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Everything posted by Singe

  1. Neighsay gives up too easily on his trust issues with other creatures and on Twilight. Everything he was right to question given the history of past seasons and her mistakes gets swept under the rug. Instead of completely bowing down they come to a middle ground agreement view..
  2. Wonderbolts Academy needs a rewrite or just be scrapped because it's not consistent with future episodes where the Wonderbolts are rules and safety regulations now. Plus it didn't do Rainbow Dash any good because she was obsessed being second fiddle than trying to build a friendship.
  3. I also expect Tartarus to be used to lock up political prisoners. Cozy Glow has a dangerous view about friendship that Twilight could never convince her to turn away from. Such views would be too dangerous to keep her around other ponies.
  4. Twilight Sparkle: Whoa, I am sorry. I thought you were Spike. Sludge: Doing some window shopping. Did you see what you like? Twilight Sparkle: What? No. Spike: My dad told me you and him had some one on one time. What happened? Twilight Sparkle: Oh your father taught me about dragon anatomy...I mean snakes. Spike: Really? Twilight Sparkle: *Nods* Yes. Twilight Sparkle: Friendship isn't about power. Cozy Glow: You used the magic of friendship with the elements of harmony to defeat many villains. You've used friendship to subjugate Discord, Starlight Glimmer and the Changelings. You're not kidding anyone? Starlight Glimmer: She does have a point. Fluttershy: Can't you just tell us your pen pal's name? I mean, since we're stuck here anyway? Lord Tirek: Oh, why not? The irony is too perfect. Her name is...Your Mama! *Laughs.* Fluttershy: My...my mother? She's turned evil. *Cries.* Chancellor Neighsay: What are you going to do to me? Cozy Glow: Neighsay you've always been such a stiff. Let me work those kinks out of your neck. Lord Tirek: Cozy Glow wanted to drain the magic of all of Equestria to open a portal to summon Cthulhu and sacrifice some pony named Glimmer.. Chancellor Neighsay: To be honest, an entire school to teach friendship is one of the stupidest ideas I've ever heard. Your headmare is the perfect one to run a stupid school with many mistakes into the ground. Crazy Glow: Oh no, those creatures are trying to destroy Equestria and I heard one of them say something anti-Semitic. Pony student: Get them!
  5. The Mane 6 and the Tree of Harmony have a conflict. The Tree of Harmony becomes an antagonist where it might want to get ambitious, impatient, and accelerate the whole expansion of friendship requiring everyone be friends.
  6. If humans would show up, I would prefer having the humans from the old series redesign and make an appearance.
  7. What has hit the limit is the Mane 6 growth on friendship between their circle. They've done almost everything the show allows them and repeated some things. There is always room to have a Mane 6 try to get along with someone outside their circle.
  8. The way I see it, in the comic book the battle would still be real to the Mane 6 and they were defeated in the first fight by her. That's an accomplishment some other villains in the show can't claim. It falls in the take what you can get.
  9. We already had an Earth Pony super villain, Mane-iac. Kinda wish she made a return in the show.
  10. Rainbow Dash: I drink cider because it dulls the pain. Rarity: What are all these balloons? They're drawn with our faces. Rainbow Dash: Pinkie must have finally crossed over. Pinkie Pie: Have you ever wonder how easy it would be to pop their heads like a balloon. Applejack: That is udderly ridiculous. Oops, slip of the tongue. Applejack: I have an idea. Fluttershy: No one listen to her, she's blond. Twilight Sparkle: We need to talk about Pinkie. Rainbow Dash: So we're finally going to commit her to a mental institution. Twilight Sparkle: No. Rainbow Dash: Then stop wasting my time. *Flies away.*
  11. It seems like a slip up for the season to be having two similar episodes where both Princess Celestia and Pinkie Pie are just bad at something and have to be told they're bad at it. Just with different outcome. Celestia could handle it after resolving trust issues while Pinkie just quits on her life.
  12. Cozy Glow: I know all of you are great friends, but don't you find your circumstances somewhat weird. You know like how you're the only non-ponies in a still major pony dominate school. It's somehow like Princess Twilight is keeping you five around as token creatures to promote her school. Twilight Sparkle: I plan to expand our promotion of creature history. So I want everything that depicts anything negative of other creatures in Equestrian history to be removed. Applejack: Are you censoring our history? Twilight Sparkle: Consider it a good scrubbing. Rarity: I am the very definition of white privilege. Twilight Sparkle: Princess Celestia, you said there was an emergency? Princess Celestia: Yes, it's Neighsay. Rainbow Dash: I knew he would go full blown evil. What's his scheme? Princess Celestia: This. *A long list rolls along the floor.* Rainbow Dash: He's going to fight us with a list longer than Twilight. Twilight Sparkle: These are the name of different ponies. What is this for? Princess Celestia: It's a petition to have Twilight's princess status removed. Twilight Sparkle: I'm being disbarred? I didn't know that could happen. Can't you do anything about it? Princess Celestia: No, I have no say in this matter considering our history and I am required to recuse myself. Twilight Sparkle: Do you know where Pinkie Pie is? Carrot Cake: You know, another pony said her cupcakes were bad and she's trying to jump off a cliff again.
  13. As they are now it seems like it wouldn't work because they are designed to mainly exaggerate one negative aspect of the character. The idea would fit better in EG as supervillain counterparts.
