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Legendary Emerald

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Everything posted by Legendary Emerald

  1. That's Super Nintendo, not NES. I don't know if I could pick a single favorite NES game. Top contenders would be Mega Man 3, Kirby's Adventure, Star Tropics, Castlevania 3, and Contra.
  2. Cyril the Wolf's metal cover of Gangnam Style is pretty much the greatest thing ever. http://soundcloud.com/cyrilthewolf/gangnam-style-metal-cover

  3. I was actually dreaming about this RP last night... creepy. Also, I posted again. So, yeah. "Want to play a fun game? Read all of Serah's lines in Rorschach's voice! I actually try to make her not sound like him, but she always does anyways."
  4. Serah had to shut her eyes after watching the ponies stumble around, cry, and flirt with one another for the better half of ten minutes. “To find out anything, we have to stop the bullshit and just discuss things maturely.” Serah thought. “Not my responsibility to keep them in line, though. Was never good with children.” Serah's eyes shot wide open as she heard the discordant sound. She spotted the perpetrator immediately, and tried to stand up a bit too quickly. She ended up landing flat on her face. “Son of a...” Serah decided to forgo her humanity for a moment, and charged on four hooves towards the magenta unicorn who had played the notes. Small embers trailed behind her, though she didn't notice them. She reached the unicorn with the keyboard right as the pony began to speak. “Cracks in the ground... don't recall. Heard others mention them, though. Related to green light?” Serah thought to herself as she stood up once more. “Princess?” Serah's expression soured. “Better than staying still.” Serah finally spoke up. “If Celestia has answers, we take them. No more wasting time.”
  5. Gangnam Style is my username and avatar on Steam, and has been for the past few days. I have this little animation to thank for introducing me to such a brilliant and catchy song.
  6. I come up with the best names for teams in video games: http://imgur.com/NoITC

    1. Vaporeon


      Dem team names.

  7. Best cellphone commercial ever:

    1. Aureity


      No wai. KT Olleh is best cellphone commercial ever.



    2. Legendary Emerald
  8. The best romance fic I've read is "The Games We Play". Rainbow Dash x "Mare Do Well". If that isn't an intriguing enough concept for you, I don't know what is. It's also very long; 100k+ words, and I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. http://www.fimfiction.net/story/3479/The-Games-We-Play As for comedy... *cough* well it falls a little short of 20k words, but I have a comedy fic that got featured on EQD. That might be worth a read if you're looking for a laugh. http://www.fimfiction.net/story/13647/The-Glowmelon-Mystery
  9. Tarby released a new song last night, and it is awesome.

  10. I went through a big 80's phase in the later half of my high school years. Most people already know the big 80's bands, so it would be pointless for me to name them here. So I might as well give some more obscure picks. Band: NRG Description: Transformers fans know this one. . Band: Green Jelly Description: "Green Jello Sucks!" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5vhFhOLCQU&hd=1
  11. Serah sat down under a nearby tree, resting her back against its trunk. From here she had a good view of all of the other ponies, and didn't have to deal with their insipid dialogue or their bodies tumbling into her. "Wake up, find out you're a pony. Do nothing but play meet and greet." Serah silently fumed. "They're all clueless. Better off figuring things out myself." Serah began to search her own thoughts for the events that had lead her to her current predicament. "Was being chased. Police. Not likely responsible for this." Serah recalled. "Then... gap in memory. Nothing but a bright green glow. Woke up a unicorn..." Serah pounded the ground with a forehoof. "Ridiculous. No simple drug has effects like this. And feels too vivid to be a dream." she thought. "Stargazing mare said we're near 'Ponyville'. Never seen that on a map. Is this even earth?" The more she thought, the more clueless she realized she was. "Wasting my time. No answers this way." she concluded. "Need a cigarette. Or someone to beat the sh*t out of."
  12. Arg, that last post of mine went through at least 5 re-writes. Writing for Serah's character? Easy. Trying to find a timeline of events from other people's posts? Not so easy. I figured I'd try to make things less complicated by just taking Serah out of the current situation she's in.
  13. “I've had about enough...” Serah had gone from trying to get answers from the food bearing pony, to being bumped into by a clumsy oaf. And now another pony, introducing herself as Ice Storm, was asking if they were all okay. Serah ignored the clumsy pony's apology, as well as the catering pony's yammering, and wheeled on the newcomer. “What sort of name is that?” Serah asked Ice Storm. “Just because you look like a pony, you've abandoned your humanity?” Serah's hind legs wobbled precariously. “My name is Serah, and I want to know why I feel like a god damned horse.” she growled, and then stormed off as best she could. Once she was a ways off, she furrowed her brow. “That's not my birth name, though. Not that I'd want to remember it, even if I could.” Serah thought to herself. “Just what the hell happened to me, anyways?”
  14. Hah, Michelle Creber and the rest of the "Saturday Night Songs" crew just got a laugh out of a tweet I wrote that was read on-air.

