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Pencil Hoof

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Posts posted by Pencil Hoof

  1. sentence # 1

    that sounds nice, I say, I am not surprised.

    sentence # 2

    we all can make mistakes. That's part of being humans.

    sentence # 3

    <.< ok that escalated quickly. 




    you are a tad enthusiastic.


    O_o I can't tell if you mean there is something wrong with my enthusiasm :S

    If so, i'm not always, just when does something awesome. In this case what fulffy said was awesome.

    takes a lot of balls to say you're wrong and apologize.

    • Brohoof 2
  2. well, did you really have to comment on that? If so, why not something less objectifying and rude? I mean I get it, I just didn't need your input bro.



    can you show me when I was being rude? you said that you were feeling like an attention whore, I did nothing else than agree with that. If someone is being rude now it is you.



    I did not mean to come across as rude my friend, I apologize greatly. It didn't occur to me that your were agreeing with me, that is my fault. May we put this past us and be friends once again? ^.^


    I was about to de-escalate the situation, but I see you're already work on your own solution. Something I've never seen in any other community.

    Gotta love dis fandom :')

  3. in fact you've been acting exactly like that.



    edit that post inmediately because you may get 100 wp for that, mods check all the threads even the "private" ones, I'm telling you by experience. 


    I still followed the rule. there are no fillers.

    Unless venting is against the rules :/

    And I've gotten -100 before. At this point, i really couldn't care much less.


    lol, I feel like an attention whore now :/ hope I don't seem like it. But seriously, I think I made this a bigger problem than it should of been, not supposing to be a problem at all. Sorry for whining guys


    Meh I don't really mind. I guess something like this was mound to happen to someone eventually. You just got the short straw :P

    • Brohoof 1
  4. no bro, what I meant was I've been posting my art and such on here, hoping someone would like it and ask for a request and exchange it back. Like how everyone is drawing for everyone on here.......except me :/ I got left behind 7 or 8 pages back, like I didn't even post on here. I'm not being desperate for art or anything, just to feel like someone knows I posted on here, not just that guy who posted a few drawings and was left alone.

    Well I'm drawing EVERYONE'S OC's (goodness knows why >_>), so I can at least guarantee you art from me :) Yep. That's the truthy truth truth.

    Frinking character limit is seriously starting to tick me the frink off.

    • Brohoof 2
  5. I'm not really a fan of this type of music, but the way it was produced seemed okay to me. I can't tell for sure since I don't listen to much of it(obviously). All e same, I subbed to "keep and eye on your progress" XD

    BTW, You should sign up for Pony. FM alpha (if signup is still possible (not sure))

  6. I was totally expecting one of those poems with the hidden meanings. This was pretty straight-forward. Good job.





    *sees this almost a year later* O_O

    LOL sorry about that XD

    Thank you very much :P

    I was totally expecting one of those poems with the hidden meanings. This was pretty straight-forward. Good job.

  7. ...Why not? :P



    Oh and on the subject of how to spread the word:

    Get on all the social media websites you can. Make sure each of them links to each other. Update constantly, and also, if possible, get a somewhat official website (this should also have all social media links, and be linked to by all you social media accounts)

    Also, professionalism is important (at times) but you also have to be relateable and likeable.If I think of other thangs, I'll give yall a shout :P

  8. It will contain no copy righted characters. So there should be no problem. At least I think there should not be any problems.

    Oops didn't see that.. hmm

    Yeah I guess that could work :P

    Even still people will want to see MLP characters, so unfortunately  it probably won't be as popular as fighting is magic. Al the same, I'll follow the project, and see what comes of it :)

  9. I just finished making the reference sheet for all the OCs on the therad.

    oh, I'm sorry, did I say sheet? I meant SHEETS. As in four pieces of 8.5 x 11.

    I say again: What have I gotten myself into D: :P

    Took me an hour to put the sheets together.

    Anyway, I have some questions for someof you.

