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Everything posted by Acnologia

  1. Kyubi wasn't expecting Edward to introduce her in such a way, but figured that she should've expected something like that. To be honest, she was a bit nervous as to what she would do next. "I might as well start with Blitz and Midnight." She thought to herself as she walked towards said neko and Shana. When she arrived, she showed that she had no weapons and no tricks up her sleeve. "I'm sorry about what happened earlier. I guess I wasn't thinking."
  2. Kyubi nodded slightly and figured that that would be reasonable. "Thanks. Do... do you think we'll be able to go through my homeland? I may not know what Heinrich plans to do to Blitz, but it would most likely be for the benefit of my people." She said, as she followed the dark knight back to the tower. The dark elf then noticed a hole in the side of a tree and put her dagger inside, while resting her bow on the ground. Considering the past half hour, it would be best if she went to the rest of the group unarmed.
  3. Kyubi opened her eyes and groaned as she stood. Apparently she had fallen over while transitioning back to her own body and glanced back at the dark knight. "Thanks, but I doubt the other will trust me as easily." She said, feeling a bit sick in her stomach. It was the closest thing she knew to feeling guilt.
  4. Kyubi shook her head and smirked, laughing a bit. "Yeah, not exactly my best plan. I mean, you're basically a haunted set of armor, so I don't think that arrows would've worked." She said, before returning to his other question. "I was trained as an soldier for most of my life and specialized in archery and stealth. After I left my home, I basically became a assassin for hire, at least until I could find Blitz. Anyway, how exactly did someone like yourself end up possessing a suit of armor anyway? Most spirits move onto the next life, unless they have some unfinished business."
  5. Kyubi nodded and sat in the chair opposite of Edward, happy that he didn't press for information on the trial. That was something she wanted to forget. "I wasn't expecting all of you to be with him, and the fact that dark elves aren't exactly reputable didn't help." She said, looking down. She was telling the truth, but she didn't know if the man in front of her would accept it. "I was intending to knock all of you out and take Blitz somewhere where I could explain the situation to him. I didn't anticipate his reaction, though.
  6. When Kyubi appeared in the room, she looked like herself but wore a black dress with gold highlights and her short hair was longer and tied into a braid that trailed down her back. "I am still Kyubi Yamato. It is a pleasure to meet you, Edward." She said, blushing slightly. She wasn't exactly used to such formalities, but figured that she could at least try. As he asked the first question, the dark elf knew that there was no going back. "At my trial, if you could call it that, Governor Heinrich banished me until I could bring back Blitz. He said that that alone would give me the privilege of returning to my home and that Blitz would help our people in ways I wouldn't be able to comprehend. As for who Heinrich is, he's basically the advisor of our king."
  7. Kyubi was surprised that the one who she thought wouldn't hesitate to kill was giving her a second chance. "Maybe they could help me." She thought, as she slowly made her way down the tree. The dark elf then cautiously took the armor's hand in her own and waited. She didn't know what was going to happen, but she figured that it was worth a shot.
  8. Kyubi sighed as she watched from the csnoopy and laid on the branch she was on. "They wouldn't understand what my life's like. I've had everything ripped away from me. My home, my family, my life." The dark elf's body then shuddered as a tear rolled down her cheek. "I can't do anything right."
  9. Kyubi was surprised to say the least and she barely managed to dodged the attack. "Are you seriously trying to burn the forest down. And I thought my kind hated nature." She yelled. The dark elf then decided it would be best to hide and chose to do so in the canopy of leaves and branches above the forest floor.
  10. Kyubi glanced at Shanallot and simply shrugged. "I already gave a reason as to how I could be useful." She said, before turning her attention to Blitz. "Oh, you honestly didn't expect those who want you to not give me a name and basic description of you, and I apologize for my lack of foresight as to not give you my name. You may call me Kyubi Yamato, the shadow hunter, or simply Kyubi will do." The dark elf then turned to the dark knight. "Or, you could just let me in your group and we could just simply head for dark elf territory. As for being arrogant, I'm merely stating the options given at this point and not all dark elves are evil, just like all dragons aren't giant flesh eating brutes. I'll leave you to decide, but I'll be watching." The dark elf then laughed as her hand began to give off a dark light. Smoke then filled a six yard radius and Kyubi jumped into the air and through the trees.
