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Everything posted by Katana

  1. I wear a sort of wide-rimmed hat when it rains out - it's less unwieldy than an umbrella, but it keeps the rain off of my face. I'm polite enough to take it off when I go inside, though.
  2. Well, I have to admit I'm still attempting to see a viewpoint from their side. It's not convincing, and I don't think I'd ever agree with their viewpoint, but perhaps if you've seen kids do countless stupid (but harmless) things and cry about them, one's viewpoint might be a bit warped. I know a parent who has a kid that encountered snow for the first time this year. He didn't want to wear his gloves, and then felt so bitingly cold when he tried touching the snow - and then he got angry and started punching the snow, and that made him more cold and started to cry. Nothing much a parent could do about that, and the parent admits that while he doesn't want his kid getting hurt, the circumstances were a little amusing. You wouldn't really think of it being the case, but perhaps for a caretaker, after the dozenth issue in which a kid does something really stupid, and then cries about it, you'd stop being utterly sympathetic to every little thing. BUT, then there's some pretty polarizing aspects to this issue, like deciding to videotape it, threatening to taser him (what was even the reason for that? I'm really curious) and allowing the whole class to simultaneously ridicule him. Just for leniency, I'm even going to grant that maybe the teacher didn't know the boy was autistic...but even that doesn't help her case much. Man, America really has to work on its schools.
  3. DOGE! Seriously, people are inventing a currency now off this stupid picture of a dog with a weird CGI-esque expression. I don't even know what the obsession is; maybe if it was a meme that was actually FUNNY. I actually do agree with some of the above posters that in a lot of ways, it's hard to put your finger on one particular reason that MLP is as popular as it is. It's funny, and heartfelt, but I think a lot of decent shows are like that. There's probably a very long list of reasons, that just seem to collectively add up.
  4. Spec Ops: The Line has often been called a psychological horror game. It's certainly an unusual one. It's a horror game with the false guise of a third-person shooter. It has very little in the way of "jump scares", but more than a little in terms of things that will horrify you.
  5. Sam! "Holy underpants draped to the mast of a sinking pork rind freighter!" and other exclamations.
  6. So lately, there have been a disturbing string of revelations to do with writers, game developers, and all manner of internet-known people getting the worst kind of threats and harassment over the internet due to little changes in one's favorite franchise. The validity of making changes to a franchise aside, I kinda had a thought for an episode that teaches a lesson about how it's so easy to turn hostile on someone when all you ever see of them is a name, an E-mail address (or, in the Equestrian equivalent, a mailbox), and brief celebrity appearances. The basic premise would involve the CMC getting super-angry at someone outside their circle of known people, and sending angry letters to them in the hopes of getting this person to change their tact. Eventually, it turns out that not only was their reason for anger a complete misunderstanding, but the person they were writing to hasn't ever gotten fan-letters before, and in spite of any appearances, is highly emotionally sensitive. (As a bonus: Part of the reason for themselves getting angry was from a letter received - and by completely misinterpreting the mood of the letter in question, since so much is lost in printed communication) Episode ends with an apology, group hug, and a lesson learned about how even when you never meet someone in person at all, never assume the worst of them, and always know there's a real person with real feelings on the other side.
  7. My initial reaction is very disturbed, even as someone who never watched it (and pretty much understood it to be full of excessive references) but I'm eager to know if there's something more to this. Certainly if some sort of company were asking him to remove it, then they wouldn't like being labelled as the reason for removal. If that's the case, it's actually pretty noble of him to accept the blame on himself - although it's still unclear whether it's his decision to remove it, or not. This is why I'm glad I've seen better arrangements. For instance, the Saxxy award-winning video "Lil' Guardian Pyro" was uploaded once by each contributor to it. It just happened to get the most views on the account of the most popular contributor.
  8. Phoenix Wright. The soundtrack, the characters, the (sometimes kinda predictable) plot twists, the fan-created cases, all of it. I'm really not much of one for visual novels, but the entire Ace Attorney world has always been a favorite of mine.
  9. So one thing I do notice: And as a creator, I can confirm it's something strange: The show somehow triggers the creative instinct in a lot of people. Like, I had quit Garry's Mod movies completely for years until I saw the show. Then, I got the urge to make them again (even based around TF2 characters) just so that I could sneak in Fluttershy as a reference. Things like brony music I don't quite follow, as a lot of the techno stuff put out doesn't have much to do with the singalong efforts of the TV show. Still, there's definitely something that makes people want to do a bit more than just write fanfictions starring their OC and the female lead, as is often the case with popular franchises.
  10. I'm a little unsure - when I go to gaming or comic conventions, I tend to get a sense of the SUPER-SUPER devoted fans of a particular fandom. I'm a little worried that it's gonna be kind of an overload - like people are going to be singing the songs nonstop and wearing tails and stuff. I have no quarrels with that, just that I'd feel a bit awkward around there.
