How long had this pony been watching her? Did she know what Serah had been planning? Wait, had she called it a library?
"Uh, yes, I am." Serah turned around unnaturally quickly and answered, thinking on her hooves. "I wasn't sure if this was a library though. It looks very... lived in."
"Oh, well, that's because it is." the mare who had confronted her was a purple unicorn, and she giggled before finishing her answer. "I live here. My name's Twilight Sparkle."
Twilight extended a hoof, and Serah shook it awkwardly.
"What's your name?" the purple mare asked curiously when Serah didn't give her name as well.
"Serah. Anastos." Serah calmed herself. This mare didn't seem to suspect anything, so she figured giving her name would be of no harm.
"Huh, that's a funny sounding name. Oh, no offense though." Twilight apologized for her faux pas with a repentant smile. "But um, yeah, this is my home, but its still a library first and foremost. I'd be happy to help you find anything you're looking for."
Serah desperately wanted to decline the invitation; this mare was being far too cheerful and nice towards someone she had just met. But on the other hand, it was a way of getting into the treehouse. Perhaps she'd be able to escape out one of the windows and hide in the branches like she'd planned. Make the best out of the situation without drawing any more suspicion to herself.
"Alright." she eventually replied, forming the plan in her mind.
"Okay then, come on in." Twilight responded, opening the unlocked door and leading Serah in. Serah looked behind her before she entered, and saw Six watching her with a bemused expression on his face. She wasn't sure why, but she cursed him where he stood. Somehow, this was all his fault.
(OOC: How does this thead have over 200 views, and only 45 posts? My viewing the thread doesn't count each time, so where are all these views coming from?)