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Grumpy Enchantress

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Everything posted by Grumpy Enchantress

  1. It's okay if she doesn't like him but I'm saying she'll realize she does. Uh, I never called you gay. I'm not saying you're sexist either but the comment itself sure came off that way. Let's just not make generalizations about groups of people at all, okay? (Not trying to backseat mod either, though. )
  2. Seriously, dude? Let's not make this thread sexist, please. They do sometimes kind of abuse him with him being the butt of lots of slapstick and stuff but it's nothing super serious or anything and they all care about him still.
  3. He's only called a baby dragon because in terms of a dragons lifespan he's lived such a small part of it. I don't get how people forget that he was hatched when the Mane 6 were kids. They're all adults now so he has to be at least a teen. He's probably like 18 or 19. (16 at the youngest.) Hopefully they do an episode where she decides to buy him from Twilight and make him her pet and she realizes she loves him as he's serving her.
  4. Did you see this part? Also, I disagree that she doesn't feel the same way, she just has to realize it. She only borders on abusing him because she loves him. LOL!
  5. No, considering he's already been in the show, I'm pretty sure Slenderman is Slenderman.
  6. In the newest episode Rarity just forgot about Spike's crush for her, how? Is Spike forever alone now?
  7. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw that ad. I thought it was a boycott just waiting to happen.
  8. I don't think there's anything obscene about the act of breastfeeding whatsoever and get annoyed when people do think that but, considering where an actual pony's nipples (not sure if they can be referred to as breasts) are... yeah let's just avoid it.
  9. Thanks for adding me, friend! :)

    1. *derpy*


      your welcome! :)

  10. Because they can get someone with more acting talent for much less money.
  11. Why not? Some of them have already talked in past episodes.
  12. Grumpy Enchantress

    movies/tv Yogi Bear

    What are your thoughts on this cartoon? I think it's pretty poorly animated and not very funny but not awful.
  13. Nah, he didn't need to be punished. No offense but Rarity was being kind of stupid herself, it wasn't his fault.
  14. New drawing tablet. I ordered it offline, though and I'm really impatient. I want to use it now.
  15. My name on the other pony forum I used to be on was Evil Enchantress (named after the song, obviously) then when Game Grumps got popular a few members changed their names to Grump and Not So Grump so I decided to rip off their idea and make my name Game Grump-ish and I just decided to keep it when I came here.
  16. Well, I don't want to speak for Raiden but I think they were more just saying that if the very mention of the existence of Valentine's Day bothers you, it's not that hard to ignore the thread. As you said, you're not particularly bitter and you treat it like every other day. If you think of it as some insulting day that the mere existence of tortures you, you might wanna just steer clear of the thread about it. Let's not fight, I'm pretty sure it wasn't meant to be insulting.
  17. Sort of complicated. I'd probably be considered single but I have been adult-type and romance-type talking to someone online. I'm pretty sure it won't go anywhere IRL but I still like her.
  18. I'd love to see JonTron and Egoraptor play pony versions of themselves.
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