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Twilight Sparkler

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Everything posted by Twilight Sparkler

  1. @, @@Doc. Volt, "Then you better start running," Shadow Strike retorted, continuing to walk, the foals trailing behind her. She teleported them to an orphanage in Canterlot. "Oh and one last thing; I've seen every single file in Canterlot--even the forbidden ones. The rainbow factory? It doesn't exist." She added, before walking out of sight. She knew where she was going, she just had to get there. Even if she had to kill huge groups of ponies to get there. I'm a spy; I can do just fine on my own. I don't need them, they need me. They just don't know it yet. She thought smugly. She could see a small filly flying towards her-Silver. "Can I travel with you, Shadow?" The filly asked nervously. Shadow Strike nodded and continued on her way, the filly hovering beside her.
  2. @ "They won't except you." Shadow Strike said, getting to her feet. She didn't paticularly like the pony, she seemed a bit full of herself. "If I couldn't manage it, you couldn't." She glared at moonlight. "I didn't fail; I got what I wanted out of that." She said, turning around and slowly walking off. She had managed to find out where Atmosphere was--that was all she needed. Celestia's mission would have to wait.
  3. Shadow Strike teleported back to the room with the foals in it. She was taking them with her. She used all the energy she had left to teleport the whole lot, including herself, back down to the town. @@GameytheGeemer, @@Doc. Volt, "Couldn't leave…them'" She said weakily, indicating the group of about 50 fillies and colts, before passing out. ---------- Silver started flying through the nearest alley. She'd nearly been killed by a group of about 12 earth ponies a few minutes before, so she figured that flying would be slightly safer. "What a great day so far," she mumbled. She was headed towards an inn, in the hope that she could get a few moments rest. It had been an extremely eventful day so far, she just wanted to sleep it off.
  4. …but cover didn't matter when an alarm was going off. She could sense it. Without thinking, she started running down the corridor. She had to find Atmosphere. She turned a corner and charged straight into a stallion. It was a guard. In her panic, she'd lost concentration and the illusion wore off. The stallion started yelling "Unicorn!" repetadly, before Shadow Strike used a sleep spell on him. However, she could hear ponies chasing her. She started running again, down yet another corridor. If I'm going to go down, I'd rather be turned into a rainbow or a dress then left in some muddy field to rot. She thought crossly. She had no idea where she was going, although she could no longer hear footsteps or the light flutter of wings.
  5. (@ No, only I am.) Shadow Strike followed Rainbow Dash as she showed her around the factory. The last room they came to was the one with the pegasus device in it. And the room was filled with fillies and colts. I can save them all…but if I do, my cover will be blown. She thought. Although she didn't want to, she had to stay under cover. Even if she had to watch the foals die for the sake of a rainbow. She was a spy; her mission was too important to fail. She had to succeed. No matter the cost. "My name is Shadow." She said. She had loved rainbows as a filly; now she felt differently about them.
  6. Shadow Strike had managed to get into the upper part of the rainbow factory. It was a lot scarier looking then the lower floors. She came across a worker. "Excuse me, could you point me in the direction of Miss Dash's office please? I'm new and was told to visit her." She asked politely. The worker pointed in the direction of the office before getting back to work. Shadow Strike arrived at the office and knocked twice before a voice said "Come in." She quickly entered the room and saw the cyan pegasus sat at her desk. "Well, can I help you?" She asked. "Yes, actually. I'm new here, just got promoted today. I was told to come and see you." Shadow Strike replied.
  7. I can try out for Lyra. Unfortunately, I do not have a microphone yet so my voice may sound slightly weird.
  8. @@Doc. Volt, @@GameytheGeemer, @, "I know that spell, too. In fact, I know the illusion thing too." Shadow Strike said, as she made it look like she was a pegasus. "Although I am unable to cast another spell without breaking the illusion. So, I'm going to get started." She said, teleporting to the CWC building. She ended up behind it. She quickly used the cloud walking spell and put the illusion back on.
  9. b]@@Doc. Volt,[/b] @@GameytheGeemer, "Atmosphere," Shadow Strike said quietly. She knew what she had to do. She turned around and started to run. She was a fast runner; a regular pony couldn't keep up with her. But the other ponies weren't normal. She turned down an alley before teleporting, ending up by the warehouse she'd spent her first night in. She went inside for a few minutes, before coming back out. She then teleported back to where the other ponies were. "Doctor Atmosphere is the CEO, I believe." She said.
  10. @@Doc. Volt, @@GameytheGeemer, Silver stopped at the end of the street and looked around. She had no idea where she was. There was another filly sat near by. Silver walked over to the filly and instantly recognised her. "Cheeky! Is that you?" She asked in a hushed voice. ---------- "I can take out both Rainbow Dash and the factory easily. We just need to alert the Princess." Shadow Strike said. She looked up at the sky. It was all dark and miserable looking. She knew that filly. She didn't trust ChainMail to not kill them if he found them first. After all, he did seem to have a rather nasty attitude about it. I remember that time we managed to exploit Pinkie Pie's murderous side, before locking her in the jail deep underground the centre of Canterlot. Everypony--especially Mr and Mrs Cake--was so shocked. She thought.
  11. @@Doc. Volt, @@GameytheGeemer, Shadow Strike looked at the filly. She felt bad. Silently, she moved closer to the two pegasi and used her magic to teleport the filly out from under the stallion. Note to self; alert the princess about the Rainbow Factory. she thought. -------- Silver nodded in thanks to the unicorn mare, before taking the oppurtunity to run down the street. Of course she could fly, but for a stallion that spent most his time in the clouds, she figured he probably wouldn't be able to run very well. She was sheltered by houses here, so he wouldn't be able to swoop down on her. Of course, she hadn't failed her flight test. She'd passed it. However, her brother had only just failed. So, naturally, she'd sneakily swapped places with him whilst he was sat in the cart, when the guards had been distracted. Silver was actually a very talented flier. She was just protecting her brother.
  12. @@Doc. Volt, "Fine." Silver gasped, hardly able to breath. It wouldn't be hard for her to escape the pony, she was a fast flier. Her cutie mark reflected that. She looked into the other pegasus's eyes. He was quite clearly angry; no, furious. She didn't recognise the name Contrail, either. There was no way she'd help them find Cheeky.
  13. @@Doc. Volt, "Technically, no. You see, in the last part, a bird stopped under me so I pulled up to avoid hitting it. Then I fell and landed on the judges. Witch, of course led me to being failed." She replied, hovering in mid air. She flew over to the pegasus stallion and looked at him. He looked slightly crazy. She made sure to stay slightly out of reach, though.
  14. @@GameytheGeemer, @, @, (Right, my pegasus filly has escaped now too.) Silver landed next to three unicorns and a pegasus, who looked familiar. "Oh, your the guy who gave the speech at the Rainbow factory. Speaking of that, have you seen my friend any where? She escaped too, but I can't find her." Silver stopped. Why was she talking to this guy? What a stupid thing to do. She started backing away slowly, hoping her grey coat would blend in with the ground. Although the bright blue hair was a bit of a giveaway.
  15. @@GameytheGeemer, @, "Ok." Shadow Strike said, staring at Chain Mail. He'd said that only the team and Princesses knew about it. Then why did she know about it? I've DEFINATELY heard about that team… she thought. She sat down. @, @, (@ Doc. Volt--We're still in the room with the pegasus device, I think. You may want to come back) Silver flew up into the vent. The room below was in total chaos. She flew out of the vent into a corridor. She could see an open window. "What luck." She mumbled, flying through the open window. Now, to go to the ground. she thought.
  16. @@GameytheGeemer, @, "This is no way to behave--you'll get blood on the floor." Shadow Strike said, walking up behind them. She looked at the closed door and frowned. Maybe I could volunteer in that mares place... She thought. @, @@Doc. Volt, Silver watched the stallions leave the room. "I reckon we could escape if we go now." She said to Cheeky. She looked around. All the doors were blocked, except for a vent in the ceiling. It was big enough for the fillies to fit through. And it was open. "I'll cause a distraction, you fly into the vent. I'll catch up." She said, before taking off. She started whizzing around the room.
  17. @, @, "So, you've heard about the Shadowbolts then?" Shadow Strike said, walking up behind the two Pegasi. "Name's Shadow Strike, what's yours?" Shadowtail forest. That's where I'll start my search for Spitfire and Soarin, then. She thought to herself. Her current mission was to find and rescue the two remaining wonderbolts, then defeat the shadowbolts.
  18. Who is best pony?

