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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Skylar

  1. Skylar

    mega thread Answer the question above you.

    Two users above me are blocked, answering Lightwing : On PC What came first, the chicken or the egg?
  2. wow my head is pounding atm... grrr >_< how you all doing?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Doc. Volt

      Doc. Volt

      eh friend... read my status update... basically parents again... sigh... i want to go away :( do you have a small place for me around there? i need a tiny space... i am used to baracks :D meh... nah jocking aside, i am thinking about renting a room near the university

    3. Doc. Volt

      Doc. Volt


      friend... read my status update... basically parents again... sigh... i

      want to go away :( do you have a small place for me around there? i

      need a tiny space... i am used to baracks :D meh... nah jocking aside, i

      am thinking about renting a room near the university

    4. PurplePony


      Hope you get feelin better

  3. wow my head is pounding atm... grrr >_< how you all doing?

    1. yeet


      take a pain killer thingy, and im doing alright.

    2. Moonbacon


      Brechard you mean aspirin

    3. yeet


      yeah, i say pain killer.

  4. *Face plants with boredom* urghhhh

    1. yeet


      play doge miner

    2. Moonbacon


      i am very bored too

    3. GrauWitz


      Play Antichamber, it's the biggest mindfuck out there and the best remedy for boredom!

  5. back from the shops, now got some mini eggs, nom nom :)

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Serbon div

      Serbon div

      Commercialism ftw.

    3. GrauWitz



      And I thought Christmas was the only holiday that was commercialised three months in advance :)

    4. Lightning Bliss

      Lightning Bliss

      Nope they do it for Valentines, St. Patricks', Thanksgiving, Halloween, 4th of July, the works lol

  6. *Looks back at his posts / messages from two or three months ago* Yep... things really were better back then, oh well :P

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. GrauWitz



      Despised by a lot of people?.... I think you're exaggerating just a little bit there

    3. Doc. Volt

      Doc. Volt

      sorry man :( my fault too maybe :(

    4. Skylar


      @ Antics, trust me , Im not :P


      and no volt not your fault xD

  7. Hows everyone doing? :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Skylar


      Awww :( *holds out his arms to hug you* got a cold or something? = /

    3. SkyHeart


      Yup... I'm all stuffy and such. ^^ but I'm gettin better

    4. Skylar


      ah that sucks, glad your getting better , still trying ot get over this darn ear infection here :P

  8. Good morning :)

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Doc. Volt

      Doc. Volt

      maow *lies on the bed panting*

    3. Skylar


      *Lays next to you on the bed and cuddles* You seemed to like that xD

    4. Doc. Volt

      Doc. Volt

      uh? nope *blushes a little*

  9. good night :) *curls up into a ball* :P

    1. Doc. Volt

      Doc. Volt

      meow! *curls around you and closes your ears* goodnight skillie!!! i wub you! *licks your neck*

    2. Skylar


      wub you too xD *Snuggles into you and licks back* =]

    3. longgone


      D'aww xP


      Goodnight x3

  10. should probably go to bed, but not much point when im going to be woken up in 5 hours by builders xD What you all up too?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Skylar


      Might just pull an all nighter, cant make me feel much more tired xD

    3. Midnight Scribbler

      Midnight Scribbler

      You'za crazy pony. XD

      Nah, I've done it too. :P I spent a straight 12 hours playing games before XD

    4. Doc. Volt

      Doc. Volt

      spent 16 hours to study before an exam... got asleep in train.. woke up at Venice instead of Padova... lost the exam arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. so..go to sleep now XD


      btw.. just drawing stupid ponies shoooting each others on my hand with this pen

  11. bored bored :P what you all up too?

