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Everything posted by Never2muchpinkie
I had a revelation, so I just want to update this post. Twilight is only shown sleeping once. And the next day upon being told that because of Snips and Snails trashing the gym the Fall Formal would be moved to the next day Twilight freaks because there isn't enough time. So the main plot of the movie takes place during the SECOND and THIRD days the portal is open, which means Sunset Shimmer had a whole day to visit Equestria and learn the relevant information, like the new princess and the Elements, news that Twilight was coming to visit, etc. So I got the answer to my own question.
Well, I did a quick look here and on TVtropes headscratchers, but I haven't seen something like this. I'm doing a AU Sunset Shimmer fic where she comes through the portal when it next opens after 30 moons (this fic has been on the backburner for a long time, before season 4 started) and she goes to Twilight, wanting her to be the liason to get a meeting with Celestia and make amends with her for the past. When I was writing her backstory and what made her split from Celestia I came upon a little snag. When I watched the movie for reference that only made it more confusing. We see Sunset come through the portal, then she seems to immediately know exactly where Twilight is, that she is the new Element of Magic wielder, that she has it as her crown and in her possession and that she's a princess. She's just come to the human world after whatever number of years she was away, plus the portal wasn't even in Canterlot Castle at the time. It was in the Crystal Empire, a place Sunset should have no idea how to navigate. How did she come by such detailed information? My explanation was that she used her magic to hypnotize a guard to get information, but can anyone give me something else, more reasonable?
I'm doing a fanfic where there's a scene in Twilight's house, and I'm trying to figure out how the thing is structured. Flipping through a few episodes I think I have the general outline, but I was wondering if anyone had something more detailed, the kind done by someone with way too much time on their hands. From what I saw after going through the front door there's half the library. Spike's greed episode had her lock Spike in another room with more books on the ground floor. From the same episode and Twilight's first sleepover episode we see that there's a second floor when you ascend the stairs, and above that is a loft where Twilight sleeps, along with a balcony to stand on. From the episode where Twilight gets Owliscious at the beginning Spike runs under an archway to another part of the library, so that makes 3 rooms in total on the ground floor? It can't connect to the room with the door, as it wouldn't make sense for Twilight to lock Spike in a room with another exit, or did the library change structure and that door was just removed for that episode? So confusing! >_< Is that it?
So I was rewatching the episode "Over a barrel" and I suddenly had a thought: Why are ponies pulling the train? I know it was a later season episode but "MMMMstery on the friendship express" shows them using a coal power source to move the train. Even in a magical world of ponies the thought of even 4 strong stallions being able to pull a train seemingly ALL NIGHT and into the morning without even appearing winded just feels ridiculous and out of place, and it bugs me. A pony being a taxi I can accept, because it's like the concept of a rickshaw in Asian countries, but 4 ponies pulling an entire train, complete with things like a tree on board seems impossible, even if Big Mac could pull a house while under the influence of love poison. Even if you argue that it's not just running on the pull of the stallions that basically makes their purpose useless.
How come 5-year-old pony art never took off?
Never2muchpinkie replied to Never2muchpinkie's topic in Sugarcube Corner
Given what I've seen of this fandom there is a huge amount of fanart for basically EVERYTHING! Twilicane. background ponies, you name it, there is probably at least 100 pictures of it. However, despite 5 year old Sweetie Belle being a big deal in "For whom the Sweetie Belle toils" there is barely any fan art of what was finally the 5th stage of pony development show in the show apart from baby, foal, adult, and elderly. Nearly all the pictures shown for it come directly from the show. So what was it about this that made it pick up no interest or attention?
Doesn't stop the fans. Remember "Broken quill" pony from Trade ya? The fan name for this one is Chirpy Hooves, and most of the fan art is with Derpy and/or Dinky, just because they look a lot alike. Well, there's no way of breaking that connection at this point. The fanart is too strong with this ship. Is there a reason Dinky CAN'T be Derpy's kid? We've seen that Amethyst is Dinky's sister from Sisterhooves Social, which makes Derpy seem too young, but pony bodies only go from baby, child, adult,and elderly, so we have no idea what the ages are. Derpy could be in her forties while Amethyst is in her teens. Anyway, ponies don't always vastly look different than their parents. You brought up Twilight's parents. Twilight Velvet is basically a recolor of Twillight, just with a slightly altered mane. They both have that same part in their mane, and both her children have highlights in their mane. Rainbow Dash and her dad also have the same rainbow mane.
