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Posts posted by scooterlou

  1. Oh man, there are a couple things from my childhood/teenager hood that I loved/miss.


    First off - I have a bear named Mikey that I've had since before I was born, haha.  (There are pictures of my mom going off to the hospital to have me, and she's got Mikey under one arm)  I can't believe he used to be bigger than me at one point! XD  Anyhow, he's ancient, and smells like old things, and he's been through the washer probably too many times to count and I still love him dearly.


    Another thing I miss like crazy was my original Super Nintendo and my first copy of Super Mario RPG.  I have new ones of both, yeah, but I miss the original ones because they were mine, yanno?

  2. I kind of envision Discord as the pony version of Q from Star Trek (since that's pretty much what he is!) - and as such, maybe there's a Discord Continuum, where there's tons of chaotic, ridiculously awesome draconequii.


    And now I see someone else posted the same thing. XD I really hope this is the case, that there's others out there like Discord, haha.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. I think Pinkie's childhood has to be the most depressing (and definitely a childhood I can identify with) - she grew up on a rock farm, completely different from the rest of her sisters (what with her penchant for parties and such), and probably had to deal with her family not quite understanding her... And how unpleasant it must have been for our wee party pony, being so cheerful and being stuck in one of the most boring and depressing places in the world, a rock farm. No wonder she goes all Pinkamena at times. It'd put a lot of stress on anyone, dealing with all that.


    (also, where in canon does it say that Applejack's parents died? Did I miss something?)

  4. Oh, I've got a very awesome convention moment to share...


    At GenCon 2013, I dressed as Pinkie Pie for the first day of the convention. And the first cosplayer I saw was a guy dressed up as Rainbow Factory Dash. His costume was awesome, so I hollered "RAINBOW DAAAAAASH can I get a picture with yoooou" as I ran down the hall to catch up with him. He laughed, said "sure!" and we got our picture taken.


    And then I kept running into him throughout the day, at various pony related events. People loved our costumes, and kept asking for our picture together - it was kinda awesome. And at the end of the day we ended up paired together for the demo tournament of the MLP CCG. (I whooped his butt with the Twilight Sparkle deck, haha) We ended up parting ways after one game, and I didn't see him again after that.


    Until I found him online on a dating site. XD I messaged him, we had a good laugh about how we still keep running into each other, and eventually we started dating. And found out that we're pretty much clones of each other. And the rest is amazing history.


    And now we're married! All because I chased him down at GenCon, trying to get his picture. That's my best convention story.


    Well, that and the fact that I got hugged by my favorite author, Patrick Rothfuss,on the same day as all the awesome Rainbow Dash fun. XD I don't think anything is ever gonna top GenCon 2013.

  5. I got pulled over. On my scooter. For running a red light. XD


    I will say, it was embarrassing and mildly terrifying, since I'd never been pulled over before. I ran the red because my brakes were out of whack, and if I braked hard enough to stop at the light, I would have wiped out or hit something... Thankfully, I got a warning - and my scoot ended up in the shop the next day!

  6. I love the mountains - so quiet and peaceful! Plus, there's usually lots of pine trees, and I love pine trees.


    And camping in the mountains is amazing. I can't wait to go to the Adirondacks this summer...

    • Brohoof 3
  7. I've got two tattoos - Sailor Moon themed ones I got ages ago, and still love, as they're nice and simple.  Debating on whether or not to get a pony one... my hubby's got Fluttershy tattooed on his right arm, and she looks pretty damn awesome!

  8. @@TheLineTrotter


    "And I'll have chocolate chip pancakes with raspberries on top, and a cup of coffee with cream and sugar," Raspberry said, handing her menu to the waitress.  As the waitress left to bring their orders to the kitchen, Raspberry smiled at Vincent and said, "So, what's the agenda for today?  Or is it a surprise?"


    (I teach IT workshops on a college campus - usually it's not a bad job, but I had to teach in an open area yesterday and ended up having to shout over another instructor in the cluster next to mine and ended the workshop with no voice at all and no energy... ugh)

  9. @@TheLineTrotter,


    Raspberry looked over the menu - they did indeed have pancakes, with all sorts of fruit toppings and chocolate chips as well.  She grinned at the sight of that.  She might get some chocolate chip pancakes with - you guessed it - raspberry topping, and would definitely get a cup of coffee.  She looked at the other offerings - fruit bowls, french toast, synthetic bacon and sausage, various pastries... there were almost too many things to choose from.  She stuck with her initial decision of chocolate chip pancakes with raspberries on top, and her cup of coffee.


    She looked up at Vincent.  "I'm ready to order whenever you are," she said.


    (Sorry I took so long to reply - was absolutely wiped out after work yesterday, and pretty much passed out on the couch next to my laptop, haha)

  10. @@TheLineTrotter


    "Ohhh, pancakes," Raspberry said as she followed Vincent.  "I love pancakes.  Especially chocolate chip pancakes..."  She grinned.  "And it's okay if we don't get to see everything - just means there's more to explore another day!"  She eagerly followed behind the griffin, feeling a little warm and fuzzy from making a friend so quickly.  She half wondered how many ponies were friends with griffins, then decided she didn't care.  Ponies, griffins, who cares?  Everyone lives on this big planet, and that's all that mattered to her.  

