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Posts posted by Zoraxe

  1. 4 hours ago, Olly said:

    private companies are the best shot. We just have so many priorities here I can't see us spending the money to travel outside the solar system or colonize anything. You can send an unmanned craft out I suppose. Solar sails might be the fastest option, the speed-of-light barrier makes interstellar travel unimaginably slow otherwise. In fact, given the time it takes to cross those distances, and the minute number of habitable worlds, it's hardly worth considering except as a desperate attempt at surviving if we can no longer live here. Sure, space travel is interesting for research, but most people aren't interested in it, or paying for it. 

    Oh, I mostly meant colonizing other planets and moons here in our system. It would be amazing if someday we go to another system, but that would be in the far future. And I disagree, I think we will do it one day. and not as just a last resort either.


    On 6/9/2018 at 6:11 PM, Methuselah said:

    A time traveler to the distant year of 3000 AD will find that humans are living exactly as they did in medieval Europe. Complete with a feudal system, stone castles, and pikemen :lol:

    You made me think of this




    • Brohoof 1
  2. 16 hours ago, Olly said:

    First we need to figure out how to save our planet. Our home that we take for granted, the only world we've ever found perfect for supporting life. You can't even think about colonizing other planets if you can't even take care of your own. Do that, and maybe in a few hundred years you can think about colonizing moons in the solar system. There is only a future if we don't destroy everything in the present. 

    Well yeah, I didn't want to imply abandoning earth or something. Of coarse we take care of Earth, but we can do both at the same time.


    16 hours ago, Olly said:

    Do that, and maybe in a few hundred years you can think about colonizing moons in the solar system.


    Man, we can do that a lot sooner than a few hundred years if we really got down to it. There have been a lot of advances in rockets recently by Space X, reusable rockets, a huge money saver. Also, Solar sail technology looks like it can make space travel a lot faster than before. We can realistically have research stations about the solar system and asteroid mining within my lifetime. I don't know if full blown colony is on the table in my time, but it's possible.

  3. On 6/8/2018 at 6:35 PM, TheTaZe said:

    Not to rain your parade or anything. But I rather focus more on the present then on the future. In my opinion, if you aren't proactive in the present, the future will be boring.

    We don't want to forget that there is a future though. Just focusing on the now is short sighted.

  4. 1 hour ago, Kai-rouken said:

    There's probably going to be a war so large and catastrophic that all technological advancement is halted indefinitely. 

    On a more optimistic note, however, if that doesn't end up happening, my guess would be Earth's Moon and Mars will be fully colonized by 2500. Other planets present much larger issues, like intense heat, extreme cold, lack of tangible soil to settle upon, etc. I personally think we already have the technology to get humans on Mars... the problem is creating the necessary facilities to support biologic respiratory systems for extended periods of time, and cultivation of food products on Martian land.

    I'm trying to be optimistic. Might as well hope for the bright future.

    I really like Issac Arthur's channel. I can't recommend his videos enough.




  5. Tell us your thoughts on how you guess the future is going to be like.

    I'm hoping we can start colonizing the solar system in my lifetime, wouldn't that be awesome? I don't know how many people like me are out there, but I just absolutely love the idea of colonizing other worlds. I would really like it if every planet in our solar system had humans living on them or in orbit around them. Do you think humanity will ever do that? How about teraforming planets like Mars, or colonizing other solar systems? I sure hope so.




    On earth there are potential technologies that can save our planet's environment and ecosystems and other amazing things. Fusion is the technology they are working on that you should keep your ears on, because if it ever becomes a reality it's going to be a huge change.

  6. On 1/30/2018 at 10:44 PM, gaspingsirens said:

    the show isnt that bad, but i dont agree with the whole idea of conforming to your parents thing. sure, raven is rebelling against the idea but most of the characters in the show are always telling her to conform to what society wants them to be and it even comes off as selfish. for example, apple doesnt care about ravens happiness because her happiness affects hers directly. i dont know, but i just dont agree with most of the things in the show. kinda glad it ended.


