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Everything posted by Acnologia

  1. Clayton had heard a bit of a disturbance nearby and arrived at the scene to see Golden and the others. "Well, isn't this just a swell get together." He said, not really showing any hostilities. The unicorn then looked over the group and put his scythe on the ground. He wasn't in the aoe of Chrysteel's spell, but the unicorn figured that it would ease tensions. "So, what brings al of you this far south?"
  2. Ryu sighed as he looked over the test. He had studied the night before and it still didn't make sense to him. "Figures this would happen during one of the most important grades." The dragon thought as he began the test. He had frequent lapses in his memory, but it wasn't like the information was lost. No. No. No. It was just that Ru couldn't really find the information at the right time. Amber smirked as she began the test. She hadn't studied, but she did get the curriculum that was being taught. "I wonder if any of my old friends are here." She thought to herself. The fox had looked around the room earlier, but couldn't see anyone that she knew.
  3. Clayton had gotten news of what Golden was doing as he did a routine patrol, and he figured that he might as well see what got her so worked up. The unicorn then trotted outside of the outpost and began to look around for said divine, while also keeping an eye on the skies above them. "Tempest is taking to long. He should've been back by now, granted it hasn't even been a full day yet." He thought to himself, worried for his friend.
  4. Clayton nodded slightly and showed no real emotion outside of anticipation. "Count me in. I think it's about time I made up for what I did to Dawn." He said, a look of determination in his eyes. The unicorn had failed his friends once and he wouldn't dare do it again.
  5. Clayton tried to find the smallest map that he could find and looked for a place to hide. He managed to find one inside a random barrel within the room and looked out a hole in the side. He had a good view of the room from this vantage point and he hoped that whoever came in here wouldn't be able to find him. Granted the barrel didn't seem to have anything in it and it was relatively out of the way, so he doubted that they would notice. The biggest flaw would be if they tried to pick it up, but that didn't really seem likely seeing as how the barrel was unused. The closet that Dragonfire was behind was on the opposite side of the room in terms of were Clayton was, and he doubted that he would be able to communicate with the other pony anyway. "Might as well try to get this ring off my horn." He thought as he tried to remove said object. Orion nodded and also took note of the other dragons. If they tried anything, he would defend Gale without any form of hesitation. "I understand." He whispered as he continued to fly with the dragoness.
  6. Clayton glanced at Golden and shook his head. "Believe me, Tempest isn't one to die easily. I've seen him risk life and limb for his friends and he always manages to find a way to win." He said. "Besides, what could the two of us do on our own. I'm not as strong as Tempest and I doubt you could take on an entire city of demons."
  7. Clayton watched as his friend flew off and sighed, thinking of how often this happened. "He's going to die protecting his friends one day. Eventually , he'll make a mistake." He thought to himself as he turned to Golden. "Come on. We should head back to Canterlot and warn the princesses."
  8. Clayton sighed as he trotted through the forest. He had followed Tempest and figured that he may need some help with whatever he was going to do. When he exited the forest, he saw Tempest and Golden, and one of them wasn't looking to good. "Hey. I figured that you may need some help. What happened?" He asked.
  9. Clayton's breathe grew heavy as he ran through the tunnels and didn't dare look back for fear of being caught. "Well, this just got a lot more interesting. Now I really wish I had my scythe with me." He thought to himself. The unicorn then ducked into the same room that Dragonfire had and noticed the map. A calm dread eased into his mind as he looked at the map and he glanced at the other pony in the room. "We have to tell someone about this. There's no way that Equestria can win a war like this." Clayton then looked for a map of the tunnels they were in and hoped that he could find a way out of this mess. Orion was surprised,to say the least, that something like this could happen, but given his race's views on other species, it didn't really surprise him that much. "Should we follow him?" He whispered, glancing at Gale. The dragon was at a loss for words, to be quite honest. He hadn't expected for any of this to happen, and especially not to a pony like Tempest or Clayton. "I doubt they'll be friendly to him if he gets caught."
  10. Clayton noticed Tempest trotting towards the base and sighed. "Well, might as well get this over with." He thought to himself as he trotted out to meet his friend. The unicorn didn't show any emotion. "Hey, I didn't expect that you would be back so soon. Dawn's up, but I don't know where she is now."
  11. Clayton winced in pain as Dawn punched him and wasn't exactly expecting the hug either. "Yeah. It was stupid of me to ask that of you. I know that you two care for each other and to be quite honest, I'm actually glad that you aren't going to do what I said. So, does this mean that I'm off the hook or are you going to tell Tempest about this?"
  12. Clayton sighed slightly and nodded at what Golden said. "Ok. I'll go see her." He said. With that, the unicorn trotted back to the room that Dawn was staying in and decided that it would be best if he tried to minimize whatever was coming, as he walked into the room and looked at the alicorn. "Hey, Dawn. I'm sorry about what happened earlier."
  13. Clayton sighed as he walked around the perimeter of the fort. He felt stupid for what he had done to Dawn and knew that it was wrong. "I'll see if she'll talk to me tonight. I might as well be prepared for anything, though. She'll probably be a bit annoyed to say the least." He muttered.
