This Diary was found a few days ago it dates back to over 1010 years ago... It was by a pony race called the Thunder Ponies Celestia didn't allow them to be known the army was powerful. A few pages were found the others we don't know about.
Day 42 1003,
I hate having to go in the barracks training other Thunder ponies but I could tell they were scared some of them had to go back home and protect families it's sad because this war was started by Sombra and none of us could dare fight him. The Queen has had a new pony one that she says will save this kingdom and its war. We think it is a secret weapon not a child. They also say it had something weird like something was put inside this baby...
Day 43 1003,
Finally Celestia decided for a few 1000 men to go out and fight we have tons of expectations and if they need back up the king will take double their army and the Crystal ponies might help. I got a letter from my family about the new prince. Lightning was going to be his name and the Queen already played a few games with him so were guessing its going to be Prince Lightning Game. If we do win tons of ponies will celebrate. Sadly our kind can't celebrate his birth.
Day 44 1003,
All hail Prince Lightning Game! the name we thought of came true. Hopefully he doesn't die and does rule on. If he does he would be a great leader. The King has ordered about 50,000 men to go with him. 1000 of them being doctors and the rest being soldiers who are brave and will die with dignity.
This is one of the pages we found we found a few more about 5 years later but the war could of resulted to the end of the Thunder people.
Day 1868 1008,
The prince is alive and well for his Birthday. Sadly the King isn't. He's been cursed by Sombra himself. The king manages to hurt Sombra but Sombra brought more pain. The King has told his son who was offically 28 on the day he was cursed to take control of the army. Lightning Game heard the news and is at the hospital playing with his dad. Sure hope the king wins.
Day 1892 1008,
R.I.P. to the king of the Thunder Kingdom he passed away when his son told him about him getting a crown and how the son would avenge his dad if he died. On the word died his dad passed out. All we know is Lightning Game is a sad prince.
This is Part 1. Part 2 would come out real soon!