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Everything posted by Scrumpy

  1. It goes between these things: 1. Any AU or cross over ideas involving the following, LOTR, Star Trek, Guildwars 2, Wolf Blood. Next best fave day dream is punching some idiot who desperately deserves it in the face. I have a dark imagination, just as well socially I'm a lovely ray of sunshine!
  2. Awww why you gotta be a buzz kill, shush you, don't mess with my little head-fantasies! Haha, seriously though out of interest what episode was that snippet of information hidden in? I don't recall.
  3. That isn't necessarily the case here, I only mentioned it because although I admit there is a high chance of this simply being a coincidence, it would still be an amazing coincidence if it was.
  4. LOL wouldn't that be great if another pony licked Rainbow Dashes mane and commented that it tasted like Skittles? I really like that notion it makes me smile.
  5. Interesting idea, though maybe it would be cool if that could be proven somehow, as opposed to a best educated guess, I mean wouldn't it be cool if SMB were early form bronies?
  6. Is she best pony? Nope, far from it, but she isn't worst pony either. Is she pretty? Very, I really like her design. Does she belong on the moon? Nooooo, she has proven she can be redeemed (for lack of a better word), and she's very misunderstood, I think the pressure of living in her sisters shadow gets to her a lot. Do you think she is better as a background character? Actually no, if fans can come up with great fanstories for her I see no reason why the MLP team wouldn't be able to give her some more depth and screen time.
  7. I was doing my usual click-walk around youtube and I found a few songs by the Steve Miller band, and I look at the album art and my brain cannot help but scream "hey that's like Rainbow Dash!" So what do you think? Maybe her colour scheme was subtly influenced by a SMB fan on the production team maybe?
  8. Yes, but I'd like to do atleast 10 mins more exercise per day. Can you name 5 prime numbers in order for me?
  9. I actually hate "gay" and "autistic" being used as an insult more than the word retarded because in the right context retarded can simply be used to describe anything that is not progressive. For example Record (as in vinyl) collectors could even be realistically described as retarded because they are delaying the move forward to mp3 format. Retard used as a verb in of itself is not offensive. "Autistic" is much worse because unlike "retarded" which relies on context "autistic" specifically and very deliberately is using a learning disability as an insult. So speaking as someone who is actually on the Autistic spectrum, I really don't take umbride with "retard" as an insult but "autistic" really is the lowest of the low blows. And if "downs" becomes the next big insult I shall likewise take offence at that too. No you still have autism, you don't just "grow out" of it. Like me you actively learned to cope with it so it's effects seem mimimalised in your everyday behaviours.
  10. Well yeah, the Twilicorn thing was a big to-do about nothing imo, with that said though on the flipside of your comment I have found that this community can also be surprisingly tolerant.
  11. How to start an argument online: Step one, post your opinion in a public format. Step two, wait.
  12. Love and Tolerate is like the Pirate code, "more lke guidelines than actual rules". Just remember you are human, and as such you will never be a hundred percent perfect, so love and tolerate yourself too, including tolerating that you are entitled to some failings, even if that means failing to love and tolerate another person, or thing. Maybe that just comes easy to me because I follow the Taoist principles, well as much as I can, I strive to be good but the important thing is when I fail to live without the trappings of technology (like I'm on a pc now) or I have a moment where I fall for one of the darker human emotions it's important to recognise that beating yourself up for your failings isn't actually anymore helpful, accept and forgive your failure and move on, maybe you will succeed next time. Sorry for the back story there... And don't worry I can't love or tolerate diaper stealers either, now I'm gonna crack on with the rest of my day and hopefully forget they even exist!
  13. Sometimes my pc crashes and I lose the originals, but I was able to save the layered version of the original too so if you want me to quickly try open up the file again and try and get it a bit bigger and a bit clearer it shouldn't take much doing or very long... ah to hay with it I'll do it anyway it will take less than 5 mins to enlargen and sharpen it. I may have to try this several times bear with me the upload process makes it loose some quality... if it doesnt work I will try put it in a blog post... or a DA page Edit: Ok well it's marginally more clear, atleast you can read "repsol" on the cutie mark now.
  14. Ok If you have seen my last reply you will know by now that I failed to do the original image you tasked me to do sooooo to make it up for my failure here is Repsol, in a 150x150 crop and the original if you want to crop your own avatar out of it.
  15. Hi Repsol, I've been really strugling to get the mechanical look right, I may have to admit to defeat on this one, I will ofc do Repsol instead now seeing as I still owe you a piccy.
  16. Perhaps screen time is the wrong phrase, I mean that in the sense that unlike the main 6 (or rather their counterparts) we already know what their personalities are like from the series so they don't need to be fleshed out, Flash didn't have that same luxury. So in terms of overall screen time like over the series yes he didn't get a lot of time to shine. But I guess I could understand why you would say that.
  17. Well I knew he was anti-meat but admit I didn't know he was THAT bad, also I didn't know he was racist, boo! oh well I guess he goes down a notch on my rankings, generally it's not that I don't care, it's just that I know I can't personally do anything about it so usually I don't let myself get worked up over it.
  18. It said AJ but I dunno it looks like a tie between AJ and Twilight if you ask me.
  19. What is our meaning? Is there a higher being? I don't believe there is a purpose, however I believe we define our own destiny. The Universe has its own mechanism We have no moral obligation, we give things meaning and purpose ourselves by how we feel about them, but without our subjectivity they do not posses any innate value. But that doesn't mean we should just outright be buttholes to eachother, it takes a strong and kind person to do a good deed for another person with no expectation of reward, not even the reward of feeling smug about doing a good thing. Is there unity in the Universe between organisms? Yes, I feel there is. We feel it everyday. In the way that the effects of events ripple forward in time shaping and changing the events and settings of the future and the 'fate' of people. ...without going into quantum mechanics and all that jazz. Also... The planet even has a relationship in a non-emotional sense with us as we live on it because we shape it's surface and it though unaware and not obligatorily provides for us the resources we need to survive. Though because without subjectivity things do not posses innate value if the human race were destroyed the universe at large would hardly notice our passing out of existence or mourn the loss of us, and we shouldn't kid ourselves otherwise. So there you have it, life is short and cold and a total bitch, all the more reason to make the most of it while you can and in the words of Bill and Ted: Be excellent to eachother. If you don't like that then there is back up theory 2: "When it comes to theology I'm not trying to claim anything is real because it's existance cannot be disproven, like a god or the force (JEDI FTW!), in that sense I'm agnostic, however I am claiming that anything is possible by dint of strange sh*t happens."
  20. I'd been toying with the idea of my OC's alternate form being an incidental alicorn, Father Pegasi, Mother Unicorn, not any more powerful than either, and certainly not a princess. But it would fit in with the fact that she just rather be a normal pony.
  21. The be fair that's not a badly written character that's simply an under developed character, she more or less got to co-star with RD a main character for the episode Sleepless in ponyville (s3 e6) infact for screen time she actually starred more than RD, that tells me the writters have noticed her underdevelopment and have and will continue to try and expand her character.
  22. Scrumpy

    Red's Farewell

    No hate or grief from me, infact I totally respect you, you clearly think you have a problem and you are actually taking steps to fix it. Good for you. Goodluck, hope it all works out for you.
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