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long gone

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  1. If it's gonna take 2 hours to render a 20-minute-long video on a quad-core mobile i7, I don't even want to think about how long it'd take on a dual-core ultrabook Core i7 xP

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    2. long gone

      long gone

      As a side note, you say you can only see 30FPS because that's what you're used to. But take it from someone who plays ALL his games in 60FPS... the difference between 60 and 30 is like night and day. Do you honestly, truly think you cannot see a difference of an entire 30 frames per second? Maybe if it was 2 frames per second, but... a difference of 30? A huge difference.

    3. Zygen


      @Daring, Oh I see.


      And yeah, I don't run everything on 60 FPS unfortunately, but the difference is there, maybe not as noticeable for myself, but there.


      I was just saying that while on like YouTube, I'm unsure which videos are suppose to be lower FPS, and thus I guess I just don't notice it as often. Where as I have an FPS counter usually while playing games and stuff ;p.

    4. long gone

      long gone

      I usually prioritize frame rate over graphics, so yeah.

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