  11. Kyubi shrugged slightly, as if she wasn't surprised to see a floating set of armor. "You mean aside from the fact that should you pass through territory owned by the dark elves, I could help you and get back into my society for bringing Blitzy to them. Your own guess is as good as mine when it comes to why they would want him, though. As for your little pony, he merely got in the way. The neko over there was my original target Just be glad I didn't put any enchantments on the arrow and that I need Blitz alive."
  12. Kyubi grit her teeth as she was thrown back and barely managed to not fall over when the other neko used magic on her. "Funny thing is, I wasn't sent to kill you. Someone from my home wants to see you and I can't exactly return without you." She said, glancing at the three in the clearing. The dark elf knew she was beaten, and it pained her to put away her dagger. "So, you're a band of traveling adventures on some random quest. Mind if I join you?"
  13. Kyubi smirked slightly as she drew her dagger. "Well, you're a smart little cat aren't you? Funny thing is, he wasn't even my intended target. You are." She said, before lunging at Blitz. She needed him alive as per her agreement with those who had banished her from her home, but she didn't really see what was so special about this being.
  14. Kyubi was slightly surprised and turned to see Blitz. "Uhh, hey. I was just walking around when I noticed your group and I was wondering if I could join?" The dark elf then put a hand on the hidden handle of her dagger and waited for the neko in front of her to respond.
  15. Kyubi grit her teeth in anger and sheathed her bow. "Well, that didn't go anywhere. Good thing I didn't waste my magic on that shot." She muttered to herself. She also noticed that Blitz was no where to be seen and an idea played out in her head. "They don't know I was the one who shot the arrow, so maybe I could play on their good side."
  16. Kyubi smirked as she watched Blitz and the group that he had made from a the seclusion of the forest. Years as a hunter and assassin have her some knowledge on how to deal with those with enhanced smell. It was quite simple really. She had to stay downwind of the Neko so as not to alarm him of her presence and she really didn't care for the female next to him or dragoness lurking about. "I just need him alive," She thought to herself as she nooked an arrow in her bow. "Then I have to find a way to get him back to the island. Simple enough." The dark elf then released the drawstring and the projectile went flying.
  17. Ryu noticed Lucy and thought for a moment, before shrugging slightly and nodding. "I don't have anything else planned for tonight, so I don't see why not? What exactly do you need help on?" The dragon was curious to say the least as to what the dragoness may have in mind, but nothing aside from an everyday school project came to mind.
  18. As Dawn fired her magic at Golden's attack, Clayton dodged out of the way of whatever reaction might come out of it. "Are you kidding me." He muttered to himself. To be honest, the unicorn hadn't expected things to go like this and had very little planned in case it would. Clayton then decided it would be best to take cover until the divine came to her senses.
  19. Ryu smiled as he watched Dawn leave and decided that it would be best to head home. The dragon then stood and gathered what he had brought with him and exited the club. He then noticed the others and was honestly curious, but not enough to see what they were up to.
  20. After a few seconds, a plan came to Clayton's mind. "I wonder how magic would work against him." He thought to himself. The unicorn then put his scythe on his back and fired a small beam of magic at Zecz. He didn't know what it would do, but figured it wouldn't hurt to find out.
  21. Clayton was stunned. He hadn't expected Tempest to be able to do something like that and was honestly afraid of the power he displayed. "Now I know why the others fear him." He thought to himself as he pulled his scythe back to him. He wanted to see what would happen next before he continued.
  22. (Oh. Sorry about that.) Clayton grit his teeth as he tried to block out what Zecz had said. "The only demon I see here is you." He thought as he continued to attack with his scythe. The unicorn then glanced at Tempest, but quickly turned his attention back to the demon.
  23. Ryu noticed that the others were beginning to leave and glanced at Dawn. "I'll see you tomorrow." He said, smiling slightly. The dragon noticed that Dawn's hand was on his and blushed slightly. Amber sighed as she noticed the abscence of the members of the club. "I might as well get home." She thought to herself as she stood and exited the room.
  24. Clayton smirked as he used magic to levitate his scythe and made it rush to Zecz. "You know, there's a point where one can't hear what you say. You just have to find the right distance." The unicorn then made his scythe slash at the demon. Clayton figured that distance was his best bet and figured he could keep that advantage.
  25. Clayton smirked and glanced at his friend, and was a bit intimidated by the power radiating off of him. "Wonder where he's been." He thought to himself as he turned his attention to Zecz. The unicorn woils wait until an opening presented itself before he struck.
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