    1. Legendary Emerald

      Legendary Emerald

      All I did was guess "Somewhere Under the Rainbow" as the answer to the name-the-song contest while everyone else was guessing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow".

  15. Woke up and posted again. Serah continues to be a violent ass... well, pony, if you want to be literal. It seemed her only logical response to having other ponies constantly get in the way of her questioning Aurora, though. Luckily I'm not trying to write a likeable character.
  16. The answers Aurora had provided Serah with were unsatisfactory. Unfortunately, every pony and their mother seemed to want a piece of Aurora; one pony blissfully ignored Serah's presence and asked for food, and another pony actually had the nerve to apologize on Serah's behalf before abruptly departing. Her patience was wearing thin. And then a third pony walked up. "That's it. Final straw.." "Forget food; why do we all look like ponies?!' Serah roared and took a swing at Aurora's picnic basket, attempting to knock it's contents to the ground.
  17. Favorite game would have to be Sonic the Hedgehog 1 for the Genesis. It certainly wasn't my favorite growing up, but over the years I've realized just what an absolutely perfect game it is. There's a perfect balance of speed and platforming, it's the perfect length, and there are no zones that bore me like in Sonic 2 and Sonic 3 & Knuckles. As for most nostalgic Sonic game, though, it'd be a tie between Sonic Adventure 1 and 2. Those were the games that got me into the actual fandom, and got me interested in the world and characters. Plus, the gameplay was pretty great for the time, and the soundtracks were amazing; I actually own a copy of "The Best of Crush 40" (the band who provided the theme songs to both games) signed by Jun Senoue, the guitarist of the band and composer for most of the music in the two games.
  18. Okay, posted again. Wow, I was gone much longer than I'd expected or wanted to be. Decided to have Serah speak to Aurora since she clearly wasn't acting the same as the other ponies who'd just woken up. Also, I really liked your first post, Scoots.
  19. Serah surveyed all of the various pony breeds as they awoke; most followed a pattern of talking to themselves in panic, followed by an attempt to make acquaintances with one another. Something in Serah's eyes must have warned off any potential greetings, because the only pony to even begin to approach her quickly backed off. Serah listened in some of the conversations, and concluded that none of the ponies who'd awoken in the field were aware of what had happened to them. However, one pony's words which were only half-heard stuck out to her. “Doesn't seem surprised. Which either means she's used to the effects of the drug, or didn't take it but knows of it's effects.” Serah surmised. “Time for answers.” Serah reared back on her hind legs and managed some semblance of normal human posture. She took a few shaky towards the white pony and narrowed her eyes. “Who are you, and where are we?” she asked in a low growl, body language tense and ready to strike.
  20. *Wakes up at 1 am* "Ah, I can't wait to see how many notifications I have now that the RP started up!" *Clicks on MLP Forums bookmark: 20 notifications.* "That's too many notifications!" *Writing this post; two more notifications pops up.* "I'm never going to have time to post in this RP again, am I?" --- Off I go to catch up on the RP threadinz. UPDATE: Okay, I'm all caught up on the thread... but now I need to leave the house for a few hours. Be back later, everyone. I'll try to post again in the thread as soon as possible.
  21. Write a song based on the following line: Mom's Piss Smells Like Spaghetti

    1. VladmireV.S.(Crank)


      challenge accepted:3

    2. Molester Man

      Molester Man

      Moooooooooom's piss... (Acoustic guitar solo) smells liiiiiike... Spaghettiiiiiiiiiiiiii.

