Nation: Arden Leader: Geoffry "Silver" Dusk Political view: Constitutional Monarchy Military: 55 Economy: 35 Religion: 10 Capital: Ferric Terrain: A rocky, mountainous landscape to the north, with rich, arable lands to the south. Its southern border is a vast river. The eastern border is a vast ocean. The northern border is a nearly impassable mountain range, and the wester border is a vast ravine, with only a few crossing points. Main resources: Vast amount of metal, both the valuable and the practical variety. Also has a fair amount of natural gas and volcanoes. Food from the south is another vital resource Military tactic: Although it has a small standing army, the Ardenine forces are well trained to fight in the mountainous terrain of the north, as well as the flatlands of the south. They prefer the use of advanced technology over sheer force. Economic plan: Uses the southern farm to feul the mining industry of the north, which consists of a mixture of large government owned companies and smaller privately owned ones. The farms to the south are loosely regualted, as long as they produce a fair amount of food. Many companies are heavily subsidized by the government to devolop new technologoies in all facets of society, from military to agriculture. Religious views: A limited religion, although many worship the god of the earth, as many of our resources come from there.
Other: There are few large cities in the south, the north if far more urbanized.