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  1. Don't get me wrong! I am ultra-proud of being a Brony and have never been anything else! I have never cared what anybody thinks of me or my interests. I'm only trying to commiserate with those who have had difficulties in this area because of people who just don't get it. Believe me, sad as it is, there ARE people who will bash you for being a Brony, it's documented very well on the documentary 'Bronies: the unexpected fandom...' and countless other places among these threads. It's easy to feel 'fear' when it seems like the whole world is down on you for nothing, but everyone overcomes their own obstacles in their own time and way. We don't feel ashamed of what we love, we're just sick of people telling us we should be. 'Fear' and 'shame' aren't the suitable words here, maybe 'frustration' or 'annoyance'. I don't fear a fly buzzing around my head, but I do get sick of it sometimes.
  2. Well said, and that's part of the reason I came to this forum. I live in a remote area and do most of my living and working at night, so I don't meet many people and I get 'too internalized', so I came here to 'open up' a bit. As for things I'd like to improve, I wish I could sing (when I do sing it's a good thing no one else IS around!). I'd like to have an understanding of computers (since these days you can barely do ANYTHING without using one!). And just a quick note for those who wish they could excel at school; I dropped out when I was in 8th grade and never looked back. I've been doing just fine. Algebra and most other things they teach you (besides the basics) is pretty useless in the real world. If you really end up needing these things, learn them on your own from books, internet, etc, when and if it becomes necessary, you'll retain it easier because you'll want to.
  3. By the way, what makes people think being a Brony is gay?! If anything, it's the opposite! We like a show that features a cast almost excusively consisting of females. Guys like females, so why do our interests that revolve around them brand us as gay? Take a look at the butch, macho dudes who are calling us gay, what do they think is 'straight'? Is it macho things like football, which has exclusively male teams tackling each other and rolling around on the ground together? Or maybe its the 'cool' girls they're into, who do everything in their power to look and act like men? I could add to this list of examples all day, but you get the idea. I don't know what world these Brony-bashers come from, but I'll stick to my 'gay' world of female ponies any day, thanks.
  4. First of all, you're not 'an idiot' for having these concerns! That's what these forums are for! Here you are among friends and we speak openly. I know that many ponies feel embarrassed, ostracized, and misunderstood. But the bottom line is, who cares? Do other people (non Bronies) care what you think of THEIR interests? Should they care if YOU disapprove? They don't because they feel secure in their perfect little world that is tailored to fit the accepted norm and conforms rigidly to the ever-dreaded 'peer pressure'. They are constantly propped up by the not-so-great majority. But they will never enjoy all the world has to offer because they are too cowardly to venture into it for fear that the lowest common denominator of humanity might disapprove. Those who make fun of Bronies might as well wear a sign around their necks that say 'Too afraid to think for myself', 'I'm insecure' or 'I need to have constant approval from others'. Have you ever really thought about what it is to be 'cool'? To me, 'cool' is just a pretty way of saying 'fashionably foolish'. There are so many different facets of humanity on the earth and individuality is what makes them interesting. When I became a Brony, it never even crossed my mind that someone might not approve, because I don't care. I've never followed the crowd and never will. Do you know what that makes me? It makes ME the one who calls the shots that others must adhere to, because I won't bend to meet THEIR demands. And I'm immune to their insults because I see them for what they are; FEAR. It's the individuals that shape the world. It may not always seem so because the weak ones use easy tactics like teasing, ostracizing, and other hateful means because that's all their capable of and it's easy to manipulate other weak people that way, giving them a large but uninspired army of mindless crowd-followers. If someone insults you and you want to retort, tell them they have your sympathy. Since they are probably too shallow to understand what you mean, offer to discuss it with them in detail. That's where the enemy loses his footing, because they can't keep up with an intelligent response that might demand the same from them. They might not look good in front of their friends when they're outsmarted and forced to display actual intelligence.
  5. I'd love to see something about the origins of Scootaloo. Apple Bloom is Apple Jack's sister and Sweetie Belle is Rarity's. Scottaloo idolizes Ranbow Dash but isn't related. So who is her family? I'd also love to see more Rarity because she's my favorite of the Mane 6. Golden Harvest has had some interesting background moments that I'd like to see expanded upon. In 'Games Ponies Play', she's sharing a very affectionate hug with a stallion at the train station for just a few frames. What's the deal there? Inquiring ponies want to know. Obviously I'd love to see more of Derpy, as well as Lyra and Bon Bon. But what are the chances?
  6. Princess Leia. Granted, Mooncookie is a girl so this statement may look 'interesting' but let's face it, ponies have a difficult time punching keys on a computer, so maybe this is just her male secretary speaking without her approval.
  7. Your drawing rocks! I especially love the dynamic pose! The only problem I see here is that you seem to think there IS something wrong. Don't be so self-critical and learn to admit to yourself that you're an excellent artist. Even Twilight had to come to admit she was a great unicorn in Boast Busters! There's no shame in the truth. I'd love to see more!
  8. Mooncookie has just 'joined the herd' so here's a brief introduction. Mooncookie is a well-meaning and well-mannered pony who, as a Pegasus, enjoys flying, especially at night. She is a night pony so she doesn't often meet other ponies in person, hence her joining this site. She enjoys watching MLP from Cloudsdale (where the TV reception is strongest) and discovered the 'Magic of Friendship' one night/early morning while flicking through the TV channels in desperation for anything besides infomercials. Needless to say, this was a defining moment for her and opened up a much larger world. She may have rightfully expected a Cutie Mark of a TV on her shank to represent this fact, but she already earned her Mark at an earlier age (more on that once she gets out of the Blank Flank area). She is not yet very familiar with this site, having just joined, but if Avatars can be posted, you'll soon get an image to go with the pony (Cutie Mark and all). Looking forward to knowing you! More to come!
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