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    2. Skeletor Brony
    3. Kyokii_


      I really like all of them... I don't know if I can choose one favourite.

      The first one I knew about was Rainbow Dash from Rainbow Factory which is how I got into the fandom buuuuuut, I'm unsure of a best pony. I really like all of them

  19. @@GameytheGeemer, @, @ "A shame, really." Shadow Strike commented before walking into the center of the room. "So, what are we supposed to do know?" She asked, not wanting to sleep. She thought back to the first time she'd been here. She had a pony upstairs. Shadow Strike thought. She sat down and looked at her hair; it really needed cutting. She liked having her hair down, but it got in the way of her work.
  20. @@GameytheGeemer, @, @ Shadow Strike sighed as she cleared up the last of the mess left from the fight. Then, she quickly darted into the dress shop. "So, what did you get up to? Anything I should know? Because if you've made a mess, I need to clean it up before somepony notices." She asked NightStrike tiredly. She walked over to the nearest dress and frowned. It was really pretty, but lacked one thing; emotions. Then again, she'd probably still buy it if she had any money.
  21. @@GameytheGeemer, @, @ "Enough, Sound Thought. Stop the pointless hate." Shadow Strike yelled, taking position in front of him, "Stop in the name of Celestia." She glared at the stallion. She knew there were more traps, but there was no way she'd let some policemen get in the way if her job. No matter the cost. The princess had trusted her, so wasn't about to let her down. "Don't make me fight you." She used her magic to shatter the sword. "Great, I love a fair fight."
  22. @@GameytheGeemer, @, @ Shadow Strike had seem it coming and put up an opaque shield around her before closing her eyes. As soon as the light faded she jumped up. This was getting out of hand. "Stop fighting this instant!" She yelled at the stallions. It was ridiculous behaviour and needed to be stopped.
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