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Everyone likes to say Dinky is Derpy's daughter. Despite their race difference of pegasus and unicorn they look very similar. When Sisterhooves Social came along Amethyst Star/Sparkler was added to the Hooves family as Dinky's older sister. Makes sense. But wait! In the Mysyterious Mare Do Well episode we see Amethyst having a picnic with Tootsie Flute Granted, it doesn't HAVE to mean they're related,(she could be foalsitting, after all) but given the way the fandom hitched onto Derpy/Dinky/Doctor Hooves and then added on Amethyst it's a shame poor Tootsie doesn't get more love.
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http://www.fimfiction.net/story/189993/how-a-pie-became-a-cake A cute story of how Pinkie Pie came to live with the Cakes. Pinkie uses all her charm to help save Sugarcube Corner from shutting down. May your heart's explode with adorableness.
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Obituary (official)
Never2muchpinkie commented on RIPJustAnotherBrony's blog entry in Obituary for JustAnotherBrony
This really saddens me. In writing my very first fanfiction he took a great interest in my Scootaloo/Rainbow Dash fic, anxiously waiting and pushing me to keep going. I kept updating him and there were times when I wanted to quit because it was coming out so long but his support helped me to keep going until I finished. May he rest in peace. =(- 5 comments
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From what we've seen there are only three categories of morality: good ponies who have their character flaws, jerks who look down on others, and super-villians. There doesn't reallty appear to be any other types, so we don't get to see minor villiany. Looking at episodes which seem to show small-scale villiany like the ones with the Flim-Flam brothers, Lightning Dust, Gila, Trixie, and probably more the worst that happens is that that they either lose what they were going for, and/or have to leave town. So, what...it's either Tarturus/the moon/sealed in stone or you get off scot-free? I'm finishing up a fanfic in which Diamond Tiara is kidnapped for a ransom. The plot is foiled, and now I have no idea what to do with the criminal. Super-jail Tarturus seems a little extreme, but we've seen no regular jail or hints at one. There are no police type ponies unless you count Celestia's royal guard. I suppose I could just make a jail since, hey, it's my fanfic, but this is bugging me.
So this was something that confused me about the series 4 finale. Tirek Om nom nom's everyone's magic, taking away their cutie mark too in the process, leaving them blank flanks. As of yet not one pony has had a different colored flank than the rest of their body, so it has to be part of the cutie mark. But if it's part of the cutie mark it should have disappeared with the moon part of the cutie mark. If for whatever reason she didn't give Twilight ALL her magic, than Tirek would have taken whatever was left and that part should have disappeared then. SOOOOO....which is it? Can someone explain this to me?
I don't think much needs to be said here. This is just the most awesome thing ever. Oh yeah! Pinkie forever! Here's a link to the article if you're interested. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2588768/Mother-spends-week-baking-My-Little-Pony-cake-size-Shetland-complete-26kg-icing-86-eggs-32-boxes-Rice-Krispies-fed-900-people.html
I need OC's for a fanfic I'm writing
Never2muchpinkie replied to BinaryPony's topic in Original Character Help
http://paulyvectors.deviantart.com/art/Rose-A-Cute-Filly-Point-Commission-443814605 This is my OC Rose Blossom. In my fanfic Scootaloo is adopted into her family and becomes her big sister. She's a rambunctious ball of energy like Scootaloo, and despite the potential to fly she more prefers being ground based because she has a hero worship for Scootaloo who becomes an expert scooter rider. This should be good...I hope. -
This was something I found a little unusual. Given her reaction to Maud saying she's not into "winning", thus not into competing, as well as her own love of racing and being the best, you'd think that she would be ecstatic and happy about two ponies essentially fighting over her and continual outdoing themselves to impress her. If you watch throughout the competition she's smiling away and enjoying herself anyway up until the party tank and gigantic pinata bits. Now, I'm not saying it was out of character. She showed earlier she was a little uncomfortable with Pinkie's overbearing attitude towards parties, and since someone had to lose that would mean she would lose have of her party making team. She wanted to have both of them working together to make her party the best. And lastly, she may just have times, like her birthday, where she just wants to chill, and thus a competition isn't high on the list of things she wants for it. So, thoughts?
