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Posts posted by Shine

  1. To be honest, "Cupcakes" is not that bad out of character. Pinkie isn't portrayed as "evil," just deranged. In the show, she's already a little bit (or a lot) nuts. "Cupcakes" struck me as more of an explanation as to why she's so crazy.


    I also see Celestia as being a chaotic character, as much as she tries to hide behind a mask of pure goodness and Harmony. Of course, I also dislike Celestia and have, therefore, never read any of these fanfictions, so I can't be sure if the way they portray her is accurate or not.


    It does really bug me, though, when a character does something way off for no good reason. For example, I once read a story in which Rainbow Dash was cussing and being hateful toward a rival of hers, and then she tried to play a dangerous "prank" on him that ended with him being seriously injured. I know Dash is a jerk sometimes (I'm not too fond of her either), but that was just too over the top and not how she'd act at all.


    I've also read stories about Zecora in which she didn't rhyme, and I don't like those just because... that's lazy.

    The ones with Fluttershy being a psycho killer are the stupidest, though, because that is completely the opposite of all she stands for and believes in.

    • Brohoof 2
  2. Saying the fandom is a religion is like saying whovians are a part of a religion, and I have never once heard that, nor have I seen/heard of anyone praying to the Doctor,

    I've heard of Whovian parents teaching their kids to believe that the Doctor is real and that he keeps the Universe safe, brings them gifts at Christmas, etc. It's almost a religion. xD

  3. "Friendship is a relationship of mutual affection between two or more people. Friendship is a stronger form of interpersonal bond than an association." Wikipedia.

    "Magic or sorcery is an attempt to understand, experience and influence the world using rituals, symbols, actions, gestures and language." Wikipedia again.

    You don't believe that the actions and gestures of friendship can influence and change the world? Well, okay then... cynic. xD

  4. So being Clever is bad right?...so is smart?


    Lol just busting your chops a better use other then saying cleverness etc is bad is to say being forth-coming or a rebel etc is a bad thing to bring things up is a bad choice most true when evil corps are at play.


    Instead taking the sly or low-key route is best.


    Lol in the end that is just nit-picking anyway.


    The story is interesting. want to see what kind of persona the pony has.


    Last this kinda reminds me of Small Soldiers movie.


    Heh. I never noticed that, but it is slightly like Small Soldiers (but the "toys" in my story are actual living creatures rather than real toys with artificial intelligence). The thing about the government wanting people to be dumb is because they themselves are not that smart and don't want the citizens to be smarter than they are.

    Thanks for taking the time to read and comment. I hope to update the story with new chapters soon. c:

  5. The other day I was looking at my new Doctor Hooves figurine and was inspired to write a story in which Hasbro is this evil corporation that has a hold on the government and somehow aims to control people using ponies. Of course, for this evil plan of theirs, they steal ponies from Equestria, clone them, and sell the pony clones as toys. A group of super average humans (because in this world, the government sees civilian intelligence as a threat, and so the general population of humans is a little on the dumb side) discovers a few ponies who have managed to escape and must figure out how to help them rescue all the other ponies and save both Equestria and Earth.


    I still haven't decided whether or not this is going to be any good.


    If anyone's interested in reading the first chapter, which is all I've got written so far, it can be found here. (The password is "Grammarshine.")



    Also, if this story does any good, I might add illustrations.

    Oops.  I accidentally typed the wrong password.  It is "Grammarshine."

    • Brohoof 1
  6. Right, because that's totally what's happening here. Except not at all, in any way, anywhere. :huh:


    I have not once refused to accept it because it's not explicitly stated but thank you for projecting that onto me. Now I know not to take you very seriously here because you just make things up anyway. Incidentally, you're taking this entire exchange far too seriously yourself. I honestly suggest you go fix yourself a drink and have a hot bubble bath because you're entirely too tightly-wound if you invest so much seriousness into what is obviously not a serious explanation of reproductive mechanics in Equestria.


