Hi there everyone, my name is Conor and I'm a Brony, just like you guys
This is my first forum I have joined and wanted to start up for real, most forums I would join would be to get the download for this game or whatever. I am really exited to spend time on this forum and make new friends and find new stuff out.
I hope to makes lots of new friends on this forum
MY best friend in the world has joined too and his name is "Dan Loves You" =D
Gaming, Sailing, Windsurfing, video editing ( I'm bad at video editing tho :L), hanging out with friends
Games I love are:
Skyrim, Oblivion, Ricochet, Assassin creed, Fallout 3/NV, Saints Row, Mount and Blade: Warband, KillingFloor and a few others...
Youtubers I like:
TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox, MTD, AVO, Yogscast- Main channel -Sips - Sjin- Nilesy, Crendor, Hank and Jed, Angry Joe, Trendkill