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Posts posted by AtomicStone

  1. On 8/18/2019 at 10:17 PM, Sherbert MGS said:

    I don't drive, I don't have a licence as I am too young,
    problem is all the world pretty much drives on the wrong side of the road


    Well you've got to try after all, 
    Autism isn't like blocking the driving lessons or anything

    This is true.

    I have Autism and had serious confidence issues before I passed my test, it's been a challenge but it doesn't mean we are less able than anyone else out there. It may take more time for certain people, but it's not like there is a time limit.

  2. Haven't seen a thread elsewhere for this game, forgive me if I've missed it.

    Anypony else been playing this, im absolutely hooked although I'm not that great at the game.

    I was also hoping to get a group or some sort of club set up so that we could play together sometime. Let me know if anyone is interested so I can hopefully set something up.


  3. Anypony looking forward to this releasing next week? 

    I've managed to get some time in on the open beta and I've got to say I'm really impressed!

    Being a big fan of Dragonball, I've been waiting for this game since it's announcement last summer, so hyped!! ^_^


  4. Brighton started life in the premier league this Saturday (still hasnt sunk in yet that we've actually made it!) with a 2-0 loss to Manchester city. Wasn't expecting a result against the favourites to win the league this year. Regardless of the outcome, I'm just gonna enjoy the ride.. 

  5. Atomic1425 is my username, please let me know that you are from the forums after adding so that I know where you are from.


    I am from the UK so my time zone may be different from some around here but I am usually on in the evenings after work.

    Hopefully looking for some bronies to chat and perhaps voice call with sometime, unfortunately I don't get too much of an opportunity to talk about the show in real life so I am hoping that I can make some more friends on here to make up for that.

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