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Dog man

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Posts posted by Dog man

  1. I recently re-bought a old game, Fable II ( One of my MOST favourite games! :wub: ) ( Preowned ) Everything was going well untill I got onto the part where You and Hammer first head into Westcliff. The Game would start to load and then the disc stopped Moving, Then the sound died out and there was just the screen. 


    Soon I got fed up with waiting and took the disc out to see what was wrong, turns out there is a faint laser mark and a bad scratch on the edge from the previous owner!  :(


    So I was wondering, Do any of you ponys know how to fix these marks without having to pay for a new one? or can I get a refund ? Though I'd prefer not to drive All the way to bristol >_>


    EDIT: So I decided to go to blockbusters to get the game fixed, When i checked the disc in the car there was no laser mark from before but instead 3 big straches! So I went home to test it! I was able to continue the story until I got to the part where you,Hammer and Garth head to Wraithmasrsh. Same thing happened but on a different loading screen :okiedokielokie:   (Also Thank you everybody who posted a suggestion!)

  2. Wait there is "Other" things to do than being on a computer ? Wait what!? :blink:

    Nah I'm just kidding, In my other time there is:






    Drawing ( rare occasions )


    Play on the Xbox ( Mainly Fable II or BFBC2 )


    Watching MR.Bean ( Hes so funny! :lol: )


    Cuddle with my Doggie!


    Go to school  >_>


    try to Learn Russian   :wub:

    trot up the stairs like a pony ( I used to do that before I found out about MLP )


    Go on my phone.


    Heres a question, Does MLP forums have a android app? I'd download it, so then I can spend even more time on here Muhahah!

  3. I would do it if it meant I'd be in Motherbucking Equestria!


    I guess it would be awkward and confusing at first, but I'd get used to being a mare after a while..


    Like a few others have said Changing genders could mess up your sexual orientation... So I'd be a lesbian mare I guess


    It would be interesting also, come on! we've all wondered what it would be like to be a Boy/Girl before

    • Brohoof 2
  4. I haven't travelled much since I get travel sickness easily so my holidays include going to hotels and water parks in the UK  >_>


    Countries I've been too:


    Sweden ( I was born there! )


    Wales (I live there now )




    England ( I would consider England and wales separate countries just there both part of a unification under the UK  , The whole of wales was annexed by the english in the 15th century but is still a country! Same with Scotland and Northern Ireland they're all Unified under the UK )

  5. I feel like that sometimes, two of my 3 best friends aren't the brightest light bulb in the house ( does that make sense?) 


    Like one time my friend Jordan thought Chinese people were descendant from aliens... ( he wasn't trying to be racist , its just he is very gullible and thinks whatever he is told most of the time ) I can't remember having a serious/political/Scientific Conversation without it ending in "Nerd!"


    also the majority of my class are *sigh* around redneck I.Q level... This girl thought the sun was a planet...


    Some people in my class are very smart,  a girl in my class had 97% on her math Exam! 


    So yeah sometimes I feel like I'm one of the only Smart ones in my school... 

    • Brohoof 1
  6. My name is pretty wierd... Anuerin/Kade Heinz, I have a welsh first name but a German Last name... I wonder why I've never been called Heinz Beans...


    My school isn't very Diverse... Theres only 3 foreign people in my school,  Me (I'm from Sweden) , a girl called Fa from Thailand and a boy called Jordan from Italy so most names are like Normal British names (Example Bob.Jake,Oliver,daniel)

    • Brohoof 1
  7. My favourite genre would probably be either 50's-60's or Rock. But that doesn't mean I don't listen to other kinds of music! :P


    For my 50's-60's music I just tune into Galaxy News Radio and listen to the music there!  :)


    My favourite Bands in the more recent decades would be MCR,Green Day and Yellow Card ( Those are the ones I can think of right now )

  8. All my life I've lived with dogs... theres : Renza,Tara,Abby,Lewi,Maisy,Kestka,Couga and Luna ( I've just realized how cool it was to have a dog called Luna  :wub: )  ( All of them are deceased except Tara... ah Good times...)

    But what pet I would love to have I hear you say?


    Probably a cat, I've always wanted a cat, but a cat around so many dogs? Not a good Idea :(


    Since I only have One dog now and that dog loves cats ( Loves to play with the neighbours cats)  Maybe a Cat isnt that bad of a idea :huh:

    • Brohoof 1
  9. Exciting thing which happened today eh?


    I woke up! and then I accepted a friend request, then I downloaded the Free game Dead rising two on the Xbox360... I mean, where I am its only 7am. I still got lots of time for an exciting things!


    This Topic got got me thinking, so I ran down my stairs to my mailbox. My new Debit Card was Here! I mean I thought you had to be 18 to have a Card. Turns out all ya need is Parental permission. I guess thats exciting?

  10. I'm very open towards it.


    I would wear the merchandise and show it to others, but if you live where I live, you'll know why I don't do it in general.


    I am open with it most of the times, otherwise I wouldn't have the DVD's and trading cards.

    Wait! When was there MLP ttrading cards? Wow! thats pretty cool




    I have a school full of people just waiting to pull your leg


    My school is like that also, give them sommething to use against you and theres no stopping it

    • Brohoof 1
  11. I LOVE Battlefront! I had the second one as a birthday present when I was 6-8 and played the shit out of that on my PS2, I Got the first one about a year ago and Played the shit out of that too... 


    And now a new one is coming out! Battlefront III! But they're calling it just battlefront and said it was going to be a sort of "Reboot" to the Series...  EA has a bad reputation and there Directing the Game I think, Good thing DICE is Developing it though. 


    Knowing EA we'll probably need some sort of Online pass or Premium Membership to play Online...

  12. I was born in germany but Moved to the UK when I was little, but I'm only fluent in English and Brony Wait? Theres a character Minimum? 



    Oh yeah, I can also speak a little swedish and russian, but I am pretty bad at languages


    You know what would be cool? learning Ye olde English! well theres my task for the near ending Summer!

    • Brohoof 1
  13. well I'll describe my Main friends


    Jordan: He's very sporty ( You could say hes a Jock) He isn't that smart but hes good with games. He can be annoying sometimes. Sometimes His criticizing things can be hurtful but i don't think he meant to upset anyone,  but I'm always there From him. He can be Shy like me though, But he's scary when he's fighting and I mean SCARY, He had a fight with Daniel before and I was too afraid to jump in to stop it, My friend Oliver Broke it up I think. 


     Daniel: He plays Rugby with Jordan, He isn't as sporty. He can be considered as the funny one I guess, He also Likes Minecraft Unlike Jordan. Sometimes He can be annoying also but thats Rare


    Oliver (AKA; Bunion ) He might be small, but he has Bucking Balls! he aint scared of nothing! and he don't take shit from nopony! He hit Daniel for calling him fat. I remember he accused a teacher of saying that he needed to be in a "mental Home", Though his back-chating can get slightly annoying, most of the time hes also a good laugh


    Sadly None of them appear to be Bronies, Daniel said Pinkie Pie was Rainbow Dash so he aint one, Jordan I highly Doubt and Oliver? NO WAY


    I met all these when I went to Comprehensive, My Best Mates from Primary quickly became distant friends... I miss them Alot

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