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MLPForums Phanact

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Everything posted by MLPForums Phanact

  1. I'm Essy :3 Although I changed my username so it's not Essy any more but I'll be changing it back soon. I loved this so much (: Well done, sweetheart!
  2. I'd like to disagree with this. I don't think this is promenading one's gender about at all just by allowing a human being to correctly identify themselves to others. Facebook have very recently updated their gender specification field to include a whole range of sensible options. No one is asking for explicit details to be able to added that field but just simple options like Transgender, Gender-Fluid etc. so that users are able to create profiles that reflect them rather than reflecting 10 percent of them because the fields do not allow correct information about themselves. Comparing it to describing your location is kind of insulting and looking at it like that, we wouldn't need boxes for age as that is descriptive and unnecessary and could easily be placed in your profile. If you're allowed to have a completely pointless Personal Motto that serves no purpose at all other than being descriptive of yourself then I do not understand why more gender options cannot be added so that users are able to correctly identify themselves.
  3. There probably is some colouring technique that I'm not aware of as I'm more of a graphic designer rather than an actual artist. All I can advise is to keep playing with overlays and screening and try modifying the Fill Opacity of the overlay/screen layer so that it is quite low.
  4. I don't really know of many people that know this show but I absolutely love the character Mindy Kaling from The Mindy Project (character has the same name as the actress, by the way) because she just reminds me of myself so much. She's quite sassy and quick witted and often says and does things without thinking of the consequences Kelly Kapoor in The Office is another of my favourite characters and some of the stuff she says is fantastic. Kelly Kapoor is definitely my waifu.
  5. I would assume that they painted it in the natural skin colour and then the blue colour is something that has been overlayed or screened onto the image giving it the blue lighting effect.
  6. I'm not counting Pokemon as that's pretty much everyone's first anime and it's so bloody westernised. My first anime I ever watched was My Neighbor Totoro http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Neighbor_Totoro
  7. I might try doing an acoustic cover for this now that I've got my Digital Piano hooked up to my iMac and I've finally gotten a setup that allows me to record my Electric Ukulele directly into Logic Pro rather than through my condenser microphone. I'll try and get something done in a few days time
  8. I spend way too much time playing Counter Strike: Global Offensive... I've wasted almost 900 hours of my life on ONE game.
  9. I own one of each of these along with copies of Red, Blue and Yellow. I need a new screen cover for my GBC soon though.
  10. If you're using a tablet and I assume you're drawing and creating artwork rather than editing it then you can use Paint Tool SAI which is what most artists on the forums use, to my knowledge. It's incredibly powerful and incredibly easy to learn and use software, just takes a bit of patience. If you're editing photo's then your alternatives are GIMP which is incredibly good but I feel has quite a steep learning curve when you're used to Photoshop. Paint.NET is also another alternative but I haven't used this one myself so cannot comment on it's positives and negatives.
  11. I'd love a transgender option. I don't feel completely comfortable identifying fully as a female yet and so having this option would be the best of both worlds. You might want to use MTF and FTM instead of just F and M as it gets rid of confusion :3 UPDATE: I just wanted to add after reading FeBreezie's post that gender is something that can be fluid and that can change at any given time. Gender is a social construct and is entirely dependent on how you were taught your gender. Sex is what cannot be changed, sex is the biological aspect of a human which determines if they are male or female and this cannot be changed as it is hard coded in your genes. TL:DR = Gender is taught and fluid, sex is ascribed and set in stone.
  12. If I'm ever taken on a date (I'm looking at you, @Kyoshi), I don't think I'd be that picky but I have few things I'd like to try: Classic candlelit dinner at home or at a restaurant, Go to the beach for a walk and just lie on the sand together for ages Sit on the couch and play video games together with a bottle of Pinot Grigio Those are just three examples
  13. My high score is 3... I have spent hours and hours playing this game and my highest score is 3.
  14. I've never seen any of the Star Wars or Lord of the Ring films. Everyone says I need to watch them but I can never get around to it.
  15. So I cannot comment on any statuses including my own but people can comment on my statuses after about 20 minutes of waiting :/

    1. SCS


      Damn, I just realized this wasn't approved. Sorry that took so long.


      I try to approve posts as quickly as I can, but unfortunately things like status updates aren't aggregated onto the same list that posts are that gives us a notification. I'll try to check up on your profile from time to time to approve any status updates that aren't approved, but I don't know how much that'll help :/

    2. PinkiePieJr


      I haveing that problem too:(

  17. My favourite food is Spaghetti Bolognese or Tempura Shrimp! I don't even eat turkey on Christmas day, I actually have Spaghetti Bolognese with gravy and vegetables instead of Turkey :3
  18. I believe my last name literally comes from the fact my family used to be a blacksmithing family. Our family crest also has 3 anvils on it which further points towards the whole blacksmithing aspect of my last name which is Smith :3
  19. I always feel worse for Pinkie Pie than any other pony when they are challenged. In Pinkie Pride, I related to her character so much and I think the actual design of Pinkie Pie where her hair deflates lets you see very clearly that she is upset which makes you empathise with her more.
  20. Ellie Goulding's cover of The Knife's song, Heartbeats, is just amazing. She's completely changed the timbre of the song and made it sound so romantic and sweet :3
  21. I love the Rainbow Dash one! It's really awesome the way you made her look kind of furry and unkempt :3 Great work!
  22. It's like people in real life though. I know that I personally would feel easier helping an animal than helping a fellow human because some people will think you're weird if you just go and try to help and you haven't met them before. I think Fluttershy, just like some people in real life, feels more comfortable helping those who won't judge her.
  23. I had my prom last year. It was really funny when we got there because we ended up listening to the most ghetto music and we're a catholic school as well. Me and my friends eventually just got bored and left and instead of getting drunk like everyone else, we went to a fried chicken joint and ate so much chicken
  24. How come I can't comment on any status updates? Are you guys able to comment on mine? D:

    1. Enemy Stand

      Enemy Stand

      If this works, yep.

    2. PinkiePieJr


      I wasn't able to comment, but i guess I can now. Must have been a site bug.

  25. Love how I literally can't post cause there's no mods on xD this is brilliant.

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