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Blank Flank
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Blank Flank

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  1. Ok, another Alicorn?????!!!! They add in an alicorn filly, and the rest mane 6 aren't near royalty. Go on Hasbro. Just live your life. Destroy the world Lauren Faust tried to make. And just don't even bother making another alicorn without us bronies and pegasisters exploding. And just ruin everything, you messed up group of what used to be a team.
  2. My point of view is that Hasbro or the other show producers took to much advantage of the other ponies. As a act of favoritism, they honestly didn't care at all of the other ponies that helped Twilight, but just made her an alicorn out of the fact that they liked her better. It has been this way from the start. Instead of giving Twilight a necklace, they made her a crown. She always solves all the problems. I know it isn't Twilight's fault, its the other people's. I hate it when things like that happen. When they do this, they basically say: "We like this pony more than the rest. Now, she's better than all of the others." As the show continues on in the fourth season, all of the bronies and the pegasisters will start to see even more of it.
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