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Count Sadoc

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Personal Motto
    No such thing as Nothing
  • Interests
    Back story, history, and writing

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  1. Oh, I would love for one of my OCs to be entered into this here is the link! If he is going to have any speech, make sure it has a Hispanic accent to it, because...well he talks like that... http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/midnightmist-r4731
  2. So I have been looking to draw my OC, yes I know there are programs that allow you to "make" ponies, but I just don't think they can capture the amount of detail that I would like to put into my OC. I would like any suggestions on any programs that will help me draw my OC, also if anyone has any advice for drawing and OC (because I'm a bit of a newbie) please do respond, thank you
  3. I have a headcanon theory with sombra that fleshes out his story, I think there is a lot of potential to get into dark magic lore if they make him return with a more viable role. (I only wish my OC could be in it, he is king sombra's older brother)
  4. *any small details that may not have been in this, char. descriptions, emotions, what they brother does, etc. will most likely be added in the fic. don’t worry * *again anything you want to suggest is helpful, please tell me if I'm ignoring anything major Elements of Chaos (betrayal, unhappiness, greed, lies, cruelty, and dark magic) made by the chaotic forces after elements of harmony are discovered, but could not be used because it was too late. sombra and (older) brother are unicorns, living in the crystal empire sombra’s father is a great soldier in the crystal guard, and the mother is a florist the brothers go on a mis-adventure into a cave that they find one day when playing sombra, on another day starts playing with ants, pretending he is the ruler, when the ants do not follow his commands he starts using magic, and crushes them, that is when he get’s his cutie mark (a black crown) sombra’s brother get’s his cutie mark (an eclipsed sun) when he starts doing advanced magic to protect his brother from some bullies {I feel like I should elaborate on him being bullied and teased more} one day the father returns home saying that they have to leave, that the guard is coming, and they go years later sombra and his brother go their separate ways from home sombra, who has worked up a jealousy of his brothers magic skill goes to canterlot for magic training after no one accepts him, he is surprisingly taking in by Luna as her student(and they develope a friendly relationship) sombra, over a period of years {should I detail this section?} begins to master the arcane arts One day sombra goes on a walk and runs into his brother (who he hasn’t seen in years) and challenges him to a magic duel Even though sombra has nearly mastered the arcane arts, his brother still beats him Sombra is embarrassed and goes back to training, but still doesn’t think it is enough After one late night of studying, sombra reads a book containing information about dark magic He asks Luna about it who says it is forbidden, and warns him not to go into that subject again Sombra however is determined and goes through exploring the castle finds a secret entrance to the dark library he goes mad with how much knowledge he finds and while reading he learns how to controll dark crystals and how to bind himself with things around him and control them After reading these books, he spots a crown protected in the back of the library and tries to steal it after failing breaking the spell the first time the spell alerts alerts luna and celestia, he immediately uses all of the dark magic he just used to break to glass and then puts on the crown after putting on the crown, his true power is revealed as his horn curves and is streaked with bright red Then he comes face to face with the princesses who looked shocked and angry after a bit of dialogue, they try to trap him with spells, but he uses dark magic to escape after running for about a day, using magic to dull his trail he looks up to see his brother his brother (who does not recognize the crown) begins to ask his brother what he is doing sombra explains everything, then his brother asks for the crown sombra timidly gives it to him, but when he puts it on, his true power is revealed too and his horn curves, but it curves the opposite way from sombra’s and gets a streak of bright gold. his brother however, realizes that it is dark magic, and promptly takes it off and puts it in his backpack he looks to his brother in an ashamed fashion, but cannot find it within himself to report him he then tells sombra to go to their father and hide until he can get it figured out sombra asks for the crown back, but is refused he then goes into a rage, agonizing over the POWER he just lost when he gets home he talks to his father and explains everything to him however when he wakes up he finds himself in front of guards (they don’t recognize the father) who want to bring him to celestia, and he sees his father behind them disappointed he soon becomes enraged at the guards, the situation, and his father he explodes with dark magic, wiping out the guards, he then turns to his father who betrayed him and in one swift action, eliminates him from his father he finds an amulet, that emanates with a similar power that the crown did(element of betrayal) he then goes to the castle and confronts the princess of the crystal empire and demands she step down, she refuses he easily defeats her and quickly assumes power over the crystal empire over a period of months he enslaves the people, and anyone who comes close [this is how no one comes to aid the empire, because no news is coming from it] sombra’s brother goes to visit his brother after not hearing from him he walks upon the kingdom and sees everything his brother has done he becomes enraged by his brothers actions and calls out to him sombra, who now calls his brother lesser than him says that he is now the greatest unicorn that ever lived his brother tells him that he has gone mad with power and that he now has to destroy sombra they both become enraged and then their horns radiat and extend to become horns of power [making their magic stronger, and also be sword like to stab and slash] After a long battle the brother is almost defeated, but pulls out the other elements of chaos to heal himself (but this is the beginning of a corruption process, the brother knows this that is why he didn’t start with it) even though he is shocked at this, sombra try to defeat him again but his brother has gained power from the elements and defeats sombra looking over him he cannot bring himself to kill his brother so he banishes him to the far north after he takes the element from him as he takes the element though, the floor below him disappears and he falls into an empty field, as he hears his brothers laugh for the last time(for now) he turns to see the princesses shocked at what just happened he then presents the elements of chaos to the princesses, but they see that he is the only one who can resist their corruption and so they leave it to him to guard them the brother, accepts but still doesn't trust himself, so he request that he and the elements be locked away far underground so that no civilians can be in the way if something were to happen and he also request to be locked away with them he also requests that they not speak of him defeating his brother, because he does not want eqestria to know want he did to his brother they don’t question and grant him this, before he goes, however; they say that he would be a great prince, but since that is the path he does not wish to chose, they grant him the title of ‘count’ COUNT SADOC
