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Everything posted by Rockymoo

  1. Hey guys. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMgbUojFUoo This. This this this this this. When I was younger I'd occasionally just not press any buttons in a battle just to listen to the song play.
  2. Pfft. You milkylickers fail to see the sheer greatness and adorableness that is the Great and Powerful Trixie. Seriously, those smug facial expressions just make my heart melt. And a pony with confidence is a good pony. Plus her voice is awesome. Bottom line: Why is she my waifu? Because she's perfect. But of course, was there ever any doubt?
  3. It's Trixie Tuesday, fillies and gentlecolts! Don your wizard hat and cloak and join the celebration!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RrVPfX9cPtw59FpC


      I find it ironic that both of those things are missing from your avatar. :P

    3. Rockymoo


      Holy balls, you're right.

      Oh well. Trixie doesn't feel the need to show off her fashion sense ALL the time.

      ...That's the best excuse I can come up with.

    4. RrVPfX9cPtw59FpC
  4. Ah, the joys of being a post-graduation brony. You won't have to worry about that kind of thing once you're out of school. Look forward to it.
  5. More like magically huggable. And that reminds me, does anyone else think Trixie's cutie mark kind of looks like it could be a Lucky Charms marshmellow?
  6. I'm twenty. It's actually an awesome feeling knowing I'm not a teenager anymore, but an adult. I was getting sick of being a teen anyway. Feels good man.
  7. I think I might be the only straight shooter here that doesn't use chasers. My liver probably hates me for it, but I can go through vodka like water. My stomach got used to it a long time ago. The only bad thing is I'm a heavyweight now as far as booze is concerned, so I usually have to drink more to get just as loopy as someone else. But anyway, for my Trixie Tuesday I believe I'll celebrate by watching Boast Busters and Magic Duel back to back. It'll be a simply magical experience. *wink wink nudge nudge*
  8. Swiss is best cheese. Seriously. When I was a wee lad I would actually eat slice after slice of it just by itself. It's addicting. Granted, my digestive tract didn't really agree with it, but you know what? Totally worth it.
  9. Is it bad that I like this place a lot better than my actual in-person social life?

    1. SmittyWerbenjagermanjense


      Yes. If this feeling lasts for 3 or more hours please contact your doctor

    2. Betez


      Eh, probably. But life will become fun again. Eventually

  10. Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations. Also Dragon Warrior III for the NES(Yes, I have it on console), but I'm having an awful time with Baramos, so I'm in the middle of a grindfest. Still a good game though.
  11. Nah, she just realized that she's best pony. Well, she's always known that. Love ya Trixie.
  12. It's Taco Tuesday, baby!

    1. Dirty Dan

      Dirty Dan

      I love tacos, but I don't eat tacos much :/

      So taco night is a rare occasion but worth the wait

    2. Rockymoo


      I'm not sure when the Taco Bell in my town closes, but if it's still open I might make a quick trip over there and get a crunch wrap supreme.

      They're heavenly.

  13. I had no idea this thread existed until now. Please excuse me while I try to get over my absolute fanboyish overwhelming happiness right now. All hail Trixie Lulamoon, our true lord and savior.
  14. Anyone good with RPGmaker or Gamemaker? If so, feel free to shoot me a PM. You know you wanna.

  15. I do too, I'd like for my curls to just be more relaxed and less afro-prone. I usually have to put some kind of product in it to keep it under control. Damn Italian genes.
  16. Not sure. If I had the money and certainty about what I would want to have done, I'd consider it, but I can't think of anything I'm super-unhappy about. Well, that plastic surgery can fix, at least. People tell me I'm attractive but I'm sure a good number of people don't agree with that so I have a pretty neutral self-image when it comes to looks. If anything, my hair's curly to the point that I have to constantly wear a beanie to keep it from going all over the place. Unfortunately, surgery can't fix that. So I guess I wouldn't.
  17. Oh, I didn't mean naming your pony just one word. I meant implimenting those words into her name. Sorry if I wasn't clear about that.
  18. Not sure if these ideas are any good, but I'll just pitch a few off the top of my head: Requiem, Treble, Arpeggio, Vibrato, and Crescendo. Not sure how good they are, but like I said, they're off the top of my head.
  19. I think you mean Pooptickler Pooptickler Jr. Senator Pooptickler Jerry 'Milkylicker' Sandusky But seriously, I'm sorry I can't be of any help. I'd suggest something with Melody in it, but that's not too original. Hmm. You have a good design there, but naming is the toughest part.
  20. Dragon Warrior IV, hands down. If these don't get you pumped and ready to kick some flank, I don't know what will. Koichi Sugiyama is a genius.
  21. I think my brony heart is melting all over the place just from the sheer cuteness of this, no joke. Nice vector. Gotta love fluttershy.
  22. I agree with OP about the OC tropes that are so common they're cookie-cutter, but I don't see the point in making one if they're going to be a personality-less milkylicker with either a blank slate of a backstory or an unrealistic personality. I know they're ponies, but making an interesting and three-dimensional character should be something everyone tries to accomplish. I have one I think is pretty neat and original, but I'm probably not posting it since I'm not really into role-playing. And also, it's very situation-specific since it's for a project I'll do eventually and his personality actually changes. I'd feel like a d00sh for posting my pony without role-playing with it.
  23. Redesigns were the nail in the show's coffin as far as I'm concerned. And ditching perfectly good characters(or butching their personalities *cough*Brock*cough*)
  24. I'm so confused. Part of me wants to love and tolerate, and part of me wants to bang my head against a wall while smoking five cigarettes at once. I thought these people only existed on 4chan up until now.
  25. I should've elaborated on that a little further. I'm not saying FiM will sell out and become garbage. Or at least I pray to Celestia that it won't.
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