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Everything posted by DerpyTacos99

  1. I've loved pokemon since I was a child. I got it when it first came out. I love all the generations a lot, but here's my ranked order: 1. Gen 3 2. Gen 1 3. Gen 5 4. Gen 2 5. Gen 4
  2. Well, I saw it as being turned back into Luna made her positive memories of being with her sister resurface (her saying I missed you big sister). Plus, I thinks being affected directly by the EOH (as seen with this, discord, and sunset shimmer) has a powerful effect. Luna learned what true friendship was, by having the mane six use it on her. Discord reformed, and I think it was also partly due to this. Sunset shimmer realized what she had been doing was wrong, after having this done to her. The same way the mane six turned all of Ponyville upside down by being disconnected in magical mystery cure, the same way they reenacted the fires of friendship in hearths warming eve. I think the bond these six represent transcends whatever was plaguing these villains. Luna's jealousy was due to sadness and wanting to be loved as seen in Luna eclipsed, but it turned into hate. Discord was selfish, and didn't know what it meant to really have a friend. Sunset shimmer thought she had to use power and tyranny to get others to follow her, because she didn't know how to do it any other way. These were all individuals that could understand the magic of friendship if they were given a chance. Someone like King Sombra, however, I think is incapable of that. I think his level of evil transcends the others.
  3. This is something I've been contemplating ever since I was a child. The thought of it always entranced me and left me in wonder. Yet, it's never turned into desperation or being a hopeless romantic. Sure I've entertained the thought of being in love, but I still haven't found a situation where it just feels "right" yet. It's more like, it's something that's ever present in the back of my mind. I've never had a girlfriend before, but I'm not impatient. I'm happy for you, and for everyone else that's found it. Congratulations!
  4. Hi there it's nice to meet you! I'm positive you'll enjoy your stay. Yay for muffins!
  5. There is never not a MLP song stuck in my head. Right now it's The Failure Song. And if its not a MLP song, then it's probably a song from Kingdom Hearts or Dragonball Z.
  6. I didn't go trick or treating last year because I was too lazy, but this year I'm going for it! I don't know whether to do something MLP related or not. I don't think it go over well. I guess I'll just dress up as Pac Man... Again... Hahaha And then afterwards, spend the rest of the night watching Tim Burton's A Nightmare Before Christmas with my family. It's a tradition.
  7. Hey everyone, I also really like this game. I don't know how to add people or anything like that, not sure what my username is.. Haha oh well I only need a few more magic to get the final harmony stone in Ponyville. I have to say I'm starting to go crazy from all of the rocks and dead trees everywhere. It's completely destroying my town.
  8. Lay in bed and question my existence, and fall into despair. I usually get so tired of it after a short while that I just have to find something positive to do.
  9. Hey, now are you doing? I came across your profile through one of your threads. Would you like to be friends?

    1. DerpyTacos99


      I meant "how" are you doing.. Haha

    2. BlueVeil


      Sure:) if you want that is

    3. DerpyTacos99


      Of course. I always like making new friends.

  10. Time to walk the puppy around the block with my chimi cherry changa shirt. :)

    1. Starlight Sky

      Starlight Sky

      Hahaha, have fun! Seeing all the awesome mlp shirts lately (via your tumblr and the random person I passed) has me considering some. I'll focus on cards for now though :P

    2. DerpyTacos99


      WeLoveFine makes them all. They're really wonderful shirts. ;)

    3. Keyfur
  11. Hi I just stumbled upon your profile. Discord is great! I wish you luck with your novels and screenplays being sent out :)

    1. DiscordAnarchy


      Why thank you! And As Discord is great in terms of chaos, Fluttershy is just as great being kawaii! Thanks for the good luck ^_^ Ever wanna chat, hit me up!

  12. Welcome and I hope you enjoy your time here! it's a pretty neat place. And happy belated birthday!
  13. Nice to meet you!

