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7th Boss

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Posts posted by 7th Boss

  1. Intro:
    The world of Equestria has fallen to the invasion of changelings with there superior numbers. The heroes of the old world have fallen and none remain. Changelings have taken equestrian citizens and turned them into changelings themselves using their pod magic. You on the other hoof, are special, you have kept your memories unlike the other changelings, you, are pure. Changelings are now born with the ability to summon crystals at will with Sombra's army being re-awakened and sharing their magical abilities with the changeling empire. Equestria has been taken and the few remaining pony survivors have hidden beyond all eyes. You must seek out the survivors and either bring them back to Chrysalis alive, or help the rebellion against the changeling empire. The fate of Equestria lies with you.

    This RP can have up to 5 people not including myself, however I can make the cap bigger if we get that many. You can either be a changeling, or a pony refugee. The character sheet is mostly to show your character's favorite form if you chose changeling and I will accept multiple sheets if you have two forms. The ponys will be in an encampment and the changing have to track them down using clues I'll give out

    -No killing other players if you don't get permission or can avoid it
    -Try to keep the swearing to a minimum, I'm not against it but don't have a swear in every other post
    -Make sure that your character has a couple of flaws or desires that go against the the goal
    -Be nice and have fun

    Pony occupations:
    Leader(1 preferred)

    Changeling ranks(in order of importance):
    Squall(The original rank of pony-converted changelings)

    Character sheet:
    Occupation(or rank):
    Bio(overview of character):
    Description(or picture if you have a good one):
    Weapon(s) of choice:

    Or just have a link to your character

  2. Mary entered the cafeteria and let go of Bobby's' arm. "Right lets go get something and sit..." Mary was looking across the room to see if there was a table with either Ray or Mackenzie on it, she then spotted Mackenzie and walked up to her. "Hey Mackenzie, wanna come sit with us?" She knew the answer would probably be no, but she would at least try and be nice to her.

  3. While walking towards the study, Mary's stomach growled. She nervously laughed, "Maybe we should take another small detour," Mary grabbed his arm and started to walk towards the the cafeteria. "Just so you know, it's not a choice." Mary gave a chuckle, and preceded to drag him.

  4. Mary looked at Bobby, "Yea, I have to do some additional study's as well, Let's go." She nodded and proceeded to the door, "Good fighting, the both of you." Mary opened the door for Bobby and waited for him to leave so she could follow him. "I'll see you later Mackenzie."

  5. Mary continued to ponder, "Well, your fighting sytle itself seems pretty top notch, however, you may want to consider adapting your armor and healing use depending on who you're fighting. Say you fight a guy who uses bare fists, create more armor and focus less on healing, but do the opposite when fighting sword and bowmen."

  6. "Yea, pretty much since the been the fight began, was that weird?" Mary began to ponder, "Anyway, good fighting, however, those chaos clones, you might want to make them a little less predictable, maybe keep them at normal speed and just continuity spawn the things."

  7. Mary was walking to the library in the school when she saw, out of the corner of her eye, two people fighting in the practice area. She stopped to investigate the fight and found that it was Bobby and Ray, but Ray was also behind the ring. She paused for a second and sighed when she remembered Rays powers, "Welp, I've got nothing to do." She walks into the training room.

  8. "Victory, and loss..." Mary looked down at the floor and kicked at the pavement for a little. "Still, at least she knows we're there for her." Mary optimistically smiled, "I need to keep my head up though, and I can't let her not feel like a part of the team!" Mary did a sort of fist pump.

  9. Mary held up her badge, "I never expected to get this title either Mackenzie." She put it back down. "But now, I can't be selfish anymore, and simply train. This badge means that the school relies on me to protect it. I now have to train for the school, and we need you to do the same, you can't go back anymore, it's our burden."

  10. " Mackenzie," Mary says taking on a deep tone, "Being resent less, being aggressive toward my goal, that's what makes a good warrior. Being just another face in the crowd won't make you stand out." Mary grabs Mackenzie's shoulder, "If you wanted to stay back and not be noticed, you wouldn't become the legendary summoner you are inside"

  11. "I'm surprised really," Mary says to Mackenzie, "Most summoners don't use half-baked creatures like yourself." Mary grinned, "You made your own fighting style, I now see why you were chosen as one of the Trinity Four." Mary sat down next to her and asked what she came for, "So what's troubling you?"

  12. "Right" Mary headed off to the courtyard, as she was doing so, she had an interesting idea "Icy fire? Might put some study into it, needs a cooler name though, Frostfire?" She trailed this thought for so long she nearly missed the courtyard and went into the school, if she hadn't kicked a rock and made it scrape along the sidewalk.

  13. "N-No, I'm fine, we should worry about her right now anyway." She took a little bruising from the fall but nothing like what happened to Mackenzie. "Look, I'm sorry that I cut you, just try and get through it ok." She sort of tensed up, and waited for the worst to come.

  14. "I could've dodged it..." She looked down the see Mackenzie bleeding. "Hang on, let's get you to the hospital, they should have one at the school" She held up Mackenzie and started to walk her to a school. She saw that Bobby and Ray were standing there, "Hey, one of you two want to help out?"

  15. "Think that'll stop me!" She swung quickly at the plasma birds, maybe took out a few. Her path continued, but she missed by a few feet. She lifted her scythe so that it was around Mackenzie's waist, "Checkmate Mackenzie," she died out the fire, and left only a little bit of charred grass.

  16. Mary used the golems hand to gain some altitude, she pointed the blunt end of the scythe toward Mackenzie. She made all of the fire she could to propel her towards Mackenzie. She aimed for an arm or something, so if she had hit it a little too hard it wouldn't be vital.

  17. Mary had slid under the fire and turned to face her opponent again, she had attempted to absorb the fire by outstretching her hand. She caught the fire, made it more dense, and threw it right back at Mackenzie. She then tried to block the second barrage.

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