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My Little Pony

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  1. The fact that this show has rarely touched romance is one of its greatest strengths. This is a strength being undermined by lazy writing and a very large focus on marketing. I assure you, no venues are closed in a children's show by excluding romance that should not remain closed. Honestly, it's sad really. Whenever I think of the show over the past year, especially since the Sanic Fast debacle, I can't help but think of it. There is no greater danger to the state of this show than romance, because romance cannot be ignored, it cannot be undone. Introduce romance into the structure of this show and the whole thing comes apart like the matrix. You can ignore the fact that Twilight Sparkle is now royalty, and the show will go on. You can ignore that a movie with a cliched, boring, and idiotic concept happened, and the show will go on. But you cannot ignore a romantic plot point, for its very nature prohibits it from being outside of view at any time so long as either character involved is within view. On a children's show, with the already limited capabilities, especially a show with this structure, opening the floodgates to romance within show canon is an abhorrent thought. Romance, which I might also add, is clearly usually between characters who have no place being in any romantic situations together.
  2. I dunno man, Hasbro may commit some crimes against humanity, but they know my muddy girl fetish.
  3. Trenderhoof is a douche because he's just generally a hipster moron. Jimmy Rockbody is a douche because he's literally a pretty boy idiot who might as well be a walking leather jacket. At least Trenderhoof isn't a marketing ploy to wet the panties of 13 year old girls, at least I'd hope not. Let's also be real. What person in real life have you met who looks and acts like either Hipsterhoof of Sanic Jacket who isn't a douche?
  4. It wasn't bad, but an episode where some of the (two in this case) ponies argue over boys. Why. Also, jeez the writers really hate Spike. He was fine in the episode, and pretty cool, but cmon. That's just mean. (Why is every single character they try to introduce as a love interest in this show a giant douche anyways, Blueblood, Trenderhoof, Flash Sentry)
  5. Hard to say, I played every game in each series and loved them both. However it's a weird situation for me, you see from a gameplay standpoint I feel that Ratchet and Clank games blow Jak and Daxter out of the water. The guns feel decidedly more accurate and responsive, the platforming more logical and complex, and the general feel of how things handle is quite nice. But from a world, atmosphere, and character standpoint, Jak and Daxter EATS Ratchet and Clank alive. The Precursor Legacy had easily one of the most quirky, odd, and immersive environments ever made, and I feel that while the gameplay got better with each game the environment didn't. Haven in Jak 2 has such an oppressing feeling, in Jak 3 it did, but it seemed way too over the top, and Spargus was a glorified island that you left so quickly it didn't even feel like much of an exile in the first place. An hour into the game and Ashelin swoops by and just says "HAY, COME BACK TO HAVEN GUYZ". You do two missions of being pouty and then go back. Ratchet and Clank did have a great world, and fun characters, but Jak and Daxter did the environments so well over the games that it's hard to argue their prowess. At the end of the day, I prefer Jak and Daxter, but I freely admit that in terms of gameplay Ratchet and Clank is so much better. Unfortunately, don't expect a new Jak and Daxter anytime soon. Naughty Dog at present is more interested in making "cinematic experiences" than games. Sure, The Last of Us is fun, Uncharted has its charm, but I like my Jak and Daxter a lot more. Maybe it's for the best though, Jak and Daxter went out without a single bad game (aside from the last frontier, but I didn't think that was particularly bad anyways), and maybe it's best to leave it there.
  6. 9/11 Good non-argument, needs more dodge.
