The show would feature Derpy, Doctor Whooves, Lyra, Bon-Bon, Vynil and Octavia as its Mane Six = Elements of Harmony.
Derpy would be the one to become a princess at the end.
The background ponies turned-mane six in this "universe" have unique designs, with unique eye shapes and hair styles.
Applejack has the design of our Bon-Bon\Shoeshine, Pinkie Pie gets Golden Harvest\Daisy's, Fluttershy gets Cloud Kicker\Merry May's, Rainbow Dash takes on Derpy Hooves\Raindrop's (and now she has both purple-pink hair and eyes), Rarity is a Lemon Hearts\Twinkleshine recolor, and Twilight is a Lyra\Amethyst Star recolor.
If all the main\secondary characters get swapped with background ponies and HasbrOC, and this show had the current Mane6\Cheerilee\Trixie and other recurring character as background ponies, we would ask something like: "What if Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Pinkie Pie were the Mane 6, and Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom were the Cutie Mark Crusaders?"