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Untitled Goose Q

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Blog Entries posted by Untitled Goose Q

  1. Untitled Goose Q
    As it's getting near the end of the year, and things are not likely to change before it does, and because I feel like it, I have decided to reflect on the year past.
    I've realized my interest in MLP is waning (though I still watch it all- I'm just not as bothered about it as I used to be), battled depression (though this is still ongoing) and realized something I once thought impossible.
    I like having friends.
    I never used to have many friends, one or two at most. I never cared much for making friends, or socializing in general.
    But over the course of this past year, I have realized how much my friends mean to me, how much I like making them, and indeed, I have started to want to socialize.
    I should note that by friends here, I am referring to my closest friends, that select group of people I would do anything for, not just the wider circle of friends (that I am still very thankful for!). I've made some of these friends here, and some via group chats on Skype (that I would never be in if I had not signed up as a member here!).
    So I am thankful to this forum, and will never leave, as well as thankful to MLP itself, for without MLP I would not be here, and thus would never have found out that friendship is indeed magic.
  2. Untitled Goose Q
    Thought I'd write a quick blog just to explain things, just in case anyone wants to know.
    I am depressed. I have been so for years, before I was ever here. I had taken the depression, and hidden it from myself, from the world at large.
    The happy, silly me was basically a lie, so I could avoid the depression. Will I ever go back to that? I don't know.
    Various things, including job seeking pressure caused my lifelong insomnia to get worse, which caused the wall holding back the depression to shatter.
    I plan to see a doctor about it, whether or not I'll actually find the motivation to do so is another matter. What will happen then... I don't know. I don't know if I'll get better, or if I'll get worse.
    One thing I do know is that I am not going to commit suicide. I've nearly done it before, not going down that route again. I will remain alive, however miserable I feel.
    So until I get better, if I do, thank you for putting up with me.

  3. Untitled Goose Q
    A dragon is a mighty beast
    Such power, such strength!
    Full of arrogance, this is true
    A thing they rightfully earned.
    But what then would happen
    If the arrogance is taken away?
    A dragon feels he rules the world
    What then, if he fell down low?
    A dragon soar higher than any other
    So when he crashes he sinks lower
    He hides away, hides from himself
    And dreams his dreams of what he was
    And as a dragon dreams like so
    He begins to lose himself
    He fades away, into the dream
    He fades away, into myth
    But if the dragon were to wake
    And be given what he lost
    If he remembers how he felt
    If he sees the world in light anew
    Could he then change?
    Could he retain humbleness found
    And keep his zest for life?
    I lie her now, and dream I do
    And remember what I lost
    In arrogance yes, and selfishness too
    I broke a beautiful thing
    And so I ask, dear friend I lost
    Could you forgive me thus?
    Could you give me another chance
    To regain what I lost
    If you say no, I understand
    And will bother you nevermore
    I will sleep, and I will fade
    And pass away to myth.
  4. Untitled Goose Q
    The Dragon Queen


    And so I stand here, now I stare

    At the beauty before me, the dragon queen fair

    Her scales shine iridescent, with the smallest of light

    Eyes swirl with emotion, and shine so bright.

    She spreads out her wings, blots out the sun

    Her majesty revealed, me it does stun

    She takes to the air, as I feel worthless

    But I am filled with a brand new purpose.

    I shall search the land, I now declare

    Until I find my queen's own lair

    And I shall enter, my life on the edge

    To serve my queen, my life to pledge.

