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Everything posted by DerpyTacos99

  1. You know what really gets me? I'm a gaming enthusiast, so I want to support these developers right? So I buy a 3DS and a PS Vita the day they're released, and then they release 3DS XL, 2DS, and now a Vita Slim. I'm not making that mistake with the PS4... Anywho, I can say that the graphics aren't that different from the way it originally looked. I say that in a good way. It looks exactly the way it should, just sharper and more detailed, without taking away its atmosphere like other HD remakes sometimes do. Also, I was worried about what Sora and Ansem would look like since they replaced their old models with their KH3D models. Sora is barely any different, Ansem looks a little off but it's not a big deal either. The gameplay changes are much appreciated, such as changing the bottom command to Triangle. All in all, I'd say its a faithful remake. The music is all redone, but it just sounds enhanced rather than taking away any atmosphere or anything like that. I'm going to give up on Level 1 Proud Mode. It's just way too insane. I could manage Level 1 Critical Mode in KH2FM, but not this game...
  2. Well, when I said I cried, I meant more like a happy, tears of joy sort of thing. Maybe I cry too easily... Haha Interesting responses, I also really like BBBFF. I'm a big brother with some younger siblings, and I feel like I can relate. Another absolute favorite song of mine is Equestria Girls, it just makes me feel so empowered, happy, and inspired. Oh, oh, and another song that gets to me is Becoming Popular. It shows Rarity's whole struggle between doing what she's always dreamed of, and still trying to stay connected to her friends. The first time I saw it, I teared up at the end when Rarity walks back into her room, saying I'm the type of pony everypony should.... Knooooow.... And fell asleep while starting to work on Twilights dress. It was very sweet and sad at the same time.
  3. Discordian, do you read the sonic comic? In my opinion, it has a storyline more equivalent to SA and SA2, and an art style similar to it to boot. Although in recent issues, it's shifted from the way it used to be, which is alright too. My favorite period though is Sonic issue 160-222, and Sonic Universe 1-44. If you haven't tried it, I think Sonic Universe issue 1 is free on some downloadable markets.
  4. Ouch... I feel your pain. I spend an hour making a whole garden and planting perfect apple trees, and the next day some frog just throws it all away. Gee, thanks buddy! I mean, it's not like I'm the MAYOR or something! The mayor needs more power!
  5. I could go into so much detail about how much I've worked out and contemplated every inch of the KH storyline, but ill withhold the urge... Did you hear the latest announcement by Square? They said to not expect KH3 "any time soon", and knowing their habit to take a long time to release games, that probably means a really really REALLY long time...
  6. The Sonic games after SA 1 and 2 are good in their own ways, but I've noticed a lack of focus on storytelling. I think because of the bad response they got from Sonic 2006, they decided to remove the storyline element of the series and keep it simple.
  7. Kingdom Hearts is my favorite franchise... I played the original Japanese final mix and played KH2 Final Mix. I've played every game in the series also. Aside from Clayton, two other bosses that always gave me trouble were Giant Ursula and Riku-Ansem. I've gotten the hang of them now due to years of practice, but Level 1 is just crazy. So have you played KH 3D? If so, what did you think of its storyline?
  8. I hear you.. The gorillas aren't as fun as some of the other villagers. Have you gotten the toy hammer in new leaf? You can get it from the island. It's by far the best way to beat on villagers you don't like... Although I don't do it too often.
  9. I find almost every song touches my heart in some way, but my favorite is Pinkie's Smile Song. The song itself is just so beautiful, the whole concept of Pinkie devoting her life to making her friends smile and be happy, and that it's what makes her life worthwhile, just make me feel really great. However, it didn't necessarily make me cry. I did cry when I listened to A True True Friend though, because I just found it especially beautiful. I always tear up when I get to this part: Come on ponies, I wanna see you SMILE! and everyone shouts Pinkie!! in unison. The song as a whole represents how much they all care for each other and how far they're willing to go to set their destinies right, and that final part just shows how much these 6 mean to everyone else in Ponyville too. Especially in Pinkie's case, it shows how meaningful her Smile song really is. I always start off my day listening to those two songs while I walk my puppy.
  10. I got it the day it came out, art book and all. I watched all of the 358/2 Days cutscenes already, and I enjoyed them a lot. I started a Level 1 Proud Mode challenge, and I can't get past Clayton! I barely manage to make it past his first phase, but him and the Stealth Sneak just prove to be too much for me. It brings me back to the old days back in 2002 when I was first playing, and I couldn't get past Clayton on my first playthrough... Any tips? If not, what are your experiences?
  11. Gamma. His ending really stuck with me.. It was quite touching. The final boss was so intense, fighting his own brother... And his playthrough as a whole was really emotional to me..
  12. I'm playing it too, and it's my favorite franchise as well! I watched all of 358 already, and I'm attempting a Level 1 Proud mode run... But I can't get past Clayton...
  13. I also really like AC... Been playing since WW came out, although I went back and played PG too... I generally like the wolf and cat townspeople... I try to get them into my town as often as possible.
  14. This is part of my collection... The rest is on my MLP Tumblr blog if you want to see it... The pink and white deck boxes hold two demo decks of the CCG, and the binders hold my collection of series 1 (complete) and series 2 (complete aside from unreleased promos) trading cards. I sleep with a different plush each night...
  15. I got my hooves on two demo decks from eBay, and I have to say I really love this card game! I've never played card games before, and I just started playing this and Pokemon at the same time. I can't wait for the full game to come out in November. Maybe once I get more comfortable, which may or may not happen by November, I can even attend meet ups and play the game with some others. The game is rather complicated at first glance, but I watched a video on YouTube by Friendship is Card Games (or card games are magic... one or the other...) and they helped a lot.
  16. I like Pokemon too... Are you getting Pokemon X or Y?

