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Posts posted by GrauWitz

  1. Why yes, I have! I do it quite often! I just LOVE to crossdress! :D. Most of the time, I wear panties and thigh-high stockings under my normal clothes, and I love them. Sometimes, when I'm home alone or if it's late at night, I wear a skirt or a dress :wub:


    I aim at getting myself a thong, some suspenders, along with rainbow-coloured stockings and arm-warmers. Oh yes, that's my dream outfit <3


    Hopefully I haven't creeped anyone out XD

    • Brohoof 3
  2. I prefer headphones by a MILE. They're more comfortable, the sound quality is much better and I can still somewhat hear things going on around me. I just HATE earbuds! They don't fit into my ears properly, they fall out, they start to hurt after a while, the sound quality is awful, it completely drowns out my surroundings, and they're just way too awkward overall. Headphones FTW!

  3. So yeah, I finally decided to upload a more recent picture of myself. But I will make it a bit more interesting...

    This is a picture of my whole class. I'm on this picture, who am I? :^)sig-3853174.IJLtPtlh.jpg

    The fifth guy in the row that is standing up? XD
  4. Destiny:

    I remember being so excited for this game. Hell, I even got it for a great price. When I first started playing Destiny, I really liked it! I thought it was very fun to play, and leveling up my character in the early stages of the game was great! I was getting better guns, I was getting better armour, I was getting better abilities. I was actually feeling a sense of progress! And PvP was so much fun aswell. It was just an excellent multiplayer experience....... Then I hit Level 20. This is where the game throws progress out the window and makes you do the exact same thing over and over again to get better gear, only to get NOTHING in return for all that fucking grinding! The campaign is one of the worst I've ever played. The story is non-existent, the enemies are dumb and the gameplay gets repetitive. Also, PvP started getting old.


    So yeah, now I fucking hate Destiny! It was fun at first, but now it's an absolutely miserable dreck of a game. A total failure

  5. Yes, I did. He's one of my friends from the forums (not gonna name him), and he is my best friend. After a while, I started developing a crush on him, and eventually I was deeply in love with him. At first, I just kept it to myself, but then I read a special blog post by (thank you so much for inspiring me <3), and it inspired me to confess my love for my dear friend. I told him, and he took it pretty well. He even said that if it weren't for our age gap, he would've liked to be my loving boyfriend. We may not be a couple, but we still love each other a lot. :wub:

    • Brohoof 3
  6. Hahahahaha, this sign is awesome! I salute the person that put that sign up! Bigots do not deserve to be served, no matter what! You just gotta love how the father didn't let the gay man cut his son's hair, as if he thinks homosexuality is a contagious disease or some shit like that. Even if I wasn't gay, I would have done the same! I would've put up a sign condemning anyone who is a hateful, low-life bigot! :D

    • Brohoof 2
  7. Oh, I have quite a few!


    One day, I was playing Battlefield 3 and my Dad walked into my room. He then saw my "PONY" clantag on the scoreboard and said "Jesus, are you a brony?!" (yes, he knows what a Brony is and he plays Battlefield). I laughed it off, saying it was just a bit of fun. Still, pretty close though.


    A few months after that, my Dad and I were in London. We went to the comic book realm Forbidden Planet on Shaftesbury Avenue. We went to have a look around, and I spotted a really nice Rainbow Dash plushy. I picked it up.... and I gave it a little hug. Then my Dad saw me hugging it and it was pretty awkward, to say the least XD.


    THEN soon after that, my mom saw my cute Luna wallpaper on my phone and said "That looks a bit girly, don't you think?". I just told her that it was just for laughs XD.

    • Brohoof 3
  8. I have no problems with the school itself. The building itself isn't too bad and most of the teachers are nice and they do their jobs pretty well. But my main problem with my school is the other kids. When it comes to teenage stereotypes, they tick EVERY SINGLE BOX. They're immature, loud, obnoxious, unintelligent, rude and they show zero interest in serious topics/stories. They're all sports-crazy and they harass anyone who doesn't do sports, using homophobic slurs (which really bothers me, because I'm gay). I hate the lot of them....

  9. http://www.irishtimes.com/news/politics/ireland-becomes-first-country-to-approve-same-sex-marriage-by-popular-vote-1.2223646


    It is truly a fantastic day here in Ireland! Yesterday, the people of Ireland were given the chance to vote Yes or to vote No to legalising same-sex marraige in Ireland. The ballots have been counted, and the Yes vote has won! As a gay male who lives in Ireland, I am so happy to hear this news! :D

    • Brohoof 13
  10. I live in a suburban area. It's a small town just under ten minutes away from Cork city. I really like living here. In fact, here are a few pictures that I took of it ;)











    I wouldn't mind living in an urban area, though. I like cities! :)

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