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Posts posted by Koelath

  1. Well..thank you for correcting me. I'm sorry I made mistakes. I'm sorry I can't be perfect like you.


    Yeah, you really should be sorry. I mean, really, is absolute perfection really so much to ask? Shame on you for having flaws. Jerk. :eww:


    By the way, love the weirdly defensive sarcasm over the basic life experience of having a mistake corrected. :huh:

  2. Every topic ever is okay to be discussed by every form of media ever. Period. Non-negotiable. Fact.

    Saying otherwise is, quite frankly, just being pointlessly close-minded (and possibly a coward).


    Just like Adorkable and Scootalove said: Religion. This can cause problems and stir religious tension considering the amount of religions out there. I don't think video games need to even mention religion.

    Sexual Preference. Do I need to really explain? We don't need to know the sexuality of the characters. Plus this could cause unneeded racism against certain sexual preferences. Some video games might handle this subject fine, but it is way to sensitive of a topic to be brought up in a video game.

    By your logic, religion should just never be mentioned at all anywhere because "it can cause problems". That is literally the most cowardly excuse ever. Hell, might as well not mention sex either. Or politics. Better yet, nothing that could ever cause even the slightest problem or tension should even be acknowledged to exist. (This is the ultimate conclusion of your logic. Sounds ridiculous, right?)

    Also, addressing sexual preference cannot ever cause "unneeded racism" because sexual preference has nothing to do with race. And "it is way too sensitive of a topic" means literally nothing at all because nothing anywhere in the world establishes a universal law that sensitive topics cannot be covered in video games.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. First thing's first since the topic is fedoras: Demonizing a hat is retarded.



    That said, I've never worn a fedora. I wear a porkpie with appropriate clothing though.

    • Brohoof 1
  4. I personally think that humans should not be able to force others to listen to things that they do not want to hear


    So if I pass you in public and hear you say stuff I don't like, I get to cut out your tongue, right?


    (Nobody forces you to listen to loud music. Like you said, headphones exist. Put some on, overwhelm the volume (try TV), or just move away from the source of the music.)

  5. It's a movie where the good guys win.


    Well, f###. Imagine that. :huh: Clearly this makes it the most formulaic film in all of cinema.


    Anna won't die...No, really? It's almost as if good guys don't often die in Disney films and literally everyone everywhere knew she would survive. Congratulations on "predicting" obvious things, I guess. I can do that too. The next MLP episode will have ponies in it. :catface:

    • Brohoof 3
  6. I do...Sometimes. It depends on the game.


    I remember when I had Skyrim. Now, I've never cared for the plotlines in ES games. It's always been about the emergent stories for me. So I decided to screw the intended plotline and just wander, letting a story emerge on its own. While other players were busy being the Dragonborn messiah of Tamriel, I was busy being a power-hungry fugitive working to take control of the mage guild (being a mage myself), selling my soul to the Daedra (in-universe, this is how I explained respawning: The Daedra restored my black little heart from Oblivion in exchange for my services), and various other twisted activities aimed at conquering the land.


    Currently in South Park: The Stick of Truth, I'm a mage. This means a few things: I never remove the (gray) Wizard Beard. Ever. So while recruiting the goth kids, I was a Wizard Goth. I also darken the color of the beard with each of Cartman's promotions, to simulate aging (aided by insomniac eyebags). And, fire damage/magic being my preference, I hold an irrational hatred of snowmen (snow being made of water, the elemental opposite of fire) which compels me to smash every one I see. :) (Also, when playing as the Jew, I go out of my way to loot and sell everything [because greed] and never remove my yarmulke)


    In GTAV, I'd play each guy differently. Michael was temper-prone and often punched out strangers over minor issues (I really hated this one movie in the theater, man...), only ever drove anywhere in his own rich-guy car. Franklin was...Actually pretty balanced, helped people out (even the cops)...But still stole any ride he needed. Trevor...Well, Trevor liked to shoot people and stomp dogs to death...And his default mode of transport when his truck wasn't near was to stand in traffic until a car stopped and take off the driver's head with a shotgun blast through the windshield. Then pull out the corpse and drive off with his new wheels. Mike loved the rock station, Franklin was into the reggae, and Trevor liked punk or Spanish music (while joyriding). Also, Franklin liked to drown his sorrows in tits so he had every stripper available on speed dial.


