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  1. I'm currently a freelance artist, which is fun and frustrating. I really enjoy working with cilents, but sometimes I wish I took the gallery art route (although I do show in galleries, just not as often as I would like, haha). I majored in Fine Arts when I was in college with a focus in Illustration.
  2. I'm kind of hoping the third member of the Xerneas and Yveltol trio is strong against Xerneas and weak to Yveltol, since, if those PokeBeach rumours are true and Fairy is strong against Dark poor Yveltol's getting the short end of the stick. Overall though I like their typings and species names, so excited to see how they relate to the story ingame. And Inkay is perfect in every way, as is Malamar. Squid babys ;__; And Sycamore is kind of cute
  3. I'd really love to learn more about the Mane Six's families. Like maybe an episode where Pinkie Pie has to go back home and has a hard time getting along with her grown up sisters? Or maybe something about Fluttershy's familiy? Also, as others have said, more Equestria history! I'd love to see an episode dedicated to how Celestia and Luna learned to rule Equestria, and hey, it would be relevent since Twilight is still struggling with her princesshood! And yes, please more Rarity
  4. You know, I didn't overally hate EG, which is a minor disclaimer since I'm just gonna stick to my issues with the film here. My biggest issue? Well, as others have said, I hated the character designs. The art style and well developed designs was what first drew me into the series. But with the exceptian of Rarity and Fluttershy, no one else felt like the characters we've been following for three seasons. I could never see Rainbow Dash and Applejack wearing skirts. It just made that element feel so lazy and quickly hashed together. They all felt too samey looking to me. I also didn't like Sunset Shimmer. Not because she was a generic high school bully, but because she was just wasted potential. A former apprentice of Celestia? One whose been watching Twilight Sparkle all this time? One who has a strong magical knowledge about Equestria and feels jaded by her lack of alicornhood? Those are all great things to build an interesting villian off of! But nope, didn't happen. We just got the generic bad guy with generic (and rushed) reformation at the end. Lazy. And finally, the plot. Now, don't get me wrong, I didn't dislike it because of the generic high school plot. But the fact I felt like I was watching the pilot all over again. The scene between Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle meeting as humans? That didn't feel like a throwback to me, it felt blatant copy and paste. A lot of the beginning parts felt that way. The added twist of the Mane Five being former friends driven apart by Shimmer was a nice twist, but not enough for me to feel like I was watching something new. So yeah, my basic problems boil down to wasted potential. They had so many good base concepts here and it just felt like they didn't develop them enough. ....god that's a giant wall o' text, probs to anyone who reads all that
  5. Welp, let's get this started right! Haha Have some pony speedpaints! You can view them larger over here on my deviantart (along with some others, these just happen to be my personal favorites): http://lilypaints.deviantart.com/ As I've said, I love using ponies as my warm ups because they just allow me a lot more freedom to expirament. Like new brushes, palettes, compositions. It's a lot of fun! More to come as a I finish obviously
  6. Hey everyone! My name is Lily, I'm kind of new to the whole MLP 'community' thing, but I've been watching the show since it started. A little about myself then: I'm a working artist with probably too many hobbies. Such as swimming, cycling, cooking, collecting, and making sure my partner's parrot doesn't eat my figures. Some of you maybe (? probably not, haha) know me from DeviantArt (http://lilypaints.deviantart.com/). I tend to use ponies as my expiramental models, since working professionally has a habit of getting you stuck in a very specific style. In terms of pony stuff, my favorite pony is Vinyl Scratch, and favorite of the mane six is Rarity. Oh, and fun fact, my primary mentor is the guy who made the Frienship is Magic font! He's super awesome! Looking forward to meeting you all
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