    What I am doing is not refusing to accept something without explicit statement but rather choosing to disregard it altogether and invent a more entertaining alternative because it's more fun (Do you know 'fun'?) than the squickiness of bringing sexuality into the canon of a cartoon about talking horses. :P


    Plus, we've seen that ponies lack genitalia soooo....Yeah. Spores. In fact, I submit that parasprites are those spores and that they instantaneously become baby fillies after eating enough and fusing together (a process usually controlled by strict containment protocol, but which ran awry and went out of control in the episode). That episode was actually about averting a pony overpopulation crisis.


    I actually try not to ever take anything too seriously; it's a waste of time.


    Your explanation of parasprites, on the other hand...  now that is quite entertaining.  You can't imagine how hard I just laughed when reading that.  (Seriously...  I was drinking a Dr Pepper at the time;  you nearly  made me spew it out my nose.)


    Just because I bring logic into a cartoon doesn't mean that I don't have fun; I just enjoy logic more than nonsense sometimes.  There is a certain time and place in which nonsense is more fun, but this particular subject just doesn't deem it necessary in my mind, so I'm afraid I disregarded your intention without meaning to.  It's not like I was trying to start an argument.

  7. Nope, it doesn't. There are couples because some ponies like each other but that's a personality thing, not a sex thing. And ponies are born by their parents releasing spores of DNA from their hooves which then fuse together and instantaneously become a baby filly.


    (Translation: "Why are you going on about absolutes and definite proof and the real world in a CARTOON ABOUT MAGICAL TALKING PONIES?! That's just ridiculous.")

    In your opinion, perhaps this is sane.  What I find more ridiculous, however, is your total refusal to accept anything that isn't explicitly stated in the show.  Some things are just common logic and aren't stated in the show because the creators assume that everyone else will just assume.

  8. I am pretty freaking obsessed with My Little Pony, but I have other things I'm way into as well.


    I obsess over...

    • Hyenas - They are my favourite animal, for starters.  Also, I am a furry/therian, and my fursona/spirit animal is the aardwolf -- a small subspecies of hyena that has stripes and a long, bushy tail and eats only termites.  I have three comic characters who are anthropomorphic aardwolves and refer to themselves as "The Grammar Hyenas."  Each one is a representation of a different aspect of myself, and I devote much of my time to thinking about and drawing them.
    • The Endless Forest - It can be considered a mass-multiplayer online roleplaying game, but there is actually quite some debate over whether or not it's actually a game at all.  In fact, its creators call it an interactive online screensaver.  Basically, it's a simulation of a magical forest, and each "player" gets an avatar of a deer.  The deer have human faces and the ability to cast spells on each other to change their appearances.  There is no talking, there is no chat box, there are no obnoxious usernames floating over everyone's heads (players are identified in-game by glowing orbs over their heads that contain beautiful and unique pictogram symbols), but players communicate with one another via motions, emotive actions, and deer-noises.  You can call it boring if you want to (most people do), but I am in love with it.  I have it set as my computer's screensaver so that whenever I walk away and leave it open, I will be greeted with the beautiful forest sounds and, if my character falls asleep, the music that plays.
    • Doctor Who - This is probably the best science fiction story ever made.  It's been around since the 60s, and it's still popular, so that should say at least something for it.  The characters are amazing, the scripts brilliantly written (most of the time), and the subject matter is just...  wow.  It sounds silly when you try to explain it to someone who's never seen it before (Okay, so there's this guy whose name is The Doctor.  No, not Doctor Who, just The Doctor.  He looks human, but really he's a time-travelling alien with two hearts.  Also, whenever he's about to die he regenerates, which means his body completely changes into a different person to keep him alive.  Oh yeah, and he flies around in a ship that's disguised as a blue Police box, and it's bigger on the inside.  Don't even ask what that means; just watch the show, and you'll understand it.)  I love Doctor Who so much that I have my own customized sonic screwdriver toy (okay, it was actually a kit with parts of different sonic screwdrivers, and you can put them together however you want) and wear bowties for fun because the Doctor says "bowties are cool."
    • Taxidermy - Most people think it's odd, freaky, disgusting, etc., but I have chosen taxidermy as my career and my passion.  Nothing pleases me more than restoring beauty to dead things and making them appear alive again.  Animals that are too damaged to mount become jewelry and accessories.  I'm still an apprentice and therefore have no real business of my own, but my teacher generally lets me keep scraps that he can't use because he knows I like to make things with them.  I would love to sell the things I've made, but even if I can't find anyone to buy them, I will still keep making them, just because I love them so much.
    • Brohoof 1
  9. Yes, I know everypony has already said this, but...  she's going through puberty so her voice is changing.


