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Azrael the alicorn

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Everything posted by Azrael the alicorn

  1. What the hay?! What im even watching?! But of course this had to be expected, because is EQG *Anger*
  2. Really? Cause from what i've seen it contradicts what Sunset said about her don't knowing anything about friendship despite Celestia telling her that armony is important. And the explanation via book was very weak and it dosen't explain how the element change in the human world, nor how they find out such thing. The annual was nothing more than an excuse to show up even more humanized ponies and the way the mane 5 become friend it contradicts the movie itself when they showed them being friend since when they were little. I am starting to think that the one wrote the comics didn't really followed the movie.
  3. Twilight Kingdom manage to be a good season ending episode. Is not perfect, but it manages to take many things that people complain about it and show that they actually care for the show.

  4. This season 4 goes from really good episodes to really bad ones, apparently. Trade Ya looks like is the new low of this show has to offer.

  5. What is DEM and IAEBB? For the rest, as alway, i have to agree with you.
  6. I hope that EQG 2 will flop so hard that Hasbro will stop wasting time with lame highschool movies and will work on something more worthy of the show

  7. After having watched 3 clips of EQG 2 i have no doubt: Is gonna sucks even WORST than the first one

  8. I laughed a lot in Castle-Mania, watching the Mane 5 screaming and crying in terror. Does that makes me a bad person ?

  9. 1) Sunset lost her powers, Discord was turned to stone, and that because the elements cannot really destroy him. But i guess that we have our own opinions, so we can end this debate. Of course you should agree with me that the climax was to much fast. She goes to "Im not a monster" to "ahahahahah im gonna rule Equestria and kill you all!" to "Buhhuughuhhuuhhuhuh, im just so lonely and i don't know how to make friends" is rushed. They could have done it much better. I consider Sunset the worst villain not because she sucks, but of how much more she could have done if the movie settings weren't highschool stuff. Sunset is a shadow of what she could have been. Agreed, especially she is not doing it because Twilight was flirting with that Flash Sentry !
  10. 1) And how is that really superior of all the mess Discord did? From one part you have one school of hypnotized people, in another an AN ENTIRE TOWN turn upside down, and Discord was just getting started; 2) She hit Twilight, but once the elements of the asspull come togheter she just stand there, watching the Twilight and HuMane 5 trasformation without doing nothing at all. It's funny that the only thing she had to do with Twilight was push her away or tied her up, i mean, why was that necessary? 3) Nope, is something that even a normal people would understand. And, again, was Sunset plan, not of the idiotic duo. 4) I think that Discord dosen't think to be a villain. He is more for chaos, but that is kinda deep thing to talk. Chrysalis wanted to take over Equestria (OF COURSE!) but i think that she is seen like a hero for the changeling because she wanted feed them. On NightMare i think that doing what is right is feeling like a hero. But i wans't actually talking about MLP villains, but more about other. Following your point Syndrom of the Incredibles is not totally evil just because he leave Bob family alive, when he has already killed MOST of Bobs friends. And the fact that Sunset say that she is not a monster when she suddenly turn into one... well, is kinda weird to me.
  11. 1) What exactly has Sunset done that is above of what Discord did? She wrecked a piece of the school and turned the students into zombies. And Discord can do the same and turn the most harmelss of the creatures into a violent being. All that with a snap of a finger. If for you wrecking a school is above causing havok in all of ponyville, then you are a bigger Sunset Shimmer fanboy that i thought; 2) And that worked out well; 3) She was talking about how much destruction Snips and Snail caused into the gym. It was Sunset plan, not theirs. Of course if i was in her i will complain of how they got rid of the proofs, even if the character where smart Luna should have understood right away that those picture were glued up; 4) Im not gonna talk about the portal (that would deserve a topic aside). And im not sure that you know, but most of the villains thinks to be the hero. And cause she was bluffing, i don't see what it should have made of her a monster.
  12. 1)No, it was only one, and it was one big asspull deus ex way to do so. And no, she told Snips and Snail to gather them up, why would she told them so if she could control them by mind? And if feats are better than words Discord was turning the entire world upside down, rising sun and moon with a snaps of a finger and doing all kind of crazy thing, and when the elements defeated him they created one HUGE bubble that fixed all the problems that he did, wich are far more than Sunset could ever hope to do. Feats above words right? And you're making up things. If you ever readed the comics the entire town of ponyville was ready to fight against Nightmare Rarity, even it meant to be destroyed; 2) No, it was more than that. At least Discord tried to do something, but Twilight saved her friends with the shield; 3) Oh, but wasn't she the most smartest of the villains? And no, it was her idea to do so, not them, and again, if she can't control two idiots, she is not that much; 4) She is not a monster, she is just a bully, like Diamond Tiara. And is also an idiot by not threatning Spike. She was threatning to break the portal (That's also dumb but is another point) so that Twilight should be forced to make a choice.
  13. 1) Discord was defeated by ALL 6 THE ELEMENTS of Harmony, Sunset was defeated with a deus ex machina thing that is one of the most asspulling manner ever. And NO, her plan is full of flaws. First she didn't turn right away her army in succubus thing like Snips and Snail, second she dosen't seem able to control her amy at all, third, such army will meet even worst problems of Twilight once they get on the other side so even if (and is a huge if) Celestia and Luna (Wich by the way i don't remember them being hyptnotized at all) will have even more problem to face down much more expert magic user. If she wanted to turn them into ponies and then attack the human world it would have made sense, but she is planning to attack an entire world where the popolation have the same power and much more experience. Then when she will cross the portal the crown will stop working for her and become useless. And even if it still could work one element is not gonna do crap on Discord, just like when Twilight tried the first time, and i don't think that the elements will work with one who is not the original wielder of the elements; 2) It was a lame copy of Luna Defeat, showing how little they cared about giving us something original; 3) Is not that she is smart, or else she could have stolen once again the crown or have found more smart ways to get what she want. The only reason that her plan works is just because everyone in the damn movie is a damn idiot. Her plan to frame Twilight by destroying the gym was stupid and it would have caused her plan to fail if it wasn't for Twilight to fix the gym; 4) Her redemption show just of how rush the writer took in the movie. For all the movie we are supposed to consider Sunset nothing but a bully who wants to get more power and only when she is defeated (Wich is also one big rushed thing). Luna became Nightmare Moon because she felt lonely and unprecciated and left the dark side took over her, but behind all that evil emotion there was actually one sad alicorn who wanted to feel accepted and loved.
  14. So, i have readed the annual about EQG and, guess what, it dosen't fix anything of the plot-holes and adds even more questions. The only reason of why people is gonna like it will be for the humanizade ponies.