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    2. DerpyTacos99


      Well, I think mega evolution works like this: you have a pokemon hold their mega evolution stone, and at the start of the battle they will evolve into it... I think. Water types are also my favorite starter, I've always chosen them (except for DP, I chose fire), and I agree the fire and grass look cool too. Have you seen all of their second forms yet? They revealed what their first evolutions look like today.

    3. Tonku


      Ahh Ive seen the fake forms people have been drawing, but I don't think ive seen any of their evolutions. Gotta link? D:

      As for starter choice yeah the waters were always the coolest ones. (i always liked every second evolution best though) and the only time ive chosen another starter besides water would be Red and that was Charmander ahah. From the newer games its been water though mostly. Also ahh that would make sense then if they held something to mega-evolution hummm.

    4. DerpyTacos99
  17. I've only been a fan since June but I can't begin to count how much merchandise I've bought... Anyway, the most expensive thing I've bought was a special double card lot on eBay for $300. It was the Series 1 Rainbow Dash promo card and a Series 2 Pinkie Pie collectors box autographed card. For a single item though, the most expensive would be the Series 1 Rarity promo card for $280.
  18. Hi.. This is my first post outside of the welcome area.. I went to build a bear workshop and I got Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash. There were some young girls on line giving me strange looks, since I'm a 20 year old guy wearing a Luna shirt, Pinkie pie necklace, and holding Twilight and Rainbow... But I didn't mind. Anyway, I felt too embarrassed to do any of the ceremonies at the shop... But I went to sleep with both of them and told them that I wished they could become two of my very best friends forever... And I couldn't be happier with them. I can't wait for Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie... I heard they would both be available later this year.
  19. Hi... I'm new too, just joined today. It's nice to meet you... I also really like the movie.
  20. Thank you... I'll try not to be so overly sensitive, but it's been a part of me since I was very young. I've never actually done much socializing on the Internet or real life, so this is a big step for me. I was only able to muster up this much courage thanks to MLP; its helped me see things in a different light, and has really helped me to try and better myself... Thanks again for your warm welcomes...
  21. Hi.. I really like MLP and I started watching it back in June. I'm male and 20 years old. I'm hoping to maybe find some friends here, but I'm not sure if I can.... It's hard for me to even be able to type this much. I'm really, really nervous and sensitive. In fact, I'm not sure if I even have the courage to post anywhere but here... I don't really know what to say. So... Nice to meet you....
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