    3. Bronium


      LIfe's a bitch! Life's a bitch!

      Life's a bitch, but keep on trucking!

  22. Serah felt warm; a pleasant change from waking up chilled to the bone in a dirty alleyway. But just because the morning had decided to treat her with some semblance of good will didn't make her want to greet it any time soon. She was tired, and needed whatever rest she could get. But soon, more feelings came to her. Grass tickled her nose, and the ground was much too soft for concrete. And the heat was far too intense, seeming to come from inside of her as well as out. Now fully alert, Serah's eyes shot open. A thick mass of the most vibrant grass imaginable clouded her vision, and only ended where the rich blue horizon began. She tried to push herself up off of the ground, but her movements were sluggish and uncoordinated, and she ended up flopped over on her side. “Drugged?” she mumbled to herself, leaning her head over to look up. There was no one around; just the grass, some scattered trees, and a tan horse that was talking to itself. “A horse talking to itself.” Serah ran that last part by herself again. She sighed, laying her head back down. “Definitely drugged...” She lay still as she tried to process this new information, and kept per ears pierced for the sound of approaching footsteps. The only noises to be heard came from the horse, but that didn't put her at ease. “Can't trust surroundings. Clearly suffering from an altered mind state; explains the fire in my gut, too.” Serah thought to herself. “Whoever drugged me hasn't noticed I'm awake yet, it seems. Have to strike fast.” Unfortunately, moving fast was something her body did not want to do at the moment. Her limbs bicycled aimlessly, and she tried shifting her weight over. After a few moments she managed to right herself, more out of luck than anything else, and was able to get a better look at the small but talkative horse. “Not just a talking horse; a talking unicorn pony.” she mused. “I wonder...” Serah managed to maneuver her hand up to her forehead. Her eyes betrayed no emotion as a red hoof appeared where her hand and arm should have been, and she felt a long, hard protrusion coming from her head. “Insane. If they can make this drug, why not sell it instead of using it as a knockout?” she wondered. “Unless these aren't just any assholes I'm dealing with...” Knowing now that the body she felt herself in was not her own, Serah made the mental adjustments necessary to get all four of her limbs placed firmly on the soil, and lifted herself up to her full height. The other unicorn still seemed to be talking to herself, and hadn't noticed Serah yet. Serah saw that they weren't as alone as she thought; many other ponies, some of the pegasus and unicorn variety, littered the field. Another one of them woke up, this one of the lime green variety, and with a controller of some sorts adorning his flanks. Serah decided to check her own rear, and saw a twisted flame symbol resting upon her flank. At the same time, she noticed a shocking pink ponytail, clearly connected to her head and serving as her mane. A similar pink tail trailed behind her. “The more things change, the more they stay the same...” "Just what the hell am I...? And what is going on?" the tan pony asked aloud, the first words Serah had bothered to pay attention to. “She doesn't know either?” Serah thought. “Could be a trick; can't let my guard down.”
  23. Heh, I've been writing my first post since the thread opened. I'm just taking way too long and writing far too much. All in all, a usual post for me in Shifted. Edit: Okay, got my post done. Damn, there goes my last hour before having to sleep. And since this is Shifted, I'll probably read it again tomorrow and find a bunch of stuff to change or edit in it. Also, Electrobolt, I liked your post, but it might make your posts read easier if you don't include more than two spots of dialogue per paragraph; if you have to put anything in quotes or asterisks in the middle of the paragraph, you should probably re-write things so that the thing in quotes/asterisks takes place at the end of the paragraph, or is the start of a new paragraph. And in this paragraph, I have written the word paragraph far too many times. Paragraph paragraph paragraph! And one more just to make it ten... paragraph!
  24. I just found and read the thread a minute or two before you posted this. And now that you have, I've learned a nifty little way to call people's attention to something I've posted. This "@[member= thing" might come in handy some day.
  25. My mother used to be a big gamer. I still have her old NES, SNES, and N64 in working condition. And I remember watching her play through Final Fantasy VII in its entirety when I was in second grade. Nowadays with her work schedule, she doesn't have much time to play games, and when she does it's usually of the arcade variety.
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