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Dawn Arethia Whooves

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Posts posted by Dawn Arethia Whooves

  1. dawn looked at thunder and sat down "thunder quit trying to kill discord,because if you do that the whole time stream will be ruined! hasn't the doctor ever told you to not destroy anything even the smallest thing in the past?!" Dawn said to thunder in a demanding voice

  2. Dawn looked at Discord and gave him a dirty look. "You evil Draconequus! You can't even hold off chaos for a second!" Dawn yelled at Discord. She backed away a few steps but instead of being like thunder she stepped back in fear,the fear of being crushed by the creature of chaos 


    (OOC: all i can think of when i think of discord is Q )

  3. dawn looked at the doctor as he ran to the TARDIS and once he passed her followed him. "Well,few Daleks and we still encountered one! I wonder if that Dalek strayed out of a group of them. I don't know and we probably don't want to find out!" Dawn said half to herself half to the TARDIS walls 

  4. dawn stopped dead in her tracks "Skaro?!" she said "why,WHY are we on Skaro?!" Dawn continued "i don't like this planet any more then you do doctor,but BOY do i hate daleks more!" dawn growled. "And boy to they loooooooovvee me" dawn says sarcastically with a bit more truth to it then intended 

  5. dawn gives thunder a sarcastic smile "no,really?" she says "and what is it with you and the number ten? it is VERY weird!" she says "why do i complain so much? Because you are weird. Oh don't talk to yourself Dawn!" Dawn said,to herself. "Any ways, a discorded and dark doctor would be bad,very very BAD and bad is bad....so yeah it would be TERRIBLE" she says "this has been a very weird day for me,excuse my randomness" 

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