    However, I want to add something to that.

    I noticed her voice sounded a little more mature in this episode, but I also noticed that the characters seem to be growing up too, just as their voice actors are.  Has anyone else noticed that Spike's voice is getting slightly deeper?  How about the fact that he's taller and slimmer now than when the show started.


    I think Hasbro is actually allowing its characters to age.  As the show's main character (Twilight Sparkle) grows and changes, so will all the other characters along with her.  I actually kind of like this.

    • Brohoof 1
  10. I always thought they were something like the gods of Greek myth.  They have awesome power, but they are not perfect.  Of course, then again, there could be, as you've suggested, a head-god who chooses mortal ponies to become gods.


    I have no way of explaining Discord, though.  He's not a pony, but he is still like a god.  I wonder if he started off like Celestia and Luna or if he was born/created/came into existence/etc. with his powers.

  11. @, Well, some decades ago, it was not that uncommon to eat horse meat; at least where I live. That's simply change.

    Oh, I knew that.  It's just that so many people today have this weird horror-feeling about eating any animal that isn't pig, cow, chicken, or turkey.  I just don't get it.


    I mean, I understand people being against animal cruelty.  I myself care very passionately for the well-being of animals.  (I consider them my equals and my brethren.)  However, most people have this really dumb idea that death = cruelty, and that just isn't true.  Carnivorous animals kill and eat one another in the wild every day, and we don't consider them the villains.  They also don't discriminate between the ugly/food animals and the cute/friend animals, so why should we?


    That's just how I see the world, though.  I guess there are always going to be people who don't agree.

    • Brohoof 1
  12. It's my third favorite meat by now. So yes, I not just would, I do in fact eat it. Unfortunately, it's rather difficult to get these days.


    But I'd never eat the ponies from the show. Eating sapient beings... would be close to some kind of "cannibalism", right? That'd just be wrong.

    That is exactly how I feel.  

    I've never been presented horse meat as a food option before, but if I had the opportunity, I would want to try it.  I would like to try eating all of my favourite animals (excluding the endangered species, for obvious reasons), actually, even though they aren't considered normal food animals.


    animals I love to eat: deer, cow, shrimp, most fish, squid, 


    animals I eat indifferently: chicken, turkey


    animals I want to eat: fox, hyena, horse, shark, sheep, possum, alligator, 


    animals I do not like to eat: pigs (except for in bacon form), catfish/ other bottom-feeding fish (because they taste slimy)

  13. No she's just his friend as I see it. Top of all that if shinning armor could be a homosexual ... then lol He's a homosexual

    Oh, okay then.  I just always assumed they were in a relationship, since she tries so hard to  look good around him.  Maybe she just hasn't figured out that he's gay yet and is trying to impress him.   xP


    I don't think  Shining Armor is, though.  I mean, I know that's a big fan theory (so many gay ship fics with him, for some reason), but he seems to really be in love with Cadance, so it's unlikely that she's just a cover.

    • Brohoof 1
  14. That's either really really nice and cool of you, or really really creepy, but I take the ladder lol! Thanks alot that means so much to me!

    xD  Yeah, sorry; I didn't mean for that to sound creepy.  It was a compliment.  c:

    Also, you were one of the first people I met on this site, so I wanted to say something to  you.  lawl

    • Brohoof 1
  15. A while ago I purchased a custom plushie of my OC that I should be getting by the end of next week. I plan to do a review on it along with take it with me on my first Brony Fair in my home state. Can't say I'd cuddle with it, but whos to say I won't lol

    That... is awesome.  I'm  so jelly right now.  xP


    By the way, I would totally cuddle a plush of you.  ;b

  16. Just for clarity, when the original poster said "go on dates" in quotation marks, I think that was meant not as romantic dates, but doing stuff like watching movies or hanging out with the ponies  and pretending like they are participating as well, like I do with my plastic ponies.