  14. Clayton sighed as he walked out of the cage and stood next to Dragonfire. He didn't have his scythe and his Magic wasn't that strong, but that didn't mean he wouldn't fight to get out of this place. The unicorn also noticed that Tempest was acting a bit differently than what he would've expected. "This could be interesting." He thought to himself, not noticing the bat pony's new accessory. Clayton then looked over the dragons and wasn't really impressed. Orion could take these two easily if he wanted, and he figured that the dragon would help them when he eventually found out that they were here. Orion laughed lightly as he followed after Gale. The dragon could feel the blood and adrenaline rushing through his veins as he chased after the dragoness. He wasn't as fast, but that didn't meant he was slow by any means. His bulk and larger muscles helped him to cover more ground with each wing beat, compensating for his lack of an aerodynamic body. When he looked up, he noticed that he was flying underneath Gale. A smirk played upon his lips and he came up beside his friend.
  15. Clayton nodded slightly and understood where Golden was coming from. "Ok. I just hope Tempest will be fine." He said, looking into the distance. "As for the others' actions, I don't know. Either they heard of what happened in the crystal empire or it's his appearance." The unicorn then trotted away and thought over a few plans.
  16. Clayton nodded and watched as Tempest flew away. "It won't just be your fault for what'll happen with him. We're all to blame on some level, except for Dawn. Speaking of which, I should get her to s bed." With that, the unicorn trotted into the outpost and into a room, setting the alicorn on the bed.
  17. Clayton sighed. "Yeah. I tried to do what I thought was right. A few ponies don't like Tempest and if word spreads that he and Dawn are a thing or that belief that Tempest isn't going with the whole anti demon war, things won't be so good for her." He said. "I know this won't be good for him, but Tempest can't know of this. To be honest, even he scares me at times and I'm one of his closest friends."
  18. Before Clayton could say anything, a guard had noticed Tempest approaching and gave a look of malice and hate. "What are you doing here? You're no better than those demons." A large group of guards were already forming and they held the same attitude towards the bat pony as the first. "You don't belong here." Clayton sighed and looked at his friend. "I think it's best if you leave, Tempest. I'm sorry for this."
  19. Clayton felt a bit nervous as he looked at Tempest. "Umm, yeah. A demon attacked us on the way here and knocked Dawn unconscious. I managed to kill it with my scythe. It had was bipedal with pale skin and piercing red eyes. Sorry that I didn't save it for you." The unicorn then glanced at Golden with a pleasing look, as if begging her to say that it was true.
  20. Clayton sighed as he picked up Dawn's body. He hoped to get back to the base and say that Dawn was just sleeping off some exhaustion, but as soon as she recovered, he would most likely be a dead pony. "I hope you understand that I did what I had to do. I don't know if you can talk in this state or not, but I hope you see that being with Tempest isn't exactly the best idea.
  21. Clayton sighed as he shot out a magic pulse aimed at Dawn. He didn't want to hurt a friend, but that would happen no matter what, seeing as how the attack itself was intended to paralyze a target for about an hour or two. She was a part of the Equestrian military and being with Tempest would either get her killed or basically exiled. "Hopefully they can forgive me after this whole ordeal."
  22. Clayton sighed and shook his head, before looking at Dawn. "Look, I've been hearing whispers about him from a few other ponies. They think he's no different than the demons that are trying to take over. I don't think they know about your relationship with him, so it would be best if you don't interact with him." He said. The unicorn knew that this wasn't easy, but he figured that Dawn would be the best to tell this to.
  23. Clayton nodded slightly and picked up his scythe, placing the weapon on his back. "The outpost is about a mile south of here, so it won't take to long." He said. "Listen, I know you trust Tempest, but something doesn't seem right and when that happened, he's normally in the middle of it. Please, make sure he doesn't do anything drastic." The unicorn then began to trot in the direction of the outpost.
  24. Clayton sighed as he stood and headed to the forest. He needed to find answers to all of this and he was at the very least determined. He knew the others would follow him and they had already discussed the plan for when they entered the forest. "I just hope everything works out." He thought to himself. Orion smiled as he landed in the clearing and saw Tempest and Gale. "Well, it's good to see that you two are in good health." He said.
  25. Clayton nodded slightly and smirked. "Yes, he can be trusted. As for what Tempest said, that is also true. They may not be here and if they aren't, we'll have to think of another plan." He said, before thinking for a bit. "To be honest, I don't like what's going on with all of this. I don't really hate dragons, but they don't normally do this." The unicorn then sighed and paced around the cell. If push came to shove, they could possibly fight their way out, but that would probably cause some injury to both them and the dragons. "Worst case scenario, they eat us. Best case sceneraio, they somehow either turn us into dragons or simply take care of the young." Clayton then shrugged and laughed at his own theories. He really had no idea what was in store and the lack of his best weapon was driving him insane. Orion nodded slightly and smiled. "Sure. I would love that." He said, a bit to eager to get away from all of the chaos of the migration. The dragon then stood and flew a few feet into the air, before stopping and waiting for Gale.
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