    Ah, you see, that's the main conflict. The Royals and Rebels are both depicted as good people (with exceptions) but who disagree with each other. The Rebels all have something about their destiny that causes them to be rebels, but individual Royals often have hangups on their individual destinies (ie, I have to do this but it sucks anyways), but at the same time the Royals have a good point about how the Rebels can ruin everything and potentially maybe get erased by not following their destinies. It's not just one side being wrong or right so much as its both sides being composed of people who are very conflicted about their rather crappy rules of their universe. Both sides want freedom, but one side is more scared of the risks because they were told that they will die if they rebel.

    it's really interesting, because yeah, Apple is a bit selfish in wanting her special ever after and probably doesn't really get why Raven is so hung up on it. But raven from Apple's perspective is radically dangerous to both herself and Apple. so it's pretty understandable that why she feels like Raven is in the wrong because Raven might possibly kill her or at least destroy the future she was promised, along with Raven herself whom she cares about.

    Raven, on her part, if she follows her future, will end up defeated, evil, and locked away just like her Mother, no happily ever after for her. She has to be evil and poison Apple and then get defeated, and raven doesn't want that. I think Raven is supposed to be in the right, but Apple isn't supposed to be seen as a Jerk.

    In short, the world of Ever after High is kinda messed up and the characters are all trapped in it and have to deal with it.

    • Brohoof 2
  7. 44 minutes ago, Windy Whistles said:

    After an /mlp/ thread of someone saying they enjoyed it, I decided to give it a go, and yeah, it was pretty decent, dare I say, I enjoyed it quite a bit. Again the flaws are obvious, it's really girly, the boy characters are lame, and some of the jokes and dialogue can be pretty lame, but some o the characters can be pretty fun(though the Rebels are much more interesting), and it has an interesting world and plot. It's better than Monster High at least

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    Madeline Hatter is the best


    Yeah, I agree.


    I like the concept of the setting, as there is some actual drama going on with the characters. It's a surprising show.

    • Brohoof 2
  8. Recently I have been watching this girls show called 'Ever After High', and it is surprisingly good. It's pretty girly (overly so, at some points), obviously, but it wasn't half bad, I suggest you check it out. It's got an actual story and the main characters are likable with good voice acting. On the negative side, a lot of the jokes are lame, but I think this show has enough charms to be worth a watch.

     Out of the characters I would rather the boys and especially the animal characters had less screen-time. If you can stand the overwhelmingly girly-ness, it's a decent show.






    • Brohoof 3
  9. There certainly was an energy that is hard to artificially create. Its really remarkable that even though the hight of the pony fandom is over, we still are the most active fanbase around.


    The fandom isn't dead, its just moving into territory of things like pokemon or transformers, huge fandoms that once were all powerful, but still fairly active. I don't know whitch was bigger, pokemon in the late 90s or MLP in its 2nd season.


    There will still be MLP fans following the show into the next generation.

    • Brohoof 3
  10. Not a pagan, I think.


    But I am interested In learning about pagans today because I'm a huge history nerd and the idea of people worshiping... uh... Zalmoxis again, or something, is something I find neat.


    So yeah, bumping for interest! I'd like to hear what deities/spirits you guys worship, and how you do it. Your philosophies and such.

    • Brohoof 2
  11. I think she is likely to have a small role. Because while she is an important character in the show (arguably more major of a character than Celestia at the current point in the show), the movie has only so much time to showcase characters.


    I think the mane 6, spike, and maybe Celestia and/or Luna being the main characters in the movie along with the villains whoever he/she/they may be. With other characters being cameos.

    • Brohoof 1
  12. Tiny Toons, anyone?




    This is true. I didn't even know what an internet forum was until I was 14, and I didn't start actually using the internet until I was 12!

    Hah! I will personally ensure my children get none of that crap until they're 13 at least. I didn't get a cell phone until age 12, and I didn't get a smartphone until I graduated high school. These days, any 3 year old with a phone can look up anything. It's insanity.


    Good luck, considering how thoroughly 'Generation Z' is plugged into the internet, it might be a hard world to live in the future without constant internet access.


    Sorry for this late reply, I have been gone from this site for a while...

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