  15. Yes, Sunset Shimmer was one huge waste of potential. I mean really a waste, just like Sombra. She could have been the Twilight Sparkle evil counterpart, but the setting, the rushness of EQG totally ruin it.
  16. Heck, this makes season 4 awesome, and is not even out yet! Even if the things i've readed actually ruin a work that i was doing, but well, i guess i will make some change to my work.
  17. November is coming, and so is the 4° season of MLP FIM, wich promise to be awesome!

  18. I agree with all, minus the last part about not put in up a fight. That is one of the flaw of all the villains of the series, unless you count the fight between the Mane 6 and the army of Chrysalis. But still it isn't the enough to forgive all the lameness of Sunset.
  19. Excited isn't the right word. I was pleading for her to do something smart, as her character is supposed to be. And in the end she didn't do it at all. What she has done like sending a box of a Playstation 4 and once that i've open it i find inside a Xbox One. She bring up my hopes just to crush it again, hard, on the ground.
  20. I've tried to edit this post, but i didn't succed, so i quoted myself and let's hope it works. Im sorry for this answer and i hope that in the future i will not commit the same mistake. Actually im not, i was actually hoping for her to do some REALLY NASTY trick, like changing the votes, or turn off all the lights and steal the crown. Or heck, even threat to kill Spike. That would have at least show her to show her intelligence And even if i had any kind of tension, once that her plan is revealed, i would have been kinda of disappointed.
  21. Heck, i get the first warning, i must be less reckless.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Azrael the alicorn

      Azrael the alicorn

      @bronydad964: it's just make me feel so bad (And not in a good way) :( .

    3. Mr Underhill

      Mr Underhill

      Ok, so you stuck your hoof in your mouth...Apologize for what you said and move on. don't beat yourself up!

  22. I thought about what you have stated more than you're mind could imagine, why do you think that i've chosen this name? Just because it sounds cool? And i try to go even further with the thought of the beyond. But im not here to talk about interesting fears, just like EQG isn't something that focus on filosophy (that would made it better). The concept of "Nothing is scarier" is not a new thing to me, cause i love read the Tvtropes page about nightmare fuel, but i don't see why should be scary don't know the details of Sunset Plan. Her plan was to use the army of kids to take over Equestria, she didn't even included her powers and the crown. An army that is gonna face both Celestia AND Luna, the crystal heart, Discord, and an army of ponies who had experience on their skills unlike her army will have. And let's not forget that the portal was going to close and the zombie didn't look like speed is their major abilities. And then there is the fact that going trough the portal in the original world of the elements would make her weapon useless and, maybe, even turn her back to her normal pony self. Counting what i've seen, is not fear of the nothing, but nothing to fear, really.
  23. You're trying to back up your weak explanation with some random phrase. For all that i've and others have seen Sunset Plan is full of holes, so it would be nice if they show that she can do what she is saying.
  24. So you're saying that instead to explain why her plan should work and give a good reason to fear that she will succed they are doing the exact opposite, leaving tons of reasons of why her plan WILL FAIL just because of the other reason that any non-biased people a perfect could think about it.
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