    Expect them at any time >: D


    BTW! I promise the quality of my art is better than the attached drawing. that was just a 10 second drawing (with a mouse) for funs :P


    • Brohoof 2
  10. I can't pay you, but I do have other pony-related talents I can offer as recompense (wiriting, mostly).Here is a short background on him:


    His name is Gevarel.  He is a male unicorn from Samareia (the ponified version of the Middle East), and was kidnapped from his family as a newborn.  As a foal he lived on the streets and learned to survive on his own, until he was attacked by a gang and taken in by a young couple of earth ponies who raised him.  When he was older, his his house was burned down by the same gang from his childhood in an attempt to kill him.  Wanting to protect his family, he ran away from Samareia and traveled all the way to Equestria, hoping to lead a quiet life without attracting attention to himself.


    He is still fairly young (18-19) and doesn't have a cutie mark yet.  Anypony who wants to try and draw him has my eternal thanks! I kinda picture him in a desert-esque scene from Samareia, but that's just me! :)

    This pic is the simple OC creator representation of him.

     I personally can't draw him, right now but just thought I'd let you know, if you ever need an OC drawn really well, and probably in several styles, you can always just go to the "Massive Art Swap Thread" thread :)

    Link ---> http://mlpforums.com/topic/36413-massive-art-swap-thread/?hl=massive%20art

  11. Hmmm. The creativity is definitely there, and you have a good melody, but there are some technical problems, and some parts get a little "repetitive" because you didn't follow the eight bar rule and stuff.

    Oh and no outro.

    But still, with a little more practice and knowledge, I'm sure you'll be awesome... so I subbed to dat ;)


    Oh, totally forgot to ask... What Programs, synths, hardware (if you have) do you use?

    Also forgot to mention, I love the visuals in the eyes. Very creative ^_^

  12. Let's not forget my music teacher failed me. :P  Yeah I can still use samples from the show or extract audio from the show's video. As for the show's audio I have no idea how to do that. (though admittedly I haven't really looked into it all that hard either.) And by that I mean I don't know how to remove background noise from the vocals. Which is funny cause in many cases people are wanting to do the opposite. lol  One of the problems I also would have is trying to make them all on the same audio 'key'. 



    I use Acid Music Studio 8 with a Novation impulse49 usb midi keyboard. Along with Acid, I used vst's such as Nexus2, Albino3, SubboomBass, and SonikSynth. I have a Yamaha  EX5 but have lent that to my brother for him to learn from or dabble in/with/whatever he believes he's doing.

     Huh I've never heard of that DAW before :o

    But anyway, if it comes with an equalizer, then all you have to do is EQ the song and turn down as many frequencies as you can tat don't include vocals. But you don't usually even have to, since somepony's usually done it for pony songs :)


    I guess the main problem would be the thing about the same key. I usually do some by ear, but after I know a couple of the notes, I kind of use basic music theory to guess other notes in the key sig :/

    • Brohoof 1
  13. I could do more if i had more rescources. If I had vocal samples with no or highly muted background noises with the ponies then I could definately get creative with it and create more themed type songs.


    You have to realise that i can't read or write notation at all. It's all by ear only which is definately a feat in and of itself. If there was a collection of pony samples i could download I'd definately mess around with them for sure.

    Well I mean, unless the show's producers decide to release the vocals without background music it doesn't look good :(

    But can't you still make music with the highly muted backgrounds? A lot of pony musicians seem to be able to do it just fine :S


    And you could always learn notation as you make music. It's not THAT hard. But I recommend you do it with piano. If you can play piano, you can play anything. :)

    Oh, btw, what "resources" DO you have (programs, midis, etc.)?

  14. - I certainly make no apologize to being a brony, but I understand it's not for everyone. I would certainly defend it, if pressed, and I am somewhat in the open about it. So I guess, in this respect, I resemble a newer brony. But I at least would like to think that comes more from enthusiasm than jingoism.

    I don't think anyone said that older bronies were less defensive of the show, just that they weren't so in-your-face about it.


    Anyway, I'll probably post my personal opinion soon :P

    • Brohoof 1
  15. This might not be exactly what you're looking for, but I would SERIOUSLY consider checking out MarkCrilley if you haven't already. 

    When it comes to drawing almost anything, that man is a god in hand form I swear. 





    Those are just two of his eye-works. He normally commentaries his tutorials, but I dont think they are commentated.

    (Listening to music as I post this...so...eh) 

     I found this guy recently, and can definitely vouch for him. Great artist, and great videos. I would subscribe to him again if I could. 