This was a bit of a minor thing that bothered me, of Sweetie Belle calling Luna without her title with the exception of when she first appeared. I guess it just bugs me because in Hearts and Hooves day they call their teacher MISS Cheerilee, so you'd think she'd be more respectful to someone of a much higher position of power. I
I thought I saw something like this a few days ago, but I can't seem to find it, so if anyone can direct me to it that would be great. So do ponies know when they get a cutie mark, or do they have to notice themselves/get told by others? Looking over Cutie Mark Chronicles, the answer would seem to be no, they don't know. After hatching Spike you can clearly see Twilight does not have her cutie mark, and a short while later has to have it pointed out to her by Celestia. Rarity does notice getting hers, but she seemingly glances over from the flash when a cutie mark appears rather than because of the cutie mark itself. You can see a bunny react the same way when Fluttershy's cutie mark appears. Applejack got her cutie mark right after going home in the presence of her family, who would have told her as soon as they noticed. Probably the same for Pinkie Pie. RD is an unknown. Someone could have told her she had it right after the race ended. The way they word things make it seem like they know the exact moment, but the actual flashbacks can go one way or the other for some of them.
For me what got me hooked was her first "joke" Where Rarity asked her what her dress was saying, and she was like, "It doesn't talk. It's a dress." It was such an unexpected answer that I burst out laughing for like two minutes. And of course they really sold the ending with Maud showing she kept all the necklaces Pinkie gave her and finally smiling while saving she loves her sister. One of the best episodes of season 4 to me as I am a huge fan of literal/dry humor.
This was brought to my attention by Littleshy's Cinemare sins video on the theme song, in which he says he's glad that Luna is now in the theme, but she's still just like an add-on. We saw the Sisters used to have a shared throne room with a throne for each of them right next to each other. It's understandable that after the battle she wouldn't have a throne since Celestia moved to a new castle and ruled alone for 1000 years, but now it's been a confirmed year since Luna's return with the first episode of season 4, and Celestia still didn't make a spot for her sister to be at her side again?
I didn't forget the entire quote. The point was that you felt that way at all. That you hated the characters for that and found it cruel is a bit of an over-the-top reaction to me. It was clearly meant to be an end of episode gag. I can't agree with you on this. There is a big difference between standing up for yourself, and doing something out of revenge that can potentially cause serious harm or death to your bullier. When you start doing things like that you sink down to the level of the bullier and it doesn't make you a better person for it. Secondly on that point, you act as if something kidssee in a show is the end-all, be-all of everything. But you completely ignore or forget to mention the role of parents in this. If anything, you should be blaming parents if they're so incompetent that they let TV parent their kids exclusively. This is the kind of show where lessons should be gateways to communication, not ironclad unbreakable morals. After seeing this episode parents can discuss what happened with their children, and if they agree with it and their own stance on it. Even if it isn't handled well, it can still be learned from. "Babs didn't get punished for her actions. Do you feel that was right or wrong?" "Do you think the excuse that Babs was bullied in her hometown gives her an excuse to pick on others?" Etc. And if you know your bully has a weapon like a knife, why would you want to try to fight them in the first place? In that you're referring to something unstated in the show, while, again, the actual moral presented by the show is to tell an authority figure. which would make more sense. UMM...WHAT? They didn't realize ANYTHING themselves and would have gone along with their plan with a clear conscience if AJ hadn't told them about Babs being bullied. That statement also contradicts something you said earlier, which is that you didn't like the CMC excusing Bab's behavior. Now it's okay because it made them change their mind about their plan? Now you're excusing THEIR behavior because they felt bad about it and tried to save her? Why was Rarity in the wrong here? She made a mistake in forgetting that that day was the day Sweetie was supposed to start her week long stay there, but that's a forgivable error, as we can all forget important things. The reason she didn't pay attention to Sweetie Belle is that she was "on the clock" and had to finish up dresses for a client. The reasons she lost her cool and berated Sweetie was all because of things SWEETIE BELLE did that were wrong. SB had good intentions, but she still messed around in Rarity's workroom, stole her jewels from the drawer with the justification that "Well, you got more in your workroom" and took her cashmere sweater from where it was. And I think Rarity handled herself very well. She scolded when Sweetie Belle messed with her stuff, which is a perfectly reasonable reaction to finding your younger sibling was doing so, and when she felt she was getting pissed she reined it in and smiled and let it go. On the third occasion, when she felt she was going to snap at SB, Rarity told her she needed some time alone so she wouldn't freak out. And it wasn't exactly about not wanting to spend quality time together, it was that what SB was proposing wasn't something she was interested in. So really, while Rarity wasn't perfect in this episode, she certainly shouldn't have been the one begging for forgiveness either because she wasn't the only one at fault.
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