"Deesh? Sheemsh too be enahgy resauces. Buddav neva sheen dish type on oyth. I don know where dish enahgy came fwom but we musht nevah let it into Doctah Wahwee's handsh. You musht recovah all dah enahgy immedialy w-Mega Man."
-Doctah Light, Crappy Voice Acting 8
"We...We have already strayed from the path. Now all we can do is stay true to our beliefs, wherever they might lead us." ―Soldier Stonekong, Mega Man X7
Here's the deeper-voiced version of the Vizier I have. (sorry for all the messy file misplacement)
Anyway, I have it now, and it's NOT a rant on YouTube that I accidentally saved over the other file.
The more nasal version is on page one of the thread.
Crap, I think that one was meant for YouTube and I saved over the other one... I'll get a replacement tomorrow...
I'll delete the ones that are posted and hopefully...
Let's just pretend that never happened
Huh, it's mp3 format for me. I'll get to it eventually.
Imma add pointless characters now
cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat
K, This version should work unless your computer cant read MP3s
now for some useless characters
Oh, and by the way, first time doing anything like this
-edit- this file was messed up too
Hi, my name is ThatPizzaPony, thatpizzaguy outside of pony stuff. I play Mega Man and 2D fighters as much as I can, even to the point of my forgetting to pee.
My friends and I make videos on YouTube, but I plugged that somewhere else because reasons.
K then.
I feel the need to give you a pointless plug.
But seriously, we update often and I'd like you to check it out.
This channel is run by me and 2 friends, and usually we keep our series alive as long as good content comes out of them.
I have two for "Vizier", because I had no idea whether he should have been nasal or stereo-typically "prim and proper fancy". So have two.
Note- I screwed up and save over the fancy version...