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Midnight Light

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  1. Alright, heres the link. His sanity levels kinda depend on the rp I am playing, so he doesn't sound as crazy as he is on asylum rps. http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sun-twist-r4411 Oh hey guys, I have an idea. We should make a schedule for the ponies, Like breakfast, break, word association, lunch, exercise, etc!
  2. Hey, could I participate? I have a great patient, Name's Sun Twist. I actually made him out to fit with asylum rps, and he is crazy. Symptoms include, but may vary, Talking and answering himself, sudden mood swings, random bursts of laughter and tuning out and silently staring at the wall. Sound good? Also sometimes has violent lash-outs and has sent ponies to the hospital a few times. Needs a straitjacket occasionally. *WARNING* Fears straitjackets, muzzles and the colours white and brown. They all have a chance to make him freak out in some way. It is highly recommended you seduce him with some kind of calming drug or magic to calm him down, no loose objects because he will throw things with his horn when he is in a violent mood. Also REALLY has a problem with guards. So, tell me what you think, and if I am accepted, which actual asylum he fits in. He has no intention of killing ponies and his sanity issues are do to a brain defect, so I wouldn't know which asylum he fits in. He can be violent, though and is not recommended to have a roomie unless they are careful and understand not to upset him.
  3. Lols one of the best avatars I have honestly ever seen XD And welcome to the forums, enjoy your stay!
  4. I totally agree with sao. Enjoy your stay here, and welcome to bronydom!
  5. Well, where to start... When I was 10 or 11, I was really bullied because of my size, and the fact that I am a bit of a geek. I was really depressed, and stuck in my room watching youtube videos all night. Then I accidently clicked a link to the animation Snowdrop, which I watched anyways and found out I liked it! I wanted more, so I watched the show and ended up getting hooked. And the bullies? Consider them.... Fluttershy'd. I faced them and figured out I had inherited an ability from my mom: My really, really powerful yelling skills that I get when I am angry. I also have her equivelent of the stare. I actually git them to leave me alone, and it just boosted my love of fim. So here I am now. I think fim has saved me from harming myself 3 times now XD. Thanks for listening! /|
  6. Hey there, I am new as well! Hope you enjoy the site, and meet some new people!
  7. Hey, I was just wondering, do any of you peeps out there have any special mlp ocs? Cuz I know I do! If you want you can post them here. I will post one of mine: Oc Description Sun Twist Age: 17 Type: Unicorn Gender: Male Colours: White body, black and red mane and tail. Mane: Spiky and very disorganized. Tail: Same as mane. Personality: An enthusiastic young stallion that has a knack for electronics and likes to read. Has a few close friends but tends to keep to himself, even though he can talk... And talk.... And talk. Cutie mark: A wrench entwined with a sparking wire.
  8. Hey Pinkie! I am new here too, and I just want to say I hope you like it here. I sure do! XD I am not gonna bore you with the story of my life, but if any of you guys want to know how I became a brony just ask. What about you?
  9. Hey peeps! (Or ponies XD) I am really new here and I have a question for you guys! I want to know how you became bronies. I became one a while ago, when I was 12 years old, I am 13 now. I was bullied because I am, well, short for my age. They really hurt me, and I actually considered suicide. I was actually contemplating it while I was on the computer, an I accidentally clicked on a link. It was a mlp animation on youtube, Snowdrop. I watched it, there was nothing else to do. I really liked it! So I checked out some episodes and I realized, I was, for the first time in months, actually happy and laughing. After that, I faced those dinks that were bullying me and my friends, and, they actually left me alone. Last thing I heard from most of them was that the ringleader was suspended for beating up somebody else. They didn't touch anyone after that. Sounds like a stupid story but the show touched me and I got hooked. But that's just me, what about you guys? :3 The show kinda inspired me to face them, Fluttershy was the inspiration behind it. I am pretty meek, but after that, I noticed I could do something else. I can stare people down and stop fights now!
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