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Revy ~ Two Hands

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Posts posted by Revy ~ Two Hands

  1. Greetings all. Firstly I'm working on a Doom II mod I hope you check it out, I'll be putting up the beta here soon: http://www.moddb.com/mods/extramana.

    Secondly: Who here is gonna play Fallout 4, and how they gonna play it? I will play as SirLolzalot who will valiantly strive for the most hilarious decisions possible. Namely screwing people over for no reason whatsoever other than amusement, pretending to help people but secretely nicking all their stuff. Doing a mission diplomatically most of the way then when getting bored murdering everyone.

  2. They ported that to Vita?@, Also I wouldn't mind test running.

    Yeah it doesn't handle right though, needs to be on pc.

    At this point I've got three different forums to put up a beta for, I might as well just

    upload a pblic beta at this point since I was going to want plenty of feedback.I still think its less neat to do it thisway but I've come round to it.When the beta is finishe I'll just link it here

  3. 15 years of following modding? That's impressive. Sorry for speaking out of turn.

    About 15 years. I used to install mods from Pc Gamer demo discs, downloading mods off the internet could take days for most people since Broadband was barely a thing and moddb didn't yet exist

    • Brohoof 1
  4. Many mappers release public betas of their works (e.g. on the Doomworld forums) because it makes it really easy for anyone to test it and report problems with it, give feedback on the gameplay, etc. It's your choice of course, but releasing betas is a perfectly valid and common practice.

    I've followed modding for over 15 years, this actually isn't as standard as you claim it to be. Beta testing is usually closed to the public which is exactly what I'm doing. You can make mods anyway you want.
  5. May I ask why don't you just post the beta version publicly? Also you should look into publishing your finished version on the official archive of Doom wads: http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/

    Because I don't want the public playing an unfinished mod. Why wouldn't I want to fix missing textures or other problems before release? I prefer ModDB because I can publish multiple mods from mutiple engines all on one page as opposed to all over the net. I'm planning on modding other games in the future.

  6. You can count me in. Is it for vanilla, BOOM or ZDoom?

    I made it using GZDoom, in BOOM format. I personally run it using Zandronum that's my favourite source-port atm.

    I'll add you to the list of testers, if anyone else wants to be a tester just comment In this thread. I'll PM you all the file whenever I get the map finished. I'll credit anyone who tests out the map on the ModDB page when the map is ready for release (unless you don't want credit for some reason)


    Here's my developer page for ModDB when the level is ready for public release you'll be able to find it here:


    • Brohoof 2
  7. What tasks do you need your laptop to achieve?

    Video Editing & 3D modelling is Very RAM, GPU, & CPU Intensive

    Gaming is CPU, and GPU intensive not so much RAM

    Word proccessing, internet browsing are not taxing at all.

    Photo manipulation can be fairly intensive depending upon the number of layers and complexity of software.


    You really need to know what your going to be doing with it to decide.

    If the tasks are not intensive you probably want something like an i3 Quad Core, Integrated graphics card, 8GB Ram, HD space doesn't matter

    external hard drives are very cheap nowadays. Since you say Pc I assume you mean it'll be a Windows machine since most work software is either Windows or Mac, unless your doing programming or networking in which case Linux can do some of these tasks. Anyway I wouldn't get anything weaker than quad core since dual core really are terribly outdated by now.

    • Brohoof 1
  8. Yeah. There are two different kinds of ranks for that. One of the ranks works like an average shooter, where it'll increase just based on how much you play. But then there's your skill group rank. You can theoretically start at the highest rank in the game.


    The skill group is the one that you're allowed to brag over, since you can actually go down levels if you do bad enough.

    Do these affect weapons/weapon mods/skins/perks etc like they do in BF4?

    That's what gives a desire to keep playing in BF4, you can get new guns and make them work to your playstyle it's pretty cool actually.

  9. GO is actually very different from 1.6. 1.6 and Source are pretty much the same, but GO is its own thing entirely, and it's much better, in my opinion. This is coming from someone who played a lot of Source, though.


    If you like competitive games then it's worth checking out. But if you play casually then you probably wouldn't like it.

    I have too many games to play to 'git gud' at any of them really. I aim for the middle of the leaderboard for most matches in any MP game. Does CS:GO have persistent progression that affects the game? 

  10. Yeah, but if I want to play infantry, there are better games out there. Like CS:GO. I played Battlefield for the vehicles and BF4 kinda ruined it for me.

    If I want a game where I have to buy weapons between rounds I just play Killing Floor 2 tbh.

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