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long gone

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Posts posted by long gone

  1. 2016? But Pokemon has been around since '95... so shouldn't the 20th be this year? :sunbutt:

    Also, they need an updated yellow remake, because yellow version is best version. :muffins:

    Red an Green were going to launch in 1995, yes, but they got delayed into 1996 at the last minute. The 1995 copyright date still stands as a historical thing.

  2. I understand that, but you can't deny they are still taking a huge paycut here... On top of that, with their plan to keep devices on the latest Windows for the entirety of their lifespan means less new products will be being bought. Something just doesn't feel right. Yes they are making money still, but they are more or less abandoning the biggest money makers, and I still wonder why.

    I believe the goal is to avoid another Windows XP situation. Ergo, prevent having another OS last 13 years (because honestly, that's way too long in computing.) They're pretty much intentionally taking a hit to avoid that situation again, if I'm on the right track.

  3. But that's my point. They are offering so many copies away for free, then after that more or less promising that we won't have to buy more versions of windows for a long time. They are taking a SIGNIFICANT drop in sales. Why? What do they gain from this? A business is out to make money and when I don't see dollar signs I start to wonder where that money will come from. Call me a skeptic, but I get a little nervous when a business makes a lot of nice moves that won't profit them any, especially after a ton of crappy moves that earned them a lot of negative feedback.

    They still make money off of OEM licenses and Office. Believe it or not people still buy pre-builts.

  4. That just seems odd that Microsoft who once made a killing off of selling Windows licenses is going to completely give up that market share and instead focus their efforts in a newer territory that isn't guaranteed to work...


    I am calling it though: wait a year or two and we'll see a Windows 10 "subscription" or something.

    The free upgrade promotion expires 7/29/2016. After then, if you want Windows 10 you have to pay. If you get it within the grace period, though, it's free forever.


    Also, I didn't pay for Windows 8.1 :P I got it through Dreamspark.

    • Brohoof 1
  5. Enjoy having spyware on your computer now. :P

    But then what about your phones? Hmm? I don't hear the tech community (or anyone, really) complaining when Google snoops your emails to display "relevant" ads or Apple storing everything you say to Siri on their servers but when Microsoft does it the entire internet goes up in flames.

    • Brohoof 1
  6. Honestly, and I'll probably got a lot of flack for this:


    I'm really amazed Pokemon has remained this successful, considering its creator blatantly stated in an interview before that they are only making it at this point because it keeps making money. Ultimately the goal of any creation is to generate a profit, but few are so bold faced about it. Honestly, I really think after 20 years it's getting close to time to retire this franchise. At their core, the Pokemon games are more or less blatant rehashes with tweaks and improvements. The formula though remains insultingly identical. A new generation? I can already predict what will happen:


    • New region with different pokemon.
    • Kid leaves home to become trainer.
    • You'll go to 8 gyms.
    • Somewhere along the way an evil team will want to do evil things with Pokemon.
    • You unravel their plans numerous times.
    • You defeat the elite four.
    • Become pokemon champion.
    • You have to love your pokemon and friendship and whatnot.

    While the battle system becomes more complex by adding more elements, they are more or less the same at their core.

    Generation V broke the formula in a lot of different ways.


    • No Pokémon from previous generations were available until you beat the game in Black and White; this was changed in Black 2 and White 2, but in BW you could not catch any older Pokémon until you see the credits roll.
    • The Gym Leaders play an active role in the game's story and actively help out the battle against Team Plasma.
    • The Champion isn't the final boss before the credits, you don't even fight him until after the credits.
    • Actively questions the relationship between humans and Pokémon.
    • No third, "canon" game; instead, there were two numbered sequels, set two years after the original games.

    Needless to say, generation V is pretty controversial among the fanbase. And why should they retire it when millions of people worldwide still actively enjoy the games? Because they're "more or less the same at their core"? I could say the same thing about Call of Duty, but no. There's a whole lot more that changes between generations than what meets the eye. Same thing can be said about Call of Duty, really.



    None. I just don't want a G1 remake. I'm sick of that gen. c: 

    I know how you feel, gen I is pretty overrated tbh. Not saying it's bad, but there's just so many shortcomings with those games in terms of gameplay mechanics and balance and the general stability of it.

  7. Oh yeah, as for a gen I remake, I guess that gen VI counts as that.


    • Psychic and Hyper Beam have the same sound effects as they did in gen I
    • First Pokémon you encounter is a Pidgey
    • You can catch Zapdos, Articuno, Moltres and Mewtwo
    • X and Y's colors are red and blue
    • Fire/Flying type that evolves at level 36, at the end of a 3-stage evolutionary line
  8. how would they do that, thougj? Make a available gameWeb wher you can go to all 6 regions? That would be a crazy amount of data and work

    Bethesda did that in 1994 on MS-DOS, make a game covering a large expanse of land (one so large it takes real-world months just to travel across it), and Bethesda can't make a working game. Game Freak would have no excuse.

  9. I was saying there were a bunch of extra steps I had to take due to Win8 being complicated and awkward. It wasn't the downloading that was the problem, necessarily, it was the process of setting up the download, or even using it once it was downloaded. I had to take a lot of extra steps, had a lot of problems with certain programs, and such.

    My friends on Win7 did not have these problems.

    Yeah, sounds like you're having network problems. Check your drivers and connections.

    • Brohoof 1
  10. Sorry, I meant to say Win8

    Yeah, that's true. But I've also had problems simply downloading emulators, or even torrenting. My friend, who has a Windows 7, said he had never had the problems that I was having trying to download things. That's another reason I hate Win8. Win10 will most likely be the same as 8 in a lot of ways, just upgraded to be "better". Am I right?

    Uhh, what? That has nothing to do with the operating system, it has more to do with your network connection. Trust me, I hold a degree in network engineering.


    Also, there are emulators in the Windows store, so Microsoft doesn't have a problem with emulators.

    • Brohoof 1
  11. Yeah, there may be some bad bumps that MS doesn't fix along the way.

    Like no start menu in Win9 >>

    That was Steven Sinofsky's decision, apparently, the lack of a Start menu in Windows 8. When he was the head of the Windows team, he wanted to be the next Steve Jobs, and got the "be a dick" part right, but not the other parts right, and would not listen to team members saying that the lack of a Start menu for the desktop version might not be that well-received by desktop users. Needless to say he doesn't work on the Windows team (and I think not even Microsoft for that matter) anymore.

    • Brohoof 1
  12. I have never used Vista in my life, only 2000/XP/7/8, and out of all of them I hated 8.

    And a question, does it force you to download it? If it does I might have to sue Microsoft :3 (not literally)

    It downloads in the background if you reserved the upgrade, but you can install it on your own time. Also, it's being sent out in waves, so if you reserve it you might not get it immediately.

    • Brohoof 1
  13. How can you upgrade it and make it better if it's already broken?


    Edit: Talking about Windows 8

    Do you remember Windows Vista? It was quite bad until SP1 or 2. Microsoft modified it into Windows 7, fixed what fell short about it (especially in regards to legacy driver support, although by the time it released the new driver model matured and was pretty stable) and people loved it. Microsoft did basically the same thing from Windows 8 to 10.


    Oh, or how about Windows Me to Windows XP? Although XP was already well into development by the time Me was released.

    • Brohoof 2
  14. Does it have a start menu? I really doubt it.

    I hate Windows 8 and so does every other intelligent person, 7 is the best, just an upgrade of XP, which was great. Sadly, I can't downgrade to 7 on mine.

    Yes it does. Windows 10 is basically what Windows 7 is to Windows Vista, an improved version of the previous OS.

    • Brohoof 2
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