  7. That was literally the vaguest tweet ever, the premise is essentially "she learned something and that carries over I guess", and honestly. Some little turd of an animator pestering her to place him in isn't really an appearance on the show. It's a little turd of an animator pestering him to place him in and getting what he wants. Aside from the fact that Lauren Faust thinks romance is one of the worst things to ever happen to main characters in a childrens television show (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Creator/LaurenFaust), it's also bad because it's entirely unfitting. Don't mail me some social justice warrior bullshit either about how UR JUST STEREOTYPIN HIM. Everything about his character was crystal clear, from the Camaro, to the guitar, to the hair and jacket and complete lack of a personality (and this is where we tie into marketing) he's just a clever and well executed attempt at getting the tween girl demographic in full swing. After all, what girl doesn't want to be a princess and have her prince charming? and with all of that, what personality can you possibly expect them to sculpt, when the sculpting material is shit and the tools given are a shovel and a frying pan. Having him be the love interest for Twilight is so hilariously unfitting that by the same metric we should have Applejack fall in love with someone from the inner city who hates nature and hard work. All giving Twilight a love interest would prove in the end (especially a generic pretty boy who might as well be Justin Bieber) is that this is ever more the Twilight Sparkle Show, a show about a pretty princess mary sue and her gary stu, and less about literally anyone else. I find it funny how, people will bash and moan and complain (and often rightfully so) about art, be it pornographic or not, which has someone's OC in some sort of romantic situation with a main character, for literally no reason other than the guy wanted his OC in, and usually the OC has extremely obnoxious color design and hair as well. But when the creators of the show make what is essentially a self-insert OC except made of marketing mojo, and give him one of the most obnoxious color schemes aside from blue and green, people will crawl from the woodwork to defend it and say he needs to be developed. Also hell, before you bring it up. Don't even try to give me the "but he's like Shining Armor!" argument. Shining Armor has just as much of a generic pretty boy 11cool19me personality as Bradley seems to exude, and if Shining Armor wasn't Twilight's brother and we put him in the exact same situation as Brad, I would say the exact same damned thing. Sorry but, some characters just don't deserve development.
  8. "his extremely short cameo was pointless" Gee, a cameo being pointless. Who would of thought of that? Next thing you know you'll all be complaining Weird Al isn't a regular, and he needs an episode or two. Then again weird al doesn't wet teenage girl panties and make them type emoticons at light speed. But as for the cameoish thing, anyone who didn't expect this is actually retarded. I hate Flash Sentry for a billion reasons, I've made threads challenging every argument that every half witted horny 16 year old girl makes for him being a good character (Also known as, MUH FOOTBALL, MUH GUITAR, MUH JACKET, MAKES MUH PANTIES SO WET XD ), but at the end of the day it's just autistic to get mad at this. It's like being surprised at finding schizophrenics in an insane asylum. Is it bad? Sure, it's awful, but you're bound to find it. Just as you're bound to find shallow, poorly developed, and show breaking characters making cameos in season 4. As much as I love to give shit to Meg as well as anyone else who doesn't read hasbro marketing daily or burn pictures of Lauren Faust at thanksgiving, I'll step up to the plate and say this is likely the work of some animator and nobody gave a damn to remove or edit it. Of course though, the ass kissers in this fandom will always exaggerate, strawman, and get absolutely butt frustrated towards the critics in this fandom. Which is a fatal problem in all of this, every time even a MINOR conflict comes up, half the fandom goes full autist to kiss the ass of the show, and throw padding on it, and to absolutely smother the issue in politically correct happy comments and silence dissenters. To the degree that the fandom has reached such a religious state that any disagreement from the norm makes you a 'hater'. To the idiots who actually support this cretin. You got a cameo, but don't go folding up your panties just yet, you can strawman all day about how everyone who hates this character, with no regards to stated reasons, is simply angry at "waifu stealing". But at the end of the day you got a cameo, likely by some animator. Don't expect anything else out of this, and don't make a bigger deal out of this than it has to be. To the indifferent people. You're not special for being indifferent, no matter how many "LE LE REDDIT UPVOTES XD" you got. To the people on my side of the pond who want to see this character take a long walk off a short cliff, just try not to get too invested in this show. Because while season 4 is an upturn from the nosedive of season 3 and EQG, don't expect it to last too long. This cameo likely means nothing, if you can even consider it a cameo.