    Not really, I don't like him THAT much, but hey, I had to say something to get 100 characters >_>

    • Brohoof 1
  16. I... I still can't believe I am actually doing this but, okay.   I need some advice at art... So, yesterday I drawed a human for my first time... Well, it was more like a mage than a human...   So, here it is:     YEH. IT'S SIDEWAYS. DEAL WITH IT, BECAUSE MY MOBILE IS STUPID.   Anyways... Is there any way I can improve this...?

    Third time writing this, so sorry if I sound short or critical -_-
    Anyway, like I said.
    The first thing is, his right shoulder is slanted. If you want to fix that, then just make the lines more horizontal and less diagonal.
    Keeping on the subject of shoulders/arms, his right arm could benefit from being brought forward a bit. Right now, as it goes from the shoulder toward the hand, it slants towards the body. That makes it look like he's just slightly pull his arm backwards, which, if you try it, is really quite uncomfortable, and unnatural :P .
    I also noticed that the bottom "half" of his body (below the waist) is too short. If you visualize, or better yet, sketch legs that fit in that robe, you'll see it's not quite right... I think...
    The last thing I really noticed was his robe is a little weird on his bottom left (the right side of the drawing). The robe is slanted outward, but it doesn't look like there's any reason it should be. If it's supposed to be his leg making the robe slant, then it's easier to actually draw the leg, then just erase it's inside. However, if it IS supposed to be his leg, then that's also a bit unnatural. If it's suppsed to be the wind, then you should try drawing a consistently angled line from the belt to the end of the robe. Then you can try drawing some dramatic folds in there (the whole drawing would look cooler with folds of some sort). I would tell you how to do that if I was very good with folds myself :P
    Anyway, hope this helps.
    P.S., sorry for any bad spelling, but I'm typing on my Wii U, and me + touchscreen keyboards = BLECH.
    P.P.S., if you don't understand anything I said (whether it's because of previously stated reasons for bad spelling, or just bad explanations on my part (or even just something in the picture that looks wrong to you that you want a second opinion on), just ask.


  17. What? I admitted in the previous post that she is not ugly. Just Craig McCracken is, but I wanted to downplay that.

    Okay,  Craig just looks... eccentric. Interesting to look at, like old Presidents like George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.
    Again, read my second post and look real hard at the words.

    This might insult you quite a bit, but I'm going to say it anyway, because I think you need to hear it. Looks aren't everything. And not only are looks not everything, but it's very shallow to think that they are.
    Additionally, even though Craig will proably never see your post, it's still really mean and viscous to say such terrible things. Actually, it's pretty catty to be talking about him so negatively just cause you don't think he'll see.
    Also, who cares? It's not out place to question Lauren's motives just because you've seen a couple pictures. You don't even know the man.
    Finally, so what if he made Powerpuff Girls? You watch a show "for little girls". He's just a step higher than you. He was creative enough to acrully make one.
    But I guess that's just what I think. *shrug*

  18. your left eye is a tad to high, and the right eye is slightly to big

    but your biggest problem is that your not following a concave skull line, it's lumpy

    also, Derpy's mane is covering up some of her skull, so you wouldn't have to worry about a top portion of getting the eye right

     LOL that's what I said (minus the hair thing XD)

    Oh well, great minds think alike :D

    Or in this case mediocre minds (mine) think like great minds (yours) :P

    • Brohoof 1
  19. Thanks for the tips, friend. It all makes sense now that someone went and helped me along personally. 


    Went back and reworked her a bit more. Something about the left side of her face seems a bit...wonky to me. I can't put my hoof on it... Plus I still need to work on how manes lay around ears.




    I'm getting closer, though! :)


    The problem with the left side of the face is that the eye is too big. Try pushing the top of the eye down a little. Also, because the eye doesn't follow the same curve as the face it looks like it's bulging out, so I think if you make the edge of the eye the same curve as the edge of the face it should fix that problem.

    Hopefully that helps :S

    Oh also, you might try making the top of her snout more flat. Like, make it more like a right angle :)


    What is the best drawing tablet on the market atm and how much does it cost? I'd prefer em to be bigger as smaller ones gives me wrist pain.


    I know that this is almost off topic but I thought I'd ask here instead of starting a new thread.


    I admittedly don't know much about this, but wouldn't that sort of thing be more of a personal preference than a set list of good vs. bad?

    • Brohoof 1
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