    I'm not entirely sure if this was your intention, but that's how I interpreted it.  Other people seem to be weirded out by the terminology, though, which is why I want to be sure.

    • Brohoof 2
  17. It's just a fat pony. That's it. That's the design choice they went with for her and it isn't the first fat person we've seen in a cartoon and isn't even the first fat pony we've seen in mlp. There is literally nothing "stereotype breaking" or impressive about this.

    Exactly.  That is exactly why I like this.  It's great because it's not even in-your-face anymore.  It's just a fat pony, big whoop de doo.

    The fact that it's considered normal now gives me hope that children will learn to love each other despite their differences, and maybe fat kids at school will be noticed for their other traits or, better yet, their personalities,  rather than just being labelled "fat kid."


    The only reason I made a whole topic focusing on Torch Song was because she was the first meaty character I noticed in MLP.  There probably have been others, but it wasn't until this particular episode that I actually noticed.

  18. I don't think sexuality exists in Equestria. :P

    It absolutely does.  If it didn't, then there would be no couples at all, and yet we see them all the time in the show.  Plus, ponies are born to these married couples, which means they must have sex.


    Not necessarily. Could reproduce with spores or asexually. :P

    The fact that ponies exist with two sexes is definite proof that they are not asexual.  Plus, they are based on real-life horses, which are mammals and reproduce by having sex.


    Sexuality isn't even canon in FiM so I would say that it's unconfirmed either way.

    Please read the above two comments in this post. ^


    BUT! There is one pony I'm 110% he is gay... and hot damn I'm sooooo happy he is. Because mmmm he's sooo sexy! and that is.. 



    MMMMM Fancy Pants. 


    ahhh soo hot. what? he is! anyway.. 


    He's a homosexual.

    I'm not saying that this wouldn't be hot (because it would... it totally would), but why would you think Fancypants is homosexual?  Isn't Fleur DeLis his girlfriend/wife?

    My vote:  I think realistically they would exist, but whether or not they would be accepted would probably vary from region to region, just as it does in our world. 

    • Brohoof 1
  19. I was reading through the responses on this thread, and my sister suggested the term "unifan" or "alifan" as a fan of alicorns.  xP


    Now she's going with "alicornasaurus."  I like that one.  xD


    Personally, I prefer to call myself a brony, but you can go by "pegasister" or "pony fan" or "I like ponies" or whatever the buck you want.  Be an individual, like this show teaches us to be!  :D

    • Brohoof 2
  20. I have done this with my stuffed animals for a long time.  (The funny thing is I didn't start collecting stuffed animals until I was 13.)


    I don't have any plush ponies yet, but I do have some plastic ones that I will set up in certain places in the house so that I can talk to them while I do stuff or pretend that they are "watching" me.


    I took my Doctor Whooves to "church" (not real church; that would be too disrespectful, but I did take him to an informal home Bible study/ church thing) to show him to my friends and set him up on the back of my chair so he could "watch" the group.  :b


    EDIT:  Okay, so I don't have any actual plush MLP characters, but I do have a few stuffed zebras, and one of them was the inspiration for my fan-character Chokaa Kupigwa.  I do sometimes pretend like he's the real Chokaa and cuddle with him.  I even let him watch movies with me and stuff, but since he's just a little colt, it's more like a parent-child playdate.



    Chokaa and the toy on which he was based:



    • Brohoof 1
  21. To be honest, I didn't want to watch the show.  When I was in high school I had friends who were always talking about it and drawing fanart, and I would just roll my eyes and look the other way.  They said I should give the show a chance because it was actually really good, but I thought I would hate it because I was expecting it to be like the old My Little Pony from the 80s.


    I actually can't remember why I finally decided to give it a try.  I think maybe I saw memes about it or something and thought "hey, this doesn't seem as lame as I thought it should be," so I went to YouTube and looked up the first episode.  Then, just to see if it would continue to be good, I watched a few more episodes.  Then, just so I wouldn't seem like a quitter, I watched the entire first season.


    I guess I ended up loving it because I had always liked the idea of ponies, just hated the voice acting and music of the past, and this was a version of the show that actually didn't suck.  xP 

    • Brohoof 1
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