Hey peeps! (Or ponies XD) I am really new here and I have a question for you guys! I want to know how you became bronies. I became one a while ago, when I was 12 years old, I am 13 now. I was bullied because I am, well, short for my age. They really hurt me, and I actually considered suicide. I was actually contemplating it while I was on the computer, an I accidentally clicked on a link. It was a mlp animation on youtube, Snowdrop. I watched it, there was nothing else to do. I really liked it! So I checked out some episodes and I realized,
I was, for the first time in months, actually happy and laughing. After that, I faced those dinks that were bullying me and my friends, and, they actually left me alone. Last thing I heard from most of them was that the ringleader was suspended for beating up somebody else. They didn't touch anyone after that.
Sounds like a stupid story but the show touched me and I got hooked. But that's just me, what about you guys? :3
The show kinda inspired me to face them, Fluttershy was the inspiration behind it. I am pretty meek, but after that, I noticed I could do something else. I can stare people down and stop fights now!