  11. I'd be more receptive to that stuff if it was focused on the show's appearance of them. ie, not totally expressionless, sparkly, wide-eyed, and plush-ified. Hopefully, the popularity isn't seen as "weird" though.
  12. I've managed to stay very close with my brother after college, something I'm sure doesn't happen in all families. Other than that, I can't really say I'm that close to many other acquaintances, but I'm wondering if a part of that blame is on me for not really reciprocating.
  13. So yes. Man, it's a show about hypercolor horses going on 21-minute adventures with a heartfelt lesson at the end. And that's not a bad thing. ...or at least at *some* point it was that. I made a debate thread about this, but I feel that Gamers are sadly more toxic in general than other media fangroups; even to the people who create their idols.
  14. Good words, OP. It's definitely very important, especially with all the news headlines lately of toxic behavior on the web. It's also important to remember that the lesson is not "Man, those people are horrible", but also "Be wary of when you're the one being toxic." I'm sure so many people know lessons like this one on a literal level, but have a hard time calling them to attention when they're emotionally riled up.
  15. Just watched the trailer. Gotta love obligatory upskirts. =/ Okay okay - I guess I'm unclear what it is that makes a game like this interesting. Is it mainly a sort of retro-style game imitating older Resident Evil?
  16. I have to admit, there has been a LOT from them that has been impressing me! Heck, I'm not even thinking of movies - Gravity Falls, Wander over Yonder, and even the many new Mickey Mouse shorts on YouTube have had a lot of witty charm and humor in them. I've heard so much good about Frozen (and kinda liked Tangled) that I'm really thinking I should see that at some point. I get the impression it's not in theatres anymore though, so I'm holding on till I can buy/rent it online somewhere.
  17. Huh? I thought I remembered mid-air dashing being something that you had to unlock from a Dr. Light canister. Even so, it's just a logical extension of existing concepts - walljumping puts you in the air, and you can dash in the air. But I have to admit, while a number of difficulties in gaming have gone away, a lot of them didn't make sense. Many of them were just there to pad out a game's length, or to demand more quarters. In adventure games, it wasn't a challenge - it was designer stupidity to expect that players would think to use items in the exact combination that people cooped up in a programming office were thinking of, as well as pixel-hunting for that one item you missed on the second screen of the game. And I would much rather have an easy game than one that is difficult in completely stupid ways, constantly taunting you with "Wel yo just need too lern to play beter!" So often, the best method of play is not intuitive, or is not inferred in any way through explanation. (ie, to achieve victory, you have to spam the gravity blast attack and then abuse the enemy AI) Some games are still very hard, and it's important to realize that's a niche expectation now. Super Meat Boy, DustForce, Dark Souls are some examples of games known for their difficulty.
  18. I don't mind it being used - what I mind is an overfocus on it at all. I've actually been really enjoying the fact that the show breaks away from the trope of any girl-focused show having an excessive devotion towards romance. So, the awkwardness of repeating the phrase "very special somepony" is a punishment to a writer that says "STOP CENTERING EPISODES ON THIS STUFF"
  19. I'd put up a dartboard, and throw a dart to pick one of the 6 main characters. Then, before the grief settles in, there'd be a revelation about a world between worlds from which that character can still be saved and brought back to life. And then they would all train hard and work up their power levels and cross the dimensional rift and meet talking fairy sidekicks and bad guys who become good guys and have all these intense battles and always battling until finally they find their missing member, but the good news is overshadowed BY...........! ...Well, you'll have to watch all 28 seasons of it to find out! Man, I gotta take up a career as a TV executive.
  20. Yup, I bought the first two sets of comics through that - definitely a better option than carrying them out on-display from a comic shop.
  21. It would be pretty unfortunate if the portal before your eyes looked just like a lame After Effects filter.
  22. We don't know where it goes, right? I would enter the black market and advertise my services for evidence disposal.
  23. Two spoiler-villains. Spec Ops: The Line has a bit of an unexpected villain. He's responsible for more or less dooming the entire city, by attempting to take control of the entire population by force. He definitely has some well-meaning motivations to him, but that doesn't make you NOT absolutely hate him for the horrible things he's done. You finally confront in the penthouse of the Burj Khalfa, the tallest building on Earth, and are given the choice to man up and kill him. (For the possible reason why you'd be unsure about killing him, click the spoiler) Also, the villain from Phoenix Wright: Dual Destinies. He/she is referred to as "The Phantom" for their ability to evade detection of numerous law-enforcement agencies over a huge timespan. The Phantom racks up a pretty high body count for their own goals, even nearly sabotaging an entire space shuttle mission. The thing that might make you hate them the most, though, is when you discover their identity. (A hint: By the time characters are openly talking about "The Phantom", you have already conversed with this "Phantom" in a completely normal conversation)
  24. The game definitely kept me entertained. It's mainly a very cinematic story, with some mild challenge in the combat and puzzles. I found that once you finish it, there's not much to do, unfortunately.
  25. In GTA: San Andreas, I learned the sport of car-surfing.
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