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Grumpy Enchantress

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Everything posted by Grumpy Enchantress

  1. It's okay if you don't like it but personally I love it so much. I really hope they bring romance into the show especially if Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, or Spike are involved. (And especially if they're involved together.)
  2. No "I don't know" option? Because personally I find it a valid theory in as much as it sounds possible but, there's no proof or evidence for it and there is obviously currently know way of testing the theory out anyway.
  3. Personally, I like shipping and think that they do love each other. Besides, how can you be friends with someone you don't love? They should take their love to a whole new (romantic) level.
  4. But Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash love each other. Don't you want them to be happy? Besides, the fandom would probably rage about it for a little while than get over it like Alicorn Twilight.
  5. Pinkie Pie should marry Rainbow Dash in Season 4. That would make the show so much better and also, like progressive and stuff!
  6. Spike was a pet in the pony world too. If they're not teenagers than is Twilight a pedophile for dating Flash or something? I say they are teens.
  7. Equestria is the better than any other fantasy land ever conceived, it's the best place you could live real or fictional ever and the absolute best part of it is definitely Pinkie Pie's bedroom.
  8. Pinkie Pie>Everyone and everything else in the entire universe. :D

  9. She's really funny, energetic, cute, three dimensional, well written, awesome, lovable, huggable, random, sexy, and all around best pony in the entire universe!
  10. Equestria Girls is canon, though so, if it was in that movie it's canon to the show. Meaning that Spike is Twilight's pet in the show too. Also, it doesn't matter how Spike thinks of Twilight if he's wrong.
  11. No, Sombra was way worse. He wasn't interesting, scary, cool, or even threatening. He hardly even used him and he never really did anything. He was just boring in terrible. Even though Sunset Shimmer also sucked, at least she was hot.
  12. No, it looks cute on him. Besides, it doesn't matter if it is a girly color because, Equestria doesn't have restrictions on what colors they consider for boys or girls so everyone likes pink and rainbows and stuff.
  13. Because I like talking about the show. This isn't the "Let's Discuss How Magic Works in the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Universe" forum. It's just the My Little Pony forum. Because it's obviously a magical spell and we've never gotten an explanation on how any other magic spells in the show work anyway.
  14. Everyone already thinks I'm a troll... :(

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Grumpy Enchantress

      Grumpy Enchantress

      People can disagree with me if they want and express their disagreement but, it's not an opinion I can be wrong on since there's no facts to what "should" happen. I'm not going to accept I'm wrong because I'm not wrong and nobody else is either. It's not something we can be wrong on and my opinion didn't change.


      Also, thank you, Dark Qivuiut. :)

    3. Dark Qiviut

      Dark Qiviut

      @Ghost: IMO, you didn't publicly accuse Enchantress of being a troll. A few posts that accused Enchantress, however, did. The posts that did got reported.

    4. ghostfacekiller39


      @Grumpy No...it was pretty wrong. It wasn't like, either you got it right or wrong like on a test, but more of the fact you missed the mark entirely, and kept pushing it. That's what I meant.


      @Dark Yeahh. I'll get into arguments on here, but I really do try my best to stay on topic and not insult people.


      Honestly, though, I did state something were Grumpy seemed like a troll to me. I don't think he/she is anymore, though, but, earlier on, it really did se...

  15. The biggest advice I can give is don't have long periods of silence, it's one of the worst things you can do in a commentary and I see it every now and then. Also, make sure you keep talking about interesting things and stuff.
  16. This isn't real life, though. Finding information and asking questions is great in real life but. who cares about the specifics of a fictional universe that has magic in it? The answer to the question is just really obvious, in my own personal opinion. That's just me, though. You guys can discuss it if you want but, I gave my answer,
  17. Why? It's a magic spell that helps her be in every dream at once. That's really all you need, I don't see why you'd expect such detailed "science" explanations in My Little Pony. Also, saying the opposite of what I said but putting it in bold doesn't prove anything.
  18. Yeah, I think it'd work for the show to have a sad episode. If I was a troll I'd say I want it because it'd be funny or something. A mod already locked that thread but, I received no warning points from it so can the troll accusations stop until I actually do something troll-like? (Which I won't do sine I'm not a troll.) Yeah but, Twilight wasn't paying attention to what he was saying in Spike at your Service and in Dragon Quest she only pretended to support him and ended up going to stop him.
  19. Seriously, do you really need an explanation when we already know there's magic in this universe? It's the same way Santa can see every kid when they're sleeping and know when they're awake.
  20. If anypony died I'd be upset but interested in how it was done and if it was a good choice or not. Alicorns are boring, I say kill all the ponies.
  21. Friends but only a little bit. She loves making new friends and throwing parties for them so it kind of goes hand in hand but, she likes friends better.
  22. The only funny moment in the whole movie was when Fluttershy got hit in the head with a broom. The rest is just cringe-worthy, unfunny, poorly written, terribleness.
  23. Yeah but, Spike is slow and needs to ride Twilight in order to keep up with her. She'd probably never let him ride her otherwise.
  24. I hope this season actually has quality with the writing and storylines unlike Season 3 and Equestria Girls but, I'm convinced the crew has no idea what they're doing anymore. My hopes were already lost when I saw Discord in the preview because, he's the most overrated piece of pathetic fan-service that only served a purpose for one episode and when they brought him back they utterly ruined his character and there's nothing left for him to do besides be a waste. The only reason they keep using him is he has a big fan base but there's no reason for him to still be in the show whatsoever and they refuse to do anything original whatsoever and have to do something despite to get fans again. So I'm not really looking forward to Season 4 at all from how it's looking but I hope it surprises me.
  25. His bed is one of the most pet like things about him, though. That's just one of those little dog or cat beds and Twilight gets this huge comfortable real bed.
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