe I would make the lyrics since the idea was mine. But again you know more about music so you probably know best.


    I wanted something a bit more happy, not as emotional.  Something really fun and warm feeling.

    Actually, I also had some lyrics in mind. 
    Here they are for the first verse
    Love is a fire
    That spreads from your heart
    The cold tears of sorrow
    Can't stand with the warmth

    Hey, are you still here? Just wondering if you left or not.
  7. @Thunder-Dash


    Sure, I don't think i've ever heard Open Arms, so I'll go check that out as well.


    Update:  Dang thats a good song.  Not a huge fan of the electric guitar (if it's called something sorry again).

  8. @Thunder-Dash


    Well, as I was saying I really like a lot Sim Gretina's music.  However I didn't really think that that specific electronic feel would fit with the song.  Looking at "Let Her Go" by Passenger is a good example.  Not the lyrics but just the music near the beginning is really happy and light hearted, and just makes me smile.  So probably something with a guitar and maybe a few bells in the background.  Again sorry for not being extremely specific, but I never really could understand music.  I just like listening to it mostly.



    Near the beginning it's really happy sounding.  Later on its kinda sad but besides that something along the lines of the start.

  9. So recently I was taking to another brony about hugs.  Mainly about how much they have been dumbed down recently.  In my life I have almost never gotten a hug from anyone.  I was talking to this guy about how I love the fact that the Brony community is alright with hugs.  Every Brony can hug another Brony with no problem (Most of the time).


    Well, I have been struggling recently on figuring out how to add to the media side of the Brony community.  I had this bright to create a SONG ABOUT HUGS!  But one problem, I can't make music.  I can't read it, and I can't make it.  But of course thats why I came here.  I have no idea what the lyrics will be or how the music will go.  I was thinking that after the music track was made the lyrics would be made.  So here is what I'm asking for:


    Someone to produce music for this song.  I wanted the music to sound happy nonstop.  Something along the lines of "One plus 1" by Sim Gretina (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzB_Oph3nPE).  The music from that song just makes me smile FOREVER!  Again I know this is a big request and there is no specific goal other than make music.  I'm not the greatest singer, so there may be a spot later on for the singer.  Also again no lyrics but it's gotta be something about hugs.


    This idea is really small right now, but I'm sure if people want to help make this than they will.  The whole point is to make a song that will just make people extremely happy when they hear it, and want to give hugs to everyone!

  10. Hello. I'm searching for people to help me out in a very big project.  It is a game and its called MLP: Welcome to the circus (based of of Dark woods circus and a sequel to Part Time Job). I'm currently writing the story and script for it and thinking of the different pony icons and event pictures that could go in it but I need some help with this project.


    I need game programmers (as many as possible). I was wanting this to be a sort of rpg game with some puzzles, items, save points, unlockables, different endings, hiding, and possibly cheat codes. 


    I think rpg maker handles this kind of thing but I'm not sure (I kind of live under a rock).


    requirements: you will need to be able to code practically anything without a problem and can do it at a decent pace. you'll be putting pretty much everything together.


    next I need voice actors~ the game will have voice acting in it soo I WILL need a recently recorded demo from you and please have it at a decent quality. these are characters that I will need actors for...



    Fluttershy: (not taken) 


    Big Macintosh: (not taken) 


    Applejack: (not taken)


    Applebloom: (not taken)


    Pinkie Pie: (not taken) 


    Lyra Heartstrings: (not taken)


    Twilight Sparkle: (not taken)


    Screw Loose: (not taken)


    Golden Harvest: (not taken)


    Lemon Hearts: (not taken)


    Ringmaster: (reserved)


    Sad Clown: (not taken)


    Pastel Sketch: (taken by Me)


    Requirements: must be able to act out any emotion. microphone must be decent quality.




    I believe that using animated cutscenes looking like the show does would be a little too complicated for rpg maker. so to make things easier we'll just have sprite animators. so we'll need as many sprite animators as we can get.


    Requirements: must be able to animate sprites with no problem at all. 


    Music!! No game is complete without it! 


    Every character and event should have a different theme. like some events should have a peaceful theme and some dramatic etc etc. and 90% of this game takes place at a dark woods circus so it should have a bit of a circus feel to it.


    Requirements: must be awesome at making music. if you want to help out with the music, please send me a link to your best work or create a 10 second demo of what you can do.


    We'll also need sprites and maps for this rpg. I will sketch out how the map should look like and then send it to you.


    Requirements: You must be really amazing at creating and animating sprites. and make sprite maps (I'm not sure what to call them)


    Background OCs:


    I don't know how many we'll need but there will need to be some things going on in the background of the cutscenes and such. so we'll need background OCs


    requirements no alicorns. no crazy patterns. please send us a picture of your oc.


    I think that's about it for now.  please let me know if you are interested. (and if you have a skype, you'll need to give it to me so I can contact you and see how you're doing on your part of the project.)

    This looks amazing.  I wanted to try out for some voice acting, but I'm not sure I know what some of the characters sound like.  Seeing as how I normally do lower and deeper voices I was wondering if there were any characters with deeper voices.  Also I may try out for some of the other main characters like Applebloom just for fun.  I shall await your answer!  Also where should I send in my audition?  Just put it here in the forum page?

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