    1. Tenor Octave99

      Tenor Octave99

      nice to meet ya to thanks my name is tony short for anthony


  14. Yeah, up until that song I liked Pinkie Pie and all, but that song made me see her in a whole new light. It's really changed her character for me.
  15. Welcome! I hope you enjoy yourself here, and I hope you make a lot of new friends. I also became a fan recently, back in June. If you ever wanna chat feel free to message me.
  16. Unfortunately I live way too far from BronyCon to get their easily. Congrats on the card, too bad about the poster though. I saw a LOT of posts on Facebook about people's cards and posters being completely bent and destroyed with that particular order. I got mine off eBay. I also have two extra Series 2 F42 Princess Twilight cards I might trade in the future, but I'm not sure what for.
  17. How's everything going lately? Just wanted to ask, do you play any video games?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. DerpyTacos99


      Haha actually I just started them last week. :P

    3. Fluffy Pinkie

      Fluffy Pinkie

      Oh :P, i really wouldn't mind doing some stuff like that

    4. DerpyTacos99


      Yeah they really help a lot when it comes to making your mind and body feel more connected and healthier. It's also pretty tiring though.

  18. Wow, your bio is so meaningful. If you ever want to chat, I'd be glad to. Want to be friends?

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. DerpyTacos99


      Yeah, sometimes it feels like there's dozens of "me" in my mind all with different points of view. I think everyone feels that way sometimes. The hard part is accepting all of those different "yous" as being just parts of who you are.

    3. Sylvester


      I concur, though instead of accepting it I distract myself with anything I can. I love music, it's ability to portray emotions, and influence them...

    4. DerpyTacos99


      I couldn't agree more.

  19. I should be updating my Tumblr with detailed pics of the MLP Monopoly and Memory games but I'm too lazy... But I must, I must, I must....

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Starlight Sky

      Starlight Sky

      Ah! Is "ponyvillefriends" the name of the blog, then? I mistook it for your username :P

    3. DerpyTacos99


      Yep, my blog is Ponyvillefriends. I also have a personal one but its pretty lame. I'm looking forward to seeing the updates on your collection. :)

    4. Starlight Sky

      Starlight Sky

      Not sure what I'd do with a "personal" one either. Facebook first comes to mind, so I'll stick to sharing thoughts and posting mlp-related stuff, too :3 And thanks for the support! It's making my urge to write glow ever bright. Gonna try finish most of my work tonight :)

  20. I like your avatar, how did you make it?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DerpyTacos99


      What's that? Never heard of it. Is that what everyone uses to make those pony avatars I keep seeing?

    3. HeroSparks


      Mhmm, there are a ton of different mane and tail styles, wings, eyes, expressions. Colors and sizes are adjustable. You have to import your own cutie mark though

    4. DerpyTacos99


      Thanks ill look it up. :)

  21. Hi it's nice to meet you! That's a really cool avatar! I hope you enjoy your stay and you're bound to meet some great people here.
  22. Nice to meet you and welcome! I really hope you enjoy your time here. You'll find it's a great place to meet some great people.
  23. It's a good way to express yourself. Also, other people can find your posts easily if you give them accurate tags, which means making yourself known is pretty easy too. You can also make a private blog too. It's pretty neat. I have a MLP one on my profile page if you want to see an example (it's not that big of a deal though..). Tumblr is also really image friendly, so if you want to upload lots of images, it's the way to go.
  24. I'm glad MLP has made you happier, it did the same for me too :) would you like to be friends?

    1. SkyStorm


      I can't believe I havnt seen this until now *facepalm* hahahahah sure we can be friends! This is the latest reply if ever made XD sorry!

  25. Even if I did meet another fan in real life, I don't think I'd be able to find anything to talk about without choking up. Oh no.. Just thinking about it is makings choke up. Haha... :)

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Skeletor Brony

      Skeletor Brony

      Callin' me an idiot?! >_< ehem... Sorry.

    3. DerpyTacos99


      @Sweetie-Belle Yum, cupcakes. I like muffins as well. :)

      @Blue Bay Good point. I guess I won't know what its like until it happens. ;)

    4. HeroSparks


      @Kaza Weekdays I have class and homework almost all day, Friday I go to class then straight to work, and work all day on the weekend. It gets really tiring but I'm going to ask for a day off soon so I can sleep and rest some.

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