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Everything posted by Koelath

  1. They're only group-specific because specific groups choose to give them power. "Faggot" used to be a bundle of sticks until (I assume) some gay guy randomly decided to be offended by it once upon a time. I find little value in contributing to that power by making a big deal of the words.
  2. Chaos? You mean...That thing he creates in every single appearance? Yeah, how dare he...Continue to be the embodiment of chaos...? As for the topic: It would be inexcusably stupid and ruin the show if legit. Hilarious if Discord's just screwing around.
  3. I AGREE COMPLETELY. However, because all princesses so far HAVE earned their titles, the thread is quite moot.
  4. Embark on a pilgrimage to Poland.
  5. "AHHHHHHHHH WHY ISN'T MY COLORFUL SHOW ABOUT TALKING PONIES IN A FICTIONAL MAGICAL UNIVERSE MORE REALISTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Pst: Try Degrassi. (Honestly, what is with people complaining that fictional things should be more realistic? Grow a bloody imagination and a sense of joy, please!) And "sexual-themed jokes"...So you want Twilight to point out something that looks like a d#ck and giggle at it? I'd really rather not... But, to the point of the thread: A "brony" is a fan of the show outside of its targeted demographic. You do not care for the show. Ergo, by definition, you are not a brony. A "brony adjacent", perhaps.
  6. "Curse" words are no different than any other word. The broadest definition of "profanity" is "offensive language". Language, however, is not inherently offensive. Ergo, the entire notion of profanity or 'curse words' is utter nonsense. If I call you an asshole, you perceive it to be an insult. Yet if, in my head, 'asshole' carries no insulting intent then it is not an insult. And as a matter of fact, "asshole", "faggot", and "[racism 1]" are all terms I've used regularly to describe friends (note: I've also used all of these terms negatively as well so context is key as always in language). Point is that there are no offensive words, only offensive ideas. If I decide to swap out "idiot" for "f#cking moron", the idea is exactly the same, it's just the impact that changes. But somebody who wouldn't have a problem otherwise might call me on profanity. I'd then have to call them on hypocrisy because frankly, I find their unthinking knee-jerk reaction to harmless language far more offensive than any alleged profanity. And while we're on the topic of profanity: People who say "f-bomb" or "the n word"...Or "fudge"...Or, really, any other stupid "clean" version of these words... These people need to grow up or shut up. We all know what you mean. Either man up and say it or don't say it at all, but don't be a little wuss and do it halfway. Using a euphemism doesn't make what you're saying nicer, it just makes you a coward.
  7. Those are called "bronies". You like the show. You're a brony. Full stop. Even "pegasister" is kinda superfluous.
  8. Who are you? I know no celebrity by the name of Shizuo.
  9. Oh god, now I wanna see a mockup debate between Bill and Celestia.
  10. Pewdiepie... And I dunno, I was just asking. I think he'd be alright with 'em, maybe not a huge fan. He'd probably say it needs more real science as lessons. XD
  11. I'll allow for "infamous", in the same way Fred and 2girls1cup and the blue waffle is infamous. But "famous" is too much credit. :comeatus: Anybody know how Bill Nye feels about ponies?
  12. His name will be Leonardo. His cutie mark will be an Oscar.
  13. >Famous bronies >John Cena >Famous >John Cena
  14. This is what we call "being completely incapable of separating reality from fiction". I would suggest you develop said capability as quickly as possible because it could have severe consequences to your mental health otherwise. Honestly, out of all possible theories one could invent, you go with "IN THE REAL WORLD, PONIES WERE BRED BY HUMANS SO OBVIOUSLY THE SAME IS TRUE IN FICTION!" Ehhh. Boring.
  15. Guys. Guys. GUYS. What if... And this theory gets pretty crazy but stay with me here. What if... Pinkie Pie... ...Is a cartoon character.
  16. I've been over here, watching the show. I don't read comics, they tend to bore me. It's like a book minus the enjoyment of visualizing things yourself. It's like a cartoon minus any animation or movement. Just...Never got the point.