    In the Saints' Row series, I roleplay to the extent of creating the same character in every game, with minor changes. He kinda looks like Robert Downey Jr, which was totally unintentional. He's a big fan of going on irrational murder sprees (I.E., gunning down every Saint in the crib) over tiny infractions ("I F###ING HATE THIS RADIO STATION!" or "WHY ISN'T ANYONE PLAYING THE F###ING PIANO?!?" or "QUIT STANDING IN THE F###ING DOORWAY, PIERCE!") - Oftentimes in SR2, I'd crouch atop the piano with my gun aimed at the guy playing on it. As soon as he/she stopped, and showed no apparent intention of starting again, I put a bullet in his/her head. I like piano. >.>

    Many find it tiresome to do such things. I find it an amusing way to personalize a game. And in some cases (Skyrim for one, given its wealth of content), it greatly enhances the replay value.

    • Brohoof 1
  7. Minecraft is Legos, dude. Chillax. :P


    And I find Terraria pointless. It's basically just a checklist of items to get. Once you have it all, it's no fun. No thanks.


    I remember Skyrim gave me so much freedom that I became overwhelmed and turned it off for a long while.


    Total freedom is just pointless and dull. It's exactly why the Scribblenauts series sucks.

  8. Again, I like Frozen but I just feel like Disney films are becoming so predictable and the formula is always the same for their storylines now.

    With all due respect...What the f### are you talking about? Frozen went out of its way to break the formula and screw the standard predictions. :lol:

    • Brohoof 2
  9. According to Kotaku, a new AC game is in the works and due to be set in Paris.



    Nothing much is known but I do notice two new parkour buttons on the HUD which is apparently to be part of some new navigation scheme.


    But more to the point: This is apparently one of two currently-in-progress AC games due out for consoles (note: console in this context = not handheld). Now, people as early as Brotherhood were turning on this series for milking itself. Personally, I consider those people to be idiots (specifically those who turned the instant an un-numbered installment appeared) but I digress.


    Thoughts on the series? The apparently-upcoming Parisian adventure? Just speaking for myself, I've loved the series since AC2 (AC1 aged like rotten babies) and as much as critics seem to get on its case for "Call of Duty syndrome", I've seen each title bring enough new to the table to avoid fatigue. Brotherhood brought the awesome assassin recruits. Revelations brought those nifty assassin-training missions, bomb crafting, that neat hook gadget and those den sieges (which many hated but I guess I'm a sucker for tower defense). AC3 brought the hunting and wildlife system (entire play sessions spent tracking and hunting bears), fun and addictive mini-games (I spent hours on the ship in the intro playing these), multiple new weapons, improved stealth, the Homestead and its various mechanics, a fun new assassin-recruiting mechanic via liberation contracts, and a button dedicated solely to petting dogs (10/10!)...Plus each game brings entirely new settings that always look great. I haven't gotten my hands on AC4 yet but I've seen enough gameplay to see it brings plenty of its own as well (though the big thing is the ship stuff perfected from AC3, obviously) and the world looks great there too.


    Now I don't know jack about Paris or the French Revolution (except that there were many decapitations) but I can't wait to see it. Assassins' Creed is hardly a perfect series (there is no such thing - and AC3 for all its fun and many hours of enjoyment was flawed in numerous little ways) but for a series some love to claim is growing stale, it has a funny habit of constantly introducing new and fun things.


    The only question that remains, at least for me, is whether the Eiffel Tower will be around during whatever era the new Assassin will be running around in this time.

  10. Wow I have new found respect for Glenn Beck. Check this video out. He does have a very large audience and if he could come in defense of the bronies.I think this will help our image. I am glad to see people like Glenn Beck having an open mind.

    With all due respect, the repulsive likes of Glenn Beck will not help anyone's image, ever. This instance here is but a drop of decency in a pool of muddy feces.

  11. I never understood rock puns at all. :lol:


    Nah, everyone understands them. They're just not funny. XD


    Also, inb4 Starswirl is eventually inevitably discovered to be Twilight Sparkle's great-great-great-whatever.

  12. Oh darn, I missed out on the reference! xD I guess you're right, unless someone was actually into learning about rocks and love rock comedy then it could be funny at least. :P Good episode anyway.