  14. One mark against Pinkie in this episode is that it follows the same thing with Celestia a few episodes ago. Celestia was emotional about Twilight for trust issues and she was able to get over it quickly. Here Pinkie Pie just quits on everything and leaves.
  15. Applejack: We're back every pony. Fluttershy: I also brought you all this. *Throws water from the Stream of Silence on the Mane 5.* Finally it will be quiet. Applejack:......... Fluttershy: Oh yes, you do run your mouth too much like an engine. Pinkie Pie:........ Fluttershy: I'm telling you Pinkie, you're jokes are bad. Rarity:.......... Fluttershy: Well, I heard a lot of colts prefer ponies that don't talk too much. Rainbow Dash:......... Fluttershy: I'm sure they won't kick you out. Twilight Sparkle:......... Fluttershy: I agree, you are completely overrated. Applejack: Now, we gotta get up that peak! I figure if we use some rope and elbow grease, we can make it up half— Fluttershy: Applejack! Shut the *bleep* up and listen to me! What I'm trying to say is the squirrels told me a shortcut they take to the Kirin village. Applejack: Right.....the varmints know the way better than us ponies. Fluttershy: Fine, climb the peak you idiot. I'll take the shortcut. *12 hours later.* Applejack: It took a lot of work and a broken leg but I finally made it. Fluttershy? Fluttershy: You sure took your sweet time. Autumn Blaze: You know when I get angry I just want to burn everyone and everything to the ground. Fluttershy: Let's try to avoid inviting her to Equestria. Applejack: I agree. Twilight Sparkle: The map is lighting up. Rarity: I wonder what the friendship problem could be? Pinkie Pie: Maybe it's some lonely colt who needs two cute ponies to turn his life around. Basically the map is sending us out on a flanky call. Rarity: I'm having second thoughts about going.
  16. Tree of Harmony: I'm still learning, growing, and becoming more aware. Gallus: We're aware now that this tree is a freaking borderline sadist. Cozy Glow: I hope you don't tell the professors about this. Gallus: Oh sure, we won't tell them about the sadistic tree living under the school that tormented us on our fears. Sandbar: That didn't happen to me. Gallus: Well no duh, you're a pony. Yona: Yona, is afraid of spiders. Gallus: You're a yak. Built like a mini-tank. Just squash them like everyone else that isn't Fluttershy. Tree of Harmony: I have learned there is much disharmony in Equestria and it's not being handled fast enough. So I will have to take more drastic measures to friend-ucate them. Silverstream: I did it. Take that Storm King. Gallus: Yes, you overcame your fear and put those rocks in their place.
  17. The tree could work as one though AI goes rouge forcing absolute control antagonists, if it gets fed up with too many not friends around.
  18. No, because Disney would get their hands on other big name franchises like Transformers, Magic the Gathering, etc. Instead of adding MLP to a Kingdom Hearts game, there is enough material in MLP to do its own KH style game.
  19. Neighsay: Equestria wouldn't have been facing so many crisis if our princesses were more focused on protecting it than telling us how to feel and think.
  20. Twilight Sparkle: Applejack, could you house Rockhoof for a bit until we figure out something? Applejack: I can, but Big Mac may feel inadequate around his girlfriend with Rockhoof there. Rockhoof: I'm sorry, I didn't know. Rarity: No, no. It's not your fault. It just means Twilight forgot to mention some things like usual. Gallus: These teachers are weird, but the pony in the jelly took the prize. Rockhoof: I want to turn to stone. Twilight Sparkle: Oh, I'm sure Fluttershy's friend Treehugger can hook you up. Mistmane: I've never worked with crystals before. Twilight Sparkle: Uh, you have something on your nose. Mistmane: Oh. *Snort.* I just got another inspiration.
  21. Griffon the Brush Off: Pinkie's third wheel antics escalated tensions. She should have let Gilda and Dash have their time together. School Daze Part 2: Twilight doesn't learn a thing from her own many mistakes that got her school closed down in the first place. Instead she pulls a screw the rules I'm a princess and rebels. The new Young 6 never faced any punishment for their actions in part 1. It all gets swept under the rug because one pony has an opinion.
  22. Rockhoof: Fine. If you won't do it. Then I'll go dig myself a deep hole and make it collapse on me. Applejack: I can't believe Rockhoof is teaching at the school. Rarity: Yes, then you can invite him over to your home for dinner. We'll be sure to visit you in the hospital tomorrow to check up on that broken hip. Yona: Yona likes new teacher. He smashes good. Gallus: If you like him so much, why don't you marry him? Yona: Yona still pondering about that right now. Gallus: You're kidding? Rainbow Dash: Rockhoof is a hero. He's needs to be doing heroic things. Kinda wish he was around all those past times when we had to deal with this stuff. Smashing Changlings like bugs. Beating up the Storm King. Busting Tirek where it hurts. Spitfire: You're a pony looking for a date and you meet Rockhoof. He's great and you might invite him in for some hot coffee. Well big mistake because you're in a full body wing-and-hoof cast, drinking through a straw!
  23. Kinda funny that Twilight will pick up anyone off the street and give them a professor title.
  24. Yakity Sax and Secrets and Pies shows that not even Pinkie Pie's friends can be directly honest with her and need some work around temporary solution.
  25. The issue is Pinkie is super sensitive to let negative things get to her and cripple her life. Solutions so far have been temporary like treating only the symptoms. Fluttershy has worked to get over her shyness. The series has yet to have Pinkie deal with her self problem which is to be more tolerant and not let everything get to her..
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