  5. Thank you fro the feedback I didn't expect this to be perfect and you have really helped with what I should think about. On some topics though, like .his brother is immune, I figured that he would be immune since he was one of the elements of chaos., and the elements cannot destroy themselves (i.e. like twilight sparkle using the e of harmony to destroy the other 5) .by him becoming an alicorn by other means than celestia, I wanted to try and hint at a "higher power" but I guess it is not necessary. .the crown does not give discord all his power, but It does give him some though, it is not like his main source, but again, it can be changed .I want to get an element of him and his brother having a relationship(brotherly) and so it would be like killing your own brother, which he could not do. He also didn't want the world to know that he defeated his brother because he is ashamed of fighting his brother in such a way I REALLY want the horns thing, it is a special power I wanted them to have. I guess I should explain them though. they are like a special ancient power that the brothers share, there horns become radiant and enlarged and become powerful weapons, but only activate when the brothers are together and chose to activate them (might have to nerf it though ) they don't HAVE to be called the horns of Judgement and Purge though... .Finally, the brother as you recall leaves with the mysterious book and that book helps him (not saying in what way yet) to elude the vision of Luna and Celestia Everything else though, I agree needs to be changed or improved. THANK YOU
  6. Please give me feedback and suggestions on anything I should improve or change remember **SPOILERS**(for this story) Elements of Chaos (betrayal, unhappiness, greed, lies, cruelty, and dark magic) made by the chaotic forces after elements of harmony are discovered, but could not be used because it was too late. sombra and (older) brother are unicorns, orphaned at birth because parents could not care for them. sombra’s father is the (evil) element of betrayal, the brother is the element of dark magic, and sombra is the element of unhappiness Older brother grows up and after reading magic books he found on a mis-adventure(where sombra and him get cutie marks) looks for something(elements of chaos) unbenounced to sombra sombra becomes a student for Starswirl the Bearded, learning magic Sombra decides to visit his true parents only to find his mother gone(dead) and his old father in jail for high treason sombra gets angry and looks for a way to free his father, because his father convinced him it was a lie Sombra runs into his brother leaving the empire with (#) stange necklaces(some of the elements of chaos) sombra’s brother tells him that his father was an element of chaos(betrayal), but sombra gets so angry that he goes back and destroys his father and performs a memory spell on the guards. sombra’s brother leaves him but sombra goes back to canterlot to learn more magic, but finds his master is just died. sombra them becomes enraged with what has happened so far and begins doing reckless magic spells left and right he is then stopped by his brother, who shows him an old book (mentioned before) sombra learns of the elements of chaos and him and his brother go to find the final one they see discord attack equestria, but they manage to trick him to come down and talk discord finally explains that his powerful magic is coming from a crown he has(the element of dark magic) sombra’s brother realizes he needs that amulet and reveals a deep magic knowledge and temporarily defeats, and takes the crown from discord (completing the elements of chaos) when he puts the crown on his horn curves inward and slightly glows, his eyes are white pupils and black around his iris sombra, stunned by this wants to become like his brother and begs for the amulets and crown his brother refused and goes to attack sombra but is not used to the elements and falls(not dead) and the amulets fall in front of sombra who promptly becomes evil, but unlike his brother, he can seemingly wield the elements sombra then travels to canterlot and sees princess celestia and luna defeat discord after he laughs he slips through the shadows and wanders equestria with his new power on his journey, he destroys small villages and makes many ponies flea, he also finds many spells one of which allows him to make dark crystals finally he sets his sights to his home(crystal empire) where he looks upon it with utter hate and disgust. he goes to the throne and challenges the ruler who he easily defeats and spreads his ever growing dark magic across the crystal empire. his reign lasts for years, but then on a regular day of his rule, he spots his brother one day on the horizon who seems to be flooding with magic and determination his brother tries to talk him down but to no eval, sombra claims the elements are his to wield as sombra tries to use the elements on his brother, the show no effect His brother explains he is immune, but also explains the inner power that they both share (the horns of judgment and purge) his older brother eventually wins after a long battle, but cannot kill his brother instead he banishes him to the far north Celestia and luna appear and learn of the elements of chaos the brother explains what they are and that they must be kept away and guarded the brother volunteers to guard them, but also asks for them to put a spell on the holding keep that is far underground he also tells the sisters to tell the ponies that they defeated sombra and not him before he goes however; he turns into an alicorn (celestia did not do this) but she realizes that if he will not be the king of this empire, he then will be called its count COUNT SADOC!!!!
  7. Thank you everboby I love the support there is in this community!
  8. I planning to start a detailed story about the infamous, and under appreciated in my opinion, King Sombra! What I would like to know is there anything I would need to know before writing it before hand? I'm also planning to introduce my oc in this story so any feedback would be appreciated.
  9. Well, I wanted to be more involved with the community, so I jioned poniverse and this.
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