  9. It was all a conspiracy guys.
  10. GTA online is an insufferable bore. I played Online at launch, and I was extremely eager. Of course issues happened, but two days later I was finally online. Naturally I played only private matches, since god knows the GTA V community is going to be awful. I played and played for awhile, until rank 40something. Then I realized something, every reason I played that game had been the same reason I'd played say.. a bad MMORPG. I grinded JUST for the purpose of reaching a goal, a piece of cheese dangling in front of my face. When I got there I realized how shallow the prize was, how the prize was just to get me on the poorly designed treadmill, I realized the core problem with the game. GTA online is nothing but repeating missions or doing mediocre minigames in order to receive cash and xp so that you can repeat more missions and do more mediocre minigames. BUT WITH TEH DIFFURUNT GEER LIEK DA XxM1g_1eE7_sN1pErxX. Yeah, it's better with friends. But ANYTHING is better with friends, that's not a fucking credit to your game design. What's even worse is that, they didn't program a proper freemode into the game, where everything can spawn and where you can pickup any guns laying around like in GTA IV. Instead you're STUCK with kind-of freeroaming online if you want that experience. At the end of the day, GTA online is a fun way to kill 30 hours with friends. But it's extremely boring otherwise.
  11. I'm not, if the game is taking a tenth of a second to display your input, you NOTICE it. It hurts the competetive potential of any game, and it hurts the capability of the player as well overall.
  12. Because you're not interacting with films. You're not actively influencing what goes on in a film. Higher fps means you have a shorter delay between when you tell the game to do something, and when you see what you've done on screen. It also means things are more fluid, a high fps is ABSOLUTELY VITAL for say a rhytm game, where you need to see your input quickly, and you need to see what's going on extremely well to react. 24 fps with motion blur is fine for a film (In my opinion it isn't but people are stupid) in that it simulates motion well enough to not appear particularly choppy. But on a game, 24 fps is a nightmare, 30 is bare minimum and even then if you play a game at 30 and then the same game at 60 you will notice the differences. It's not just visual fluidity, it's how the game responds to your input. It's something you feel.
  13. Internet has been getting worse because of the shitty casual internet users. I know it's a common thing to hate on the casuals of anything, but it's true. Back in say 2003-2004, the internet was great. But it was lacking in features in many ways (I literally don't know what I would do without Youtube currently). But the community was what made it good, oh man 4chan from around that time, and a lot of online games even, and all the sites and things. I'd say the good times continued until 2008-2009, and things have been declining ever since. The problem is, the internet became overavailable in a sense. You went from having nerds and fairly smart people (and a good share of 12 year old kids) on the internet, to having a lot of your sort-of everyday people, the grandmas and the grandpas and your aunt, and your co-workers. What they wanted from the internet was a purely social platform, and when they did want to consume and generate content, they ended up propelling lots of absolute shit to the top of the list (like the pewdiepies of the world). I mean, fucking reddit has a userbase. Reddit, literally one of the most autistic places on the net.
  14. That being even remotely cynical or critical makes you a downer who "JUST HATES EVERYONE AND HURTS PEEPELS FEELINS" Also, I'm sick of Liberals and Europeans (and FUCKING weeaboos) who literally devote their days to talking about how shit America and Americans are, especially when they say "america has no freedom lelelel" while defending a country like say South Korea where there's a full porn ban, you're required to put your name on everything on the net, and freedom of the press is an afterjoke.
  15. Listing channel names, not character names (e.g. rageaholic, cynical brit) xRazorFistx Totalhalibut Asalieri2 ADoseofBuckley Snipars ReviewTechUSA Ashens LarryBundyJr Jontron PeanutButterGamer Thunderf00t Probably a few others I can't recall off the top of my head, but there's mine. I think the youtube MLP community is mostly comprised of morons and that brony music is 90% of the time pretty awful, so those stay out of it.
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