    1. Show previous comments  44 more
    2. Skylar


      *Cuddles you and strokes your neck* Daaaw poor drunk volty :P

    3. Doc. Volt

      Doc. Volt

      but i do not want cuddles! meow

    4. Doc. Volt

      Doc. Volt

      but i do not want cuddles! meow

  12. My first kiss was with my best friend at the time. We used to be made to go to sunday school which sucked but it was alot more bearable with her around During one of the lessons she kept rubbing her leg against mine under the table and smiling at me which got my blood pumping a bit xD While we were sat talking outside the community centre sat on the railings we randomly looked at each other the same time and thats when it happened, just a single fairly long kiss, have to say it felt pretty amazing We had a relationship for a while but it didn't go that far and we just became friends again until I moved house recently, now we lost contact But as for the feelings, can't say much really, was just like a mind blank of ecstasy is all I can describe it ^__^
  13. Maow? :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GrauWitz


      It's "Meow" btw

      Anywho, *strokes Skykitty*


    3. Lightwing


      Meow :3

      *curls into a ball*

    4. Crimson


      "Bark!" goes the cat :3

  14. how you all doing? :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Doc. Volt

      Doc. Volt

      unisually happy even if i should not but i don't give a buck anymore!

    3. GrauWitz


      Horrendous. Had a bad day in P.E (it was soccer)

      How're you?

    4. Satsuki Kiryuin
  15. @@Lightning Bliss, *He looks at her for a few seconds, her mane blowing in the stiff breeze coming in from the window behind her. Their eyes meet for only a few seconds, but seems like an eternity to his mind. Slowly he raises to his feet, his sleek black mane gently blowing away from his face, with each step he continues to stare at his beloved friend, even in her current state still looking as beautiful as ever. Memories of their past flash through his mind and time around them seems to slow as he comes to a halt in front of her, his blue eyes moving side to side as he looks into hers, his heart full of affection and caring. He gently brushes away the tangled mane from her face and wipes away the tears from her red cheeks , again not saying a word for a few moments, just feeling once again the power and strength of their bond* Bliss.... *His eyes well up slightly with a motion but he keeps himself composed, not letting his feelings and emotions overcome him, he speaks softly* I see none of those things *He smiles a little seeing her confused look and continues* I see you. I see the most caring and amazing pony who I have ever had the good fortune to come across during my short life. *He gently takes her hoof in his and keeps smiling* I can honestly say from the bottom of my heart that I have never come across somepony who really has changed my life so much for the better *His mind wanders back to the months before their first encounter, images flash in his mind of the days he would spend alone sat on the clouds watching other ponies going about their business, a time where all hope seemed to have faded from his world* .... I used to feel so alone, not a friend in the world until I met you *Sniffs and grins a little* Sure at first I remember we barely got along and butted heads more than once but *Places her hoof where is heart is and smiles at her* now... *he looks into her eyes again, his heart full of words that could not be spoken, he sighs a little and nuzzles her* I love you like a true sister Bliss.... I really do Look *He slowly turns with her and points outside the window towards the Yacht, lines of guards dressed in their gleaming gold and purple armor of the gryphon empire patrol the decks and the docks beyond awaiting their arrival, he turns back to her and smiles* All of this is for YOU blissy, all these creatures today came here to see you... doesn't that say something about how much you are cared about ? *He brushes her mane again gently and chuckles a little* Look how far you have come, gone from being a lone mare who had all but given up on finding happiness, confined to a life of loneliness and anger, suffered through years of abuse at the hands of others and had more than your fair share of tragedies... but yet your still here.... *The wind blows his mane across his face slightly and he brushes it away, hearing the large beat of wings he looks outside to see Night Lights flying high above the castle with his mother Pyra, their scales gleaming in the afternoon sun, he smiles and turns back to her* You now have a husband who loves you and makes you happy * Grins at her and gives a little sigh* If you want the truth then he is the luckiest dragon alive *His cheeks go red a little as he speaks* What im trying to say is... *His words choke in his throat a little and he clears it before looking into her eyes* If we had met under different situations... in a different time... maybe in another life... *Grins and clears his throat again, his heart full of longing but at the same time his mind full of the knowledge that it could never be, he smiled again, trying not to portray his true feelings* Who knows... but every day I thank Celestia for allowing me the chance to have been able to meet some pony like you *squeezes her hooves a little and grins* As long as you don't forget about me as you get even more popular among the different species, then I will always be there for you *He wraps his hooves around her and hugs gently, closing his eyes as he continues speaking, the breeze entangling their manes slightly* Everything in this world happens for a reason, sometimes we are dealt a hand that we aren't happy with but the power is within us all to make the best of our situation, as the pressure begins to mount we often forget about the small things in life that used make us happy, we forget to look at the wonders all around us, the beauty and complexity of it all... we forget about the things most important to us... *He smiles at her before continuing* All we can do is keep on going and smile in the face of adversity, and when we feel like coming to the end of our tether just stop, hold up our hoof, take a breath and focus on the reasons of why we are here and remember the ones we love *Squeezes her hoof and a tear trickles down her cheek* However much it means coming from me I will never forget about you nor let you go through these things alone, even if the day should come that we can never speak to each other again then I will always remember you and what you have done for me *He sniffs a little and stares out of the window, the sunlight causing his tears to shimmer and sparkle, he grins as he looks out at the clear blue waters beyond, listening to the gulls calling and the ponies clamouring around, he takes a deep breath of the salty ocean air before turning back to her* I love you Bliss, we all do, never forget how much you mean to us and that you are never alone in this world, and somewhere out there your father is watching you... and I know he must be the proudest stallion whoever lived right now *He stops speaking as his words choke up in his throat, desperately trying not to cry in front of her , he clears his throat and grins, brushing his mane away from his face a little as they continue to look at each other, the breeze still fluttering their manes*
  16. There is one person, from this site, but im not going to name names
  17. Oh brain and heart, I really hate you sometimes xD