  17. Sorry, what's tragic about Sunset again? And Discord is more chaotic neutral. Morality isn't any concern, it's just the chaos that counts. A well-intentioned extremist would be pretty neat if they can pull it off well. Or (even more difficult to pull off), a sympathetic villain. That rare lunatic who is clearly doing horrible things but you can't help but feel sorry and kinda sympathetic for him. Sometimes overlaps with well-intentioned extremists. Like, Magneto is a "well-intentioned extremist" in that he thinks he's doing the 'right' thing but in reality, he's essentially being Hitler and doing the thing humanity did to make him hate them. His view of it as 'right' is fundamentally flawed, no rational person could sympathize at all. (But I love him anyway because villains are cool.) Then you've got, say, somebody like Zod in Man of Steel. What he's doing is awful but at the same time, it's perfectly understandable. He was born and raised for the sole purpose of protecting his people and now he's just doing literally all he can to try to preserve them. It's the most basic instinct of any lifeform, help the species thrive. The thing that makes him go to extremes is that the way his society brought him up, it's his only instinct at all. He's still going way out of line but honestly, if humanity were on his side of the glass, we might do the same thing. History shows well enough that as a species, we don't hesitate to kill people just to take their stuff either. XP
  18. It really doesn't. It's not referencing anything good or being in any way funny. It's just "haha, she likes something unexpected...ISN'T THAT WEIRD AND FUNNY, PLEASE LAUGH!" The whole ongoing gag is to this fandom what Big Bang Theory is to various nerd groups. Terrible and awful masquerading as comedic.
  19. FiM has no animated film. EG is a disconnected spinoff. And you don't seem to understand the purpose of live-action adaptations of animated material. It's not made because no other version of the material exists. It's made because live-action is a fundamentally different medium than animation, and people like to see how their favorite things cross over between mediums. That's why books become film and films become games and books and musicals. And books become plays become movies. And sometimes games (video or board) become film. Ergo, it's not pointless. You just don't care about the point. Plus your statement here is entirely different than the one I addressed ("messing with an animated film to replace it with a live action film would be pointless since live action films for cartoons don't always have a good result." - paraphrased as ""Making live-action versions of cartoons is pointless because they're not always good.") so it's kind of completely irrelevant. The opinion I initially paraphrased is, factually, a terrible and wrong opinion in every way. Nothing ever always has a good result so by your logic, nothing should ever be made because it's pointless without guaranteed success.
  20. Considering TES is all about being some big important prophesied hero, I imagine having 27 other such heroes would rather spoil the atmosphere. Plus its very nature as an MMO means the world will not be anywhere close to par with the single-player installments for sheer immersion and epicness. I got beta access and it's all just really empty and bland outside of PVP sieges (which are pretty great). It's not worth $15 a month but then, no MMO has ever been worth a monthly fee of any kind. They were pretty dense to use a dying business model... Plus the Imperials (a basic TES race) are behind a paywall, horses are inexcusably expensive considering the sheer size of this (far too empty) land (depends on how quickly money is gathered though), and...Honestly, it's just not TES. It's any old MMO (and I do mean old MMO, as some of its mechanics do seem outdated) with a lower-quality Skyrim skin draped over it. They clearly tried...You can see various TES systems kinda clumsily melded with the online systems of the MMO genre. But...Honestly, it just made me want to play Skyrim. Plus, I only paid $60 for Skyrim and am still far from ever running out of things to see (I prefer emergent stories rather than following the Godzilla-Messiah plotline written out for me - just wander and let a whole new story emerge naturally). For $15 a month, no MMO offers enough, and certainly not enough to live up to TES standards. If I want an MMO, I'll still go for TERA because it provides a great world (visually) to play in. TESO is in Tamriel but it might as well be in Generic Fantasy Land because all of the epicness is gone. I'll grab Assassins' Creed 4 because it's the best Sid Meier's Pirates sequel ever (and unlike everyone who now hates the series due to overblown expectations, I still like it). And Infamous: Second Son because Infamous was the reason I bought a PS3 way back and Infamous 2 provided some of the most powerful, immersive, and devastating moments I've seen in a game. Plus it's just a badass IP. Also Watch Dogs because...Do I even need to explain it?
  21. Ohai, pony pixies. You look...Ehh. Like tiny ponies.
  22. I have telekinesis. I can also play music in my head and visualize stuff but that isn't a trick so much as "literally everyone can do this thing".
  23. Go watch any movie with live-action talking animals and you'll have your answer. Also, how would that even work? They'd have to paint a bunch of horses pink and s###. "Making live-action versions of cartoons is pointless because they're not always good." ...No.
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