  5. Untitled Goose Q
    "Use your gifts and your talents to greatest possible effect while you can. Spread joy wherever possible. Laugh at jokes. Tell jokes. Make puns and bugger the embuggerances. Read books. Read my books. You might like them. You might find something else you like even more than them. Look for these things in life.
    Question authority. Champion good causes. Speak out against injustice. Do not tolerate bullies or bigots or racists or anti-intellectuals or the narrow-minded. Use your education to challenge them. Broaden their perspectives. Make the world you interface with a happier place.
    These are your choices. Choices you have been fortunate to have been given, so don’t waste them while you have them. Don’t look back in years to come and wish you had grasped a fleeting opportunity. Grasp it now with both hands, Live. Strive. Love."
    Sir Terry Pratchett, 2014
  6. Untitled Goose Q
    Well, this year had been.... interesting.
    Met some wonderful people, including @Hyperhooves ( ) and alas some not so wonderful people, of which I shall not mention any (not many there, at least).
    I've had some brilliant times, and some rather... sad times, but I hope I have grown as an individual.
    I look forward to what 2015 will bring, but alas it appears as if there are times coming I will dread... but I will get through them, I will survive.
    And really, I love you all.
    Except you. You know who you are.
  7. Untitled Goose Q
    I started my journey in Sinnoh.
    When I began, all that time ago, I was a noob. I had no idea about IVs, or EVs, natures or abilities. I picked moves solely on base power, not caring about the type or physical/special, not using status moves at all. Then I started to learn. I followed Steven Stone, who gifted me a villa, to Hoenn, and learned. I journeyed through Johto and then Kanto (twice), and learned. I went to Unova, and learned. I went back to Unova, and started teaching others what I had learned. I came to Kalos, and met many people, battled, traded, learned and taught many times. Soon I will head back to Hoenn, but first I think it is time to restart Platinum.
    I think it is time to go home.
  8. Untitled Goose Q
    Welcome, again, to my humble blog. Here, I would like to talk a little about how it as affected me and probably some other random stuff, I do go off onto a tangent sometimes... like the time hen I...FOCUS!
    I got into FiM because I was bored. Had a college classmate not been a fan, I doubt I would ever have bothered to watch it, so I must thank him.
    Many times I have been feeling down, or mentally tired, and watching an episode made me feel better so quickly. The feeling I get when I watch it is unlike anything I have ever felt. I believe it's called "happiness".
    Of course, I did not join this forum immediately. That was a bit later, but I have found that being part of this forum has provided me with much the same as just watching the show does, but in a different way. So I would like to take a moment to thank everyone here, but especially my current and future friends. (I could, if I tried, probably think of and exception or two but I wont because I can't be bothered and it's not worth it).
    I wish I had discovered FiM sooner, I would have gotten so much more out of it.
  9. Untitled Goose Q
    On the ramblings of Mole Ponies
    With the odd interjection from a mole pony.
    I was bored, so I thought I'd write a bit about Mole ponies.
    But first, meet one.
    This is Que, my mole pony friend. And yes, he's right, my drawing does suck.
    Understatement of the year.
    You made the understated point first.
    Mole ponies are, of all the known sub-species of pony, the ones most different from the three standard types, (and also one of the least seen) being the Pegasi, Unicorns, and Earth Ponies. Of the three, Mole Ponies are most like Earth Ponies, given that they possess neither horns nor wings, and have a strong affinity with the earth.
    Mole ponies are shorter than most ponies, but are rather stocky, height being a disadvantage underground. They also have poor eyesight, although it is better than a standard mole. They do, however, have a heightened sense of smell and hearing, these being essential underground.
    Instead of hooves on their front legs, they have digger claws, but still posses hooves on their back legs. They can use these digger paws to move above ground, however it is rather slow, and as such they prefer to travel underground where possible. If forced to travel above ground, or when foraging for food, they will usually opt to wait until nightfall, as their eyes are sensitive to light.
    Tails and manes tend to be sleeker than those seen on many overground ponies, due to the difficulties caused by non-sleek fur in the often tight tunnels.
    Mole ponies, also unlike their above ground cousins, are not entirely herbivorous, as they often eat earthworms and various other invertebrae found underground, due to the difficulties of finding other foodstuffs underground, although they do got above ground for food sometimes.
    Mole ponies tend to be solitary, although when circumstances warrant it they will live in social groups. Even when solitary, messages will be passed from mole pony to mole pony, conferring information like the location of cave systems, the presence of other underground dwellers (eg, diamond dogs), and any other required information.
    When mole ponies communicate, they tend to be rather frank and straight to the point, due to often needing to communicate quickly. This is especially helpful when alerting other mole ponies to the presence of diamond dogs, as they have been know to kill and eat mole ponies when they can catch them. They also tend to be rather disdainful of surface dwellers, due to how much easier life is above ground, and also Earth Ponies have been known to accidentally collapse mole pony tunnels.
    I hate diamond dogs. One of them got my uncle.
    Yeah, I know. Poor guy. Have I missed anything?
    I dunno, I'm not reading all that. If they want to know anything else, I'm sure they'll ask. Or not. Whatever.
    Yeah, I guess they might.
    So, yeah, feel free to ask away.
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