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Skylar


      *Looks down at aero resting on your chest, brushes his mane gently and smiles* =]

    3. Aerodynas


      Nothing wrong with being who you are Skyly ^_^ *gently wraps hooves around him before snuggling against your chest slowly*

    4. Skylar


      *Keeps cuddling and smiles* Having a big heart is a bad thing sometimes :P *Keeps nuzzling you and hold you close* Your very cuddly tonight :)

  18. I really need to start talking to more people on skype :P

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Skylar


      Yeah and your 13, no offence but I talk to people around my age really :P

    3. GrauWitz
    4. Malinter


      theres always me. :P

  19. Bored, what you guys up too? :)

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Skylar


      Nah :P


      *Cuddles lightwing*

    3. rainbowdashbrony1


      You, can't be that bored, Skylar come see my Rainboom stunt show tonight Equestria time at Luna Moon pacific ! Where we had Hooves light savings time later !

    4. rainbowdashbrony1


      You, can't be that bored, Skylar come see my Rainboom stunt show tonight Equestria time at Luna Moon pacific ! Where we had Hooves light savings time later !

  20. cuddles? :D

    1. Show previous comments  23 more
    2. Lightwing


      *starts to sound Boss Theme*https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQvJtPM1Ozo&app=desktop

      Then we'l have to fight for the right to cuddle with him!!!! >:(

    3. Doc. Volt

      Doc. Volt

      :( sigh.. skilar wants love not fight.. keep him *lies on the ground sobbing*
    4. Lightwing


      Look...we can...share him,but that'sthat in" alone all the day,and seeing you both makes me...jeallous...

      You can keep him...

      *starts to leave*

  21. help volt is having bad thoughts about me xD

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. GrauWitz



      Vhat are you drawing? Knowing you, it's gonna be epic!




    3. Doc. Volt

      Doc. Volt

      ok finish the drawn but my mobile got stuck again

    4. Satsuki Kiryuin

      Satsuki Kiryuin

      Leave me alone. QnQ

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