    She really didn't teach much about rocks but then, I guess the target demographic wouldn't know about igneous and all that. :lol: I bet Maud is a huge fan of the Flintstones though.


    Seriously though. R. Lee Ermey. Fluttershy's uncle, father, something. Any kind of relation at all. Must happen. Because Iron Will failed us all:



  13. Well, you have your opinion. I didn't think she was that boring.


    What, no Big Lebowski reference? For shame... (Seriously, her idea of a good time is searching through a bunch of rocks for one particular rock. She was that boring. XD)



    Anyway...Eh, the episode was good, nothing great. Maud was about as dull as a rock but that was the point. The only time she wasn't was when she randomly donned a helmet to save Pinkie Pie. The rest of the time...Well, I guess if you're really into rocks, you could say she wasn't a bore but I don't know anybody who has much of a rock fetish. At least it was played for comedy. Though, I expected her pet rock to have googly eyes, at least.


    Now when do we meet Fluttershy's uncle voiced by R. Lee Ermey and played like his role in Full Metal Jacket? Because seriously...C'mon. GET ON THAT!

  14. Yeah. I do understand that. I'm not a bitcoin person myself, for that very reason. I do know a few people in real life who do profit from it immensely, but they were in it at the beginning.


    I get dogecoins basically and tip people who make good videos or drawings on other sites. X3 I'm not in it for the money.

    Honestly, if I really wanted to make money out of it, I'd skip mining altogether and buy 'em outright while cheap then wait for a value inflation. Some guy made thousands on something like $200 that way. :lol: I wouldn't see the point in tipping with what is a valueless "currency" at the moment. They get my viewing, that's their tip.



    • Brohoof 1
  15. I wouldn't say it's worthless per se, if there's people willing to transfer it into actual cash or items then it couldn't possibly be. There are plenty of vendors online that will let you buy stuff with bitcoins and even tales of people buying houses with them. It's not so much a digital currency as it is stock, sometimes the price increases and people want to get into that so then they start mining for themselves.


    I would say at this point that bitcoin is so overpriced it's loosing it's value though, since no one in their right mind, hopefully, would buy a coin for 1000+.

    Mining takes an eternity to actually be useful unless you're one of these enthusiasts who devise weird computer rigs to dedicate solely to mining 24/7. That, plus the price issue, makes the whole thing utterly pointless for most.

    • Brohoof 1
  16. If I found out that you stole my 3DS, let's just say that you would be eating hospital food for a week!

    Reality: You wouldn't hospitalize anybody over a 3DS so can it with the tough guy act. And frankly, if you would, you're a terrible person with s### priorities.



    Anywho, in high school, the cafeteria had these racks full of snacks. Chips, cheetos, candy-bar-ish things...For about half a year, I'd swipe from the rack and stuff my pockets. My snacks of choice were sweet-and-salty bars (made from oats and peanuts with sweetened peanut butter holding it all together, or the other type was almonds with white fudge) and these little bags of graham cracker clusters dipped in chocolate.


    Also in middle school, I swiped $30 some kid left in the open. Got caught later (snitches) and he cried. Ha.



    Also, there was this one class. One of the students was chatting with the teacher about some s### going on in her life and this b#### seated behind me kept muttering and complaining about it for...Honestly, I dunno the reasons. But it wore on my nerves and I eventually turned around to confront her, culminating in the following:


    "Hey, what's your name? Brenda? Well, hey, Brenda...Could you do me the tiniest little favor...and SHUT THE F### UP! If you have SUCH A BIG DAMN PROBLEM with her talking about s### that doesn't have anything to do with you or affect your existence in the slightest, then MAN THE F### UP AND GO SAY SOMETHING, YOU BLOODY COWARD. But if I have to sit here and listen to you WHINING UNDER YOUR GODD### BREATH LIKE A PASSIVE-AGGRESSIVE LITTLE C### FOR ONE MORE SECOND, I'M GONNA TAKE THIS PEN IN MY POCKET AND JAM IT RIGHT IN YOUR F###ING EYE, YOU WHINY LITTLE N#####!" (Note: I'm not a racist, I just knew it'd push her buttons. Plus I use the term for any race anyway.)


    And then when she started on a comeback, I backhanded her and jammed the pen in her arm. Not her eye but she still bled a little. Grinned all the way to the principal's office. :lol:


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