  11. Posted this on FB yesterday, figured I would share it here- 


    In September of 2001, I was spiraling into depression - and on this day, 12 years ago, I was attempting to sleep through Drawing 110. However, my phone started ringing around 9 am, and rather than unplug it entirely, I picked up the phone - it was my friend Sarah calling, and I remember exactly what she said - "Turn on the TV." And I did, and that's pretty much where I stated the rest of the day, watching the screen, numb with horror. My phone rung off the hook that morning - family members and friends calling to make sure I was okay, to connect, to feel a little less alone on this frightening day. I spent the day in a grep*sailormoon AIM chat, talking to people from all over the place - one girl's uncle was a firefighter in the city, and she couldn't get a hold of him and was afraid he was dead. Others shared their experiences - they watched it on the news, they were near the city and saw the planes go overhead, they were worried about loved ones... I remember realizing my dad was supposed to be in the city that week, and often went to the World Trade Center for work, and panicked until I managed to get a hold of him on the phone (he ended up going back home two days early, otherwise he would have been there). 

    The thing I remember most about September 11th is how everyone came together to support one another - people who hardly knew each other were reaching out to others and helping them. No matter whether it was at ground zero, or online, or anywhere... we were there for each other.

    I won't get into my feelings about what's happened since then, or my opinions about our country - but I will remember, and I will especially remember the spirit of caring, of community, of togetherness that came to be in light of that horrible event.

  12. @@TheLineTrotter@,


    Raspberry thundered down the stairs in a rush, running late for her meeting with Vincent - first she'd overslept, then she got distracted by her Daring Do book again... when she realized it was past 8:30 she quickly brushed her mane and dashed out the door.  Once downstairs, she saw Vincent waiting (she hoped he hadn't been waiting long!) and the green stallion from yesterday.  She smiled quickly at Vincent, then turned to the stallion and frowned slightly.


    "Hey, the shop doesn't open until noon, and it's a little after 8:30 in the morning," she said quietly and patiently.  "And my aunt didn't mention that you'd talked to her, either."  She was beginning to get a little annoyed with the stallion, but kept an outward mask of patience.  "So you're gonna have to wait until the shop opens, and then talk to Aunt Dreamsicle, okay?"


    She then turned to Vincent, and her smile reappeared, albeit, a little smaller due to her frustration.  "You ready for brunch?" she asked.

  13. Eh - if I didn't already have an iPad to fill my iOS niche, I'd maybe possibly consider getting the 5C?  However, I do have an iPad, and a pretty sweet smartphone to boot (the Galaxy S3), at least when it's not devouring battery power like it's candy...

  14. Oh man, I have the sweetest ride ever.  2009 Honda Metropolitan, trunk covered in pony stickers, gets 100 miles to the gallon, and can hit 40mph if she's warmed up enough or has just shot down a hill, haha.  She's the red scooter in the middle in this picture, with the Scootaloo sticker on the trunk!


    • Brohoof 1
  15. Raspberry Swirl made her way up to her aunt's apartment, absolutely exhausted.  Today had been a long day, and she thought she might end up going to bed early, she was so tired.  Her aunt was still downstairs, finishing up the day's business and closing up shop, so Raspberry had the apartment to herself.  Once in her room, she flopped down onto her bed, and used her magic to bring the book she was reading to her from where she'd left it on her desk.  It was the latest Daring Do book, and she was really enjoying it - hopefully she'd get to read a bit of it before she fell asleep...

  16. @@TheLineTrotter -


    "See you tomorrow!" she said, smiling back at him. "It was good to meet you!" She let out a little sigh as Vincent got out of the booth - no longer distracted by conversation, she realized exactly how tired she was. She sat there in the booth for a little bit, listening to customers chat with each other, to Aunt Dreamsicle ring up customers, and closed her eyes for a bit. She would definitely sleep well tonight, that's for sure.

  17. @@TheLineTrotter-


    "Hopefully wherever we go for brunch has coffee..." Raspberry said. She wasn't much of a morning pony, and she didn't quite want to grumble her way through part of her morning before she fully woke up and was her normal cheery self. She let out a little giggle, unable to keep it inside. "I'm so excited!" She wondered where he might take her, what sorts of exciting things she might get to see tomorrow.

  18. @@TheLineTrotter,


    "Oooh, brunch sounds like a good idea," Raspberry said.  "I'm excited!  I've been nervous about exploring, since I have no idea how to get around here, so I'm glad you offered to show me around."  She smiled at Vincent, then blushed a little.  She got too excited for her own good at some points, but she was genuinely happy to get the chance to explore and possibly get to know Vincent a little better.  "And 8:30 sounds fine to me."

  19. @@TheLineTrotter-


    "Yes, that was definitely... odd."  Raspberry shook her head, then looked up at Vincent.  "And to answer your question, well, I have to work the evening shift, but if you want, I'd love it if you could show me around tomorrow morning...:  She smiled, happy that he'd asked.  She enjoyed the griffin's company, and hoped they could be friends at the very least.  She hadn't seen many griffins in her life, sure, but the fact that Vincent was a griffin didn't bother her one bit.  "What time would you want to meet?  And would you mind picking me up here?  The shop'